Fantasy: Starting from the Nine Crowns

Chapter 211 Ancient information! (For subscription support!)

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why you're willing to talk to me about these things is because you're transferring your own body as quickly as possible, right?"

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground in front of him, Qin Yuntian said lightly, but revealed a confidence that everything was in his hands.

The corpse trembled for a while, but he didn't expect his little thoughts to be discovered so quickly, so he resolutely accelerated to escape, and didn't even say a word.

Qin Yuntian smiled and shook his head, not in a hurry to pursue, carefully observed the underground space, and found that the general did not leave information here, but some of the information was destroyed, and some of the information was covered up.

Because he had previously focused all his attention on the corpse in the middle and the seal, he did not find this information.

Now I use enough attention to observe the surrounding walls, and I can see at once that there are some very fine words on the surrounding walls, about the size of flies, densely packed.

Looking closer, Qin Yuntian found that these words were actually a very old word that he had learned before.

It has some kind of special divinity, as long as it is successfully and completely written out, it will cause some special effects.

It's just because the effect is not very strong, so after he learned it once, he didn't continue to study it.

At this time, this knowledge can come in handy, and it is convenient for him to interpret the information on the wall.

"The mysterious giant powerhouse is a mysterious powerhouse I suddenly encountered when I was traveling the world one day. `||. 99

"Has a lot of very special abilities, from a small world that I don't know very well, and seems to know my existence and hate my existence.

"As soon as I came up, I chose to kill and go all out. Unfortunately, my strength was not very strong, and I was finally defeated and trapped by the power of Qinglong Tower and advanced rules.

"The will is strong, no matter how tortured, the information that is said is either false or not at all."

When it was recorded here, a paragraph of text was manually erased.

Qin Yuntian took a closer look at the traces of damage, and then shook his head regretfully.

These words were not destroyed by the white crystal creatures, but were destroyed by Taizhang himself a long time ago, possibly when they were written.

The above records are probably some very secret information, because it is inconvenient for outsiders to know, so the general did not leave this part of the information.

After all, although the Qinglong Pagoda is his, it does not mean that he keeps important secrets here and will not be discovered.

The world is so big that anything can happen.

The best way to hide a secret is to never tell it, never write it down. The Master has done a good job in this regard.

Subsequent records are all related to the contents of the interrogation (Wang Qian's).

The general seems to have compared the information he obtained in this way, and then came to a result with disappointment.

"." This guy has been playing with me from the beginning to the end, he has no intention of communicating, just fooling me, trying to escape in this way, and then come back one day. 99

"I still don't understand why he hates me so much or where he came from... I hope one day, I will have the opportunity to learn about this."

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