Chapter 174 The Oath of Black Tortoise

“What did you say?!”

Tang Lin’s expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, “I am the chief rudder of the Rogue Cultivators Alliance, don’t you think you are up and down?!”

“After signing this contract, you won’t be anymore.”

Xiao Lin smiled, his fingertips storage ring flashed in every corner of the ancient pagoda.

In the next second, Black Tortoise’s huge body fell from the sky. Although it was less than one-tenth the size of the body, it still filled the entire auditorium.

Han Shengnan and the others retreated to the distance together. Tang Lin looked up at the majestic Black Tortoise like a majestic mountain, and his face was pale.

Xiao Lin jumped to the back of Black Tortoise and stroked the feather snake that was entwined behind Black Tortoise.

“Yes, master!”

The feather serpent rose into the air, and the black and meandering body was shrouded in black mist, floating in the air and reunited.

When the black mist dissipated, the feathered snake’s body was re-substantiated and transformed into a steel, pitch-black scroll, on which was carved with green light one after another deep text, which was another volume of soul contracts.

The same is the soul contract, which is transformed from the ancient spirit beast Black Tortoise, which is much more compelling than the two men of Tang Lin who just brought it out!

“Lord Tang Ruo, this is the soul contract I just made a special trip for you.”

Xiao Lin was condescending to look at Tang Lin, and smiled and said, “I want to leave you a bit thin, so you should come up and sign your name yourself.”

Tang Lin gritted his teeth and shouted coldly, “Boy, do you want this rudder master to be your slave?!”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not as shameless as you, and I don’t need a shameless slave like you.”

Xiao Lin shook his head slightly, and said lightly: “This soul contract is just to prevent you from holding a grudge and settle accounts after autumn.”

“I can let you go back today, but as a price, you must stay honestly in your home in Dongzhou for the rest of your life, and never come out again to harm the common people.”

“In addition, you are not allowed to send any of your subordinates to harm people who are also in the alliance of Rogue Cultivators, including the three rudder masters and all the disciples present today. If you dare to plot and murder them, then your soul will be Trapped in the body of the black hole of Black Tortoise, he will be tortured by thousands of swords forever.”

Xiao Lin’s remarks were extremely domineering, like a declaration by the king, which was not to be rebelled at all.

Han Shengnan who listened to the side was stunned, and couldn’t help being moved to tears. With Xiao Lin’s unparalleled tyrannical strength, it is naturally impossible to fear Tang Lin. This soul contract is purely to protect them from being mad by Tang Lin. It’s just revenge.

The strength of the Cangwu Continent is respected. In the eyes of the strong, the weak are just grass mustards with humble life, or chess pieces that can be discarded at will, but Xiao Lin is clearly strong, but he cares so much about their safety.

It is the first time for Han Shengnan to feel the gratitude of being missed by the strong.

Tang Lin’s expression had already become ugly as if he had eaten a fly. He gritted his teeth and said, “Why do you think I will sign this kind of contract?”

“Do you think that with a few words from you, you can deprive me of my position as the chief helm and imprison me in Dongzhou forever?!”

“If it can be resolved in a few words, everyone will be happy.”

Xiao Lin sighed slightly and shrugged helplessly, “If it can’t be solved, then I have to waste a little more time.”

After that, Xiao Lin’s aura changed slightly, and he suddenly waved his hand at Tang Lin.

With a wave of Xiao Lin’s hand, Black Tortoise’s Gu Jing Bubo eyes revealed a murderous intent, slowly opening a huge mouth that was as deep as a black hole.

A dark blue mist emanated from Black Tortoise’s mouth and turned into a big hand made up of mist, like catching a small mouse, holding Tang Lin firmly in the palm of his hand.

Tang Lin’s face was full of horror, and he offered Magical Item to attack this bound own giant hand, but couldn’t shake Black Tortoise.

Even the strongest attacks of first-rate masters like Sea Emperor Ji and Sha Wuliang couldn’t hurt Black Tortoise the slightest. With Tang Lin’s attack power, how could it be possible to shake Black Tortoise’s strongest defense in the world?

Black Tortoise controlled the giant foggy hand and caught the little mouse in front of own.

Xiao Lin summoned the corpse king magic sword from the storage ring, waved his hand, and pierced Tang Lin’s body with a chuckle.

Blood spewed out from the wound, but it did not splash around, but all floated in the air.

The corpse king demon sword reappeared in Xiao Lin’s hand. Xiao Lin pinched the hilt with his fingertips and lit the blood with the blade, as if holding a paintbrush, penning a dragon and snake in the air.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, Xiao Lin used the Demon King Demon Sword to draw a stroke and a stroke, and wrote his name in the air with Tang Lin’s blood.

“no no!”

Tang Lin’s face was full of incredible horror: “You can’t do this, my destiny shouldn’t be like this!”

“Everyone’s destiny is destined for a long time, since you can’t disobey, it’s best to accept it calmly.”

Xiao Lin smiled faintly, without hesitation, his arm suddenly exerted force and waved the blade in his hand.

The bloody “Tang Lin” word flew to the side of the soul contract, which was turned into a feather snake, and was deeply imprinted at the bottom of the scroll.

The moment the name was printed, Tang Lin’s whole body suddenly shook, as if his soul had been severely injured, and his body twitched violently.

The soul contract was transformed into a feather serpent again and returned to the back of Black Tortoise.

“Master, it’s done!”

Feathered Snake grinned and said, “This is the first time the Black Tortoise contract has been launched since the beginning of the world. I hope this guy will not violate any word on the contract.”

The ten spirit beasts under the command of Xiao Lin are the ancestors of the ten spirit beasts.

Each ancestor of spirit beasts is uniquely symbolized, like Azure Dragon, the head of millions of spirit beasts, which symbolizes the unparalleled king’s ambition in the world.

The proud and glamorous Vermillion Bird symbolizes icy cleanliness and pride.

Black Tortoise, as the most stable, mature and taciturn loyal elder among the top ten spirit beasts, is the spirit beast that symbolizes the pledge of contract. Violating the pledge made by Black Tortoise is more serious than violating any soul contract in the world. !

Tang Lin collapsed to the ground, trembling violently, and his consciousness became a little trance.

Jiang Nan, Tang Lin’s chief disciple, immediately rushed forward and said anxiously, “Master Rudder, are you okay?!”

“I’m fine…”

Tang Lin hoarsely said: “Quickly…retreat quickly…”

“I won’t withdraw!”

Jiang Nan stared at Xiao Lin, his eyes full of deep resentment: “You dare to treat the chief rudder like this, let my Master bear such a curse, I will definitely not spare you!”

With that said, Jiang Nan gathered the pure Spirit Power in his palm, rushing forward with a roar, desperately attacking Xiao Lin.

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