Chapter 285 The Three Lives

Under the irradiation of this white light beam, Xiao Lin couldn’t move at all.

This was not due to the Movement Technique, but simply because of the murderous aura and oppression on Xing Tian’s body, all condensed in the light beam, making it extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

“Miscellaneous fish, don’t try to dodge the three lives of the Sajia family.”

Xing Tian said with a sneer: “The truth of the Three Lives is refined by the undead of the Sajia family who have slaughtered countless people, gods, and demons over hundreds of millions of years.”

“It is absolutely impossible for you to break free and dodge with such an immature fire. I still think of a way to resist it. Don’t die too fast, so I’m so excited!”

“An unavoidable attack?”

The moment Xiao Lin was astonished, the white light had already hit the headless god’s chest heavily.

He is connected with the five senses of the headless god. The headless god was hit by the white light, and Xiao Lin’s body seemed to have been severely injured, and he couldn’t help groaning in pain.

Although this Xing Tian was manipulating Spirit Power to attack, Xiao Lin, who was proficient in all the spiritual skills of the human race, was completely unheard of and had never seen it.

Is this the attack method that the oldest human race in Cangwu Continent mastered hundreds of millions of years ago?

“Second Qi!”

A frantic smile appeared at the corner of Xing Tian’s mouth, and his right palm slammed out after him.

The magic light ball on the right side of his body also burst out a black beam, both in speed and lethality, far faster than the just Spiritual Qi beam.

“Yin & Yang double shield!”

Xiao Lin gritted his teeth and had to condense the spirit and ghost in his body, condensing a light shield of black and white in front of him, protecting him and the headless god behind the light shield.

It is a pity that Xiao Lin has almost exhausted Ghost Qi just now when he was playing against Granny Huali in the sea of ​​flowers.

Now, the little Ghost Qi, which has just recovered with great difficulty, can’t resist the full attack of Demon King Xingtian at all.

Hearing a “click” sound, the black shield just persisted for half a second before it banged to pieces.

But after a while, the white shield was also instantly destroyed, and the devil energy directly broke through the Yin & Yang double shield, hitting the headless god’s chest heavily.

Xiao Lin couldn’t help taking a breath, and a touch of scarlet blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he just summoned the Yin & Yang double shield, which dissolved almost half of the power of this black beam.

Otherwise, if he insists on this trick, I am afraid that even the headless god behind him will be instantly dispelled.

“You miscellaneous fish, are you more tenacious than the Sajia thought.”

Xing Tian was a little surprised, but then he became even more excited.

“Unexpectedly, after so many years of sleep, the first opponent I met would make the Sajia fight so heartily.”

“Then then, get ready to receive the highest respect from the Sajia family.”

With that, the light balls on both sides of Xing Tian’s shoulders have disappeared, leaving only the golden light balls condensed from the divine power above, and the size is more than dozens of times more than just soaring.

“Spirit Dao breaks the body, Devil Dao grabs the soul!”

“The truth of the three lives, the gods are all burned!”

After an echo violently drank, Xing Tian suddenly pushed forward with both hands at the same time, and the golden ball of light above turned into a slender beam, and went straight to the head of the headless god.

Seeing the murderous beam approaching from a distance, Xiao Lin’s face was pale, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

He also had a lot of dealings with the Protoss, and he knew something about the strength of Gods.

Whether it is the god of good and evil Hermes, the god of beauty Venus, or the god of war Tyr, they are all very powerful protoss masters.

But compared with the demon king Xingtian, the magical abilities they mastered were as naive as a child’s trick.

Using only the simplest and rude means of attack, you can burst out the power of massacre.

This Xing Tian really deserves to be the number one master of the gods in the past.

“However, trying to kill me is not so easy.”

Xiao Lin squinted his eyes slightly, facing this almost mortal blow, his face was full of unprecedented solemnity and fear, but he didn’t mean to tie his hands in the slightest.

At the moment the light beam approached in front of him, Xiao Lin’s eyes shot a bright light, and he waved his hand abruptly, as if the leader of the army was giving orders.

The Headless God immediately rushed forward, and was no longer fixed on the spot with Xiao Lin, brandishing the Azure Dragon Yanyue Knife in his palm, and slashing fiercely at the golden light that slowly floated in front of him.

“It’s interesting, knowing that I can’t resist, I plan to use Jin Chan to escape?”

Xing Tian sneered jokingly, showing contempt, “Unfortunately, the miscellaneous fish is a miscellaneous fish after all, it is still too naive.”

“Without this powerful puppet, how can you fight against the Sajia family with your weak physical body?”

“You are smart on the surface, but in reality it’s just delaying the arrival of extinction.”


Xiao Lin smiled coldly, not knowing when he had already sacrificed the ghost ghost and held the holy axe in his hand.

“Not always.”

“Jiudian Equality King, ghost, bipolar equality!”

Two black lights burst from the Underworld Open Heaven Sacred Axe. One group lingered beside Xiao Lin, and the other appeared above Demon King Xingtian’s head, covering both of them in thick black smoke.

“This is…….”

Demon King Xingtian felt something wrong, and couldn’t help being surprised.

“Your Sansheng is really powerful. As long as you lock your aim in one direction, no one in this world can dodge it.”

Xiao Lin screamed, and smashed the Haunted Ghost Open Heaven Sacred Axe heavily on the ground.

“So, if the person being targeted is yourself?!”

The moment the axe touched the ground, the black mist swallowed the bodies of the two of them in an instant, and then instantly dissipated.

Xiao Lin and the Demon King Xing Tian disappeared at the same time. The Han Yan who was standing in the distance was slightly startled, and couldn’t help but look left and right in surprise.

After about two or three seconds, the two finally reappeared.

The shock on Hanyan’s face was a little bit worse, and she slumped on the ground with a fright.

Originally, Drought Yan was afraid of Xingtian’s might and hid behind Xiao Lin.

Only then, Xiao Lin launched ghost skills and disappeared out of thin air together with Xing Tian, ​​leaving Dr. Han in a daze for a long time.

At this time, the two of them reappeared as if they had been agreed.

It was not Xiao Lin who stood in front of Han Yan, but Xing Tian, ​​who was full of devilish energy!

“This…what’s going on?!”

Not only was the drought in disbelief for a while, the calmness on Xing Tian’s face also disappeared in an instant, replaced by full of consternation.

“How dare you trash…”

It’s a pity that Xing Tian’s words did not fall, and the golden light beam had already hit him, hitting his chest heavily.

Xiao Lin stood where Xingtian was just now, with his arms folded blankly, everything was within his calculations.

The Ninth Temple Yama and the equal king, Cultivation Base is strong to the holy ghost Ninth Stage, and the strength is second only to the master of the underworld among the ten kings.

But compared with the simple and rude magical powers of King Mount Tai, King City, etc., King Equality, whether it is the ghost weapon used or the ghost technique he masters, is extremely strange.

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