Fantasy: Start with a stick
Chapter 137
当他走出重力室时,一阵清新的空气扑面而来,仿佛是对他坚韧不拔的奖赏。他的步伐自信而有力,没有丝毫疲倦。身后的重力室门缓缓合上,随着一声沉重的闭合声,仿佛在宣告着一次又一次的战斗已经结束 。
“呼,有点到瓶颈了 。”
“咦?boss?”战极凌马看着出现的内森·霍克微微一笑,打了声招呼 。
内森·霍克挥手示意道:“不用了,你自己搞定就行 。”
“那行吧。”战极凌马耸了耸肩 。
“对了,有位九头蛇的冬兵被电光人抓到实验室内,好像叫做巴基。”战极凌马一边看着显示器上的数据,头也不回的说道 。
战极凌马一边说着,表情随着话语的结束而变得拒绝起来 。
战极凌马疯狂摇头拒绝 。
“那行吧。”内森·霍克看战极凌马一脸坚决的样子,也只能说道:“好吧,那就算了。对了,空间宝石的研究如何 。”
想到当时从阿斯加德回来后,内森·霍克把宝石重新放回实验室的场景,自己前前后后研究了几天的日子 。
“还是那样,深层次的能量,不管如何刺激,如何引导,就是没有产生任何剧烈的波动。老板,不会是你说过的那位老法师的功劳吧?”战极凌马吹了吹空气后问道 。
内森·霍克思考着如何更深入地研究空间宝石。他知道,这颗宝石蕴含着无限的潜力,能够掌握它的力量将对整个宇宙产生巨大的影响。但目前,他还没有找到可行的方法来解锁宝石的全部能力 。
一系列的实验记录看下来,战极凌马把该实验的都实验了一遍 。
“也就剩下最后魔法或者老板你自己用念力去感受?”战极凌马试探性的问道 。
内森·霍克点了点头,表示已经了解。他知道修玛吉亚是一项重要的项目,对于公司的未来发展具有关键性意义。他对战极凌马的工作能力充满信心,相信这次发布会会取得圆满成功 。
“好,我相信你们的准备工作一定很充分。我会在发布会上提供支持和协助,确保一切顺利进行 。”
“不过话说回来,你怎么突然说起宣发这类事情了? ”
“我以前在世界树财团经常干这种事情。”战极凌马说道 。
内森·霍克挥手离开,随后在看着战极凌马实验室的陈列品上,看着手提盒上摆放的一些腰带 。
“这家伙,上次说的做几条腰带,还真做了啊。拿一条玩玩好了。”内森·霍克打算拿走其中一条,装到手提盒中拎走 。
“"宇元"(Cosmic)与"反应"(Reactor)的相结合吗? ”
看着陈列品名牌上面的名字 。
“Kamen Rider Cosmic Reactor ”
“Cosmic Reactor”
假面骑士宇元,假面骑士C .R。
战极凌马回忆着那段艰苦但充实的时光,他知道自己的努力没有白费。现在,内森·霍克已经拿走了这个腰带,他希望它能为他的老板带来更多的力量和胜利 。
不过嘛。战极凌马又思考了一下,或许可以给内森·霍克弄一个皇家骑士团之类的假面骑士保护团体,以内森·霍克为中心以此来提高逼格 。
“If you want to meet Lord Nathan Hawke, you must defeat us in the battle of the Royal Knights. "
The more Zhan Ji Lingma thought about it, the more he thought about it, and he suddenly thought that his world seemed to have a constellation technology such as celestial switches. It seemed that Consortium X, who had done business with the World Tree Consortium, had seen this kind of thing.
Then Zhan Ji Lingma got excited and said, "No, no, I can't stay up late and work overtime. Now that I have come to this world, I have to enjoy my life. The boss is so powerful, so I don't have to have such a sense of crisis anymore. "
Thinking of this, Senji Reima immediately dropped what he was doing, Humagia, Kamen Rider, and Umbrella's technology.......Get out of here.
I'm going on vacation。
Andre, who was shaking his head and listening to the song, suddenly watched Zhan Ji Lingma leave crazily from his side.
Take off your headphones, with a question mark on your face?
"Is there a battle?"
He turned on his phone in confusion and found that there was no message at all in the group.
He shook his head speechlessly, continued to put on his headphones, and listened to various electronic music while shaking his head.。
“By the way, next time I might try using my mind to DJ. "
Just do it.
While listening to electronic music, Andre decided to try to use his telekinesis to play an electronic music party. He closed his eyes, concentrated on it, and tried to resonate with the rhythm of the music.
As he focused, the atmosphere in the room began to change. The lights flashed according to his wishes, and the sound system began to play the tracks he wanted. His telekinesis made the music rhythm more vivid and exciting. Andre
felt A pleasant energy flowed around him, and his hands began to play on the virtual music console like a DJ, adjusting the sound effects to create a carnival atmosphere. The rhythm and beat of the music were synchronized with his wishes, allowing People can't stop beating.
The lights, lasers and neon lights in the room begin to flash in time with the music, creating an intoxicating visual effect. Andre's telekinesis is like a pair of invisible hands, controlling the entire party atmosphere, making everyone feel to the unique charm of electronic music. As
his telekinesis abilities continued to improve, he began to try more complex sound effects and special effects, bringing the party to its peak. Smoke machines, flamethrowers, and even flying lasers were all under his control Under the control of Andre, it added a mysterious and exciting atmosphere to the party.
Imagine that the party participants were brought into this electronic music carnival created by Andre using telekinesis, and they danced wildly , cheering, completely immersed in the magic of music and light and shadow。
“It seems that the battle method of telekinesis combined with music。”
“You can give it a try. "
当他走出重力室时,一阵清新的空气扑面而来,仿佛是对他坚韧不拔的奖赏。他的步伐自信而有力,没有丝毫疲倦。身后的重力室门缓缓合上,随着一声沉重的闭合声,仿佛在宣告着一次又一次的战斗已经结束 。
“呼,有点到瓶颈了 。”
“咦?boss?”战极凌马看着出现的内森·霍克微微一笑,打了声招呼 。
内森·霍克挥手示意道:“不用了,你自己搞定就行 。”
“那行吧。”战极凌马耸了耸肩 。
“对了,有位九头蛇的冬兵被电光人抓到实验室内,好像叫做巴基。”战极凌马一边看着显示器上的数据,头也不回的说道 。
战极凌马一边说着,表情随着话语的结束而变得拒绝起来 。
战极凌马疯狂摇头拒绝 。
“那行吧。”内森·霍克看战极凌马一脸坚决的样子,也只能说道:“好吧,那就算了。对了,空间宝石的研究如何 。”
想到当时从阿斯加德回来后,内森·霍克把宝石重新放回实验室的场景,自己前前后后研究了几天的日子 。
“还是那样,深层次的能量,不管如何刺激,如何引导,就是没有产生任何剧烈的波动。老板,不会是你说过的那位老法师的功劳吧?”战极凌马吹了吹空气后问道 。
内森·霍克思考着如何更深入地研究空间宝石。他知道,这颗宝石蕴含着无限的潜力,能够掌握它的力量将对整个宇宙产生巨大的影响。但目前,他还没有找到可行的方法来解锁宝石的全部能力 。
一系列的实验记录看下来,战极凌马把该实验的都实验了一遍 。
“也就剩下最后魔法或者老板你自己用念力去感受?”战极凌马试探性的问道 。
内森·霍克点了点头,表示已经了解。他知道修玛吉亚是一项重要的项目,对于公司的未来发展具有关键性意义。他对战极凌马的工作能力充满信心,相信这次发布会会取得圆满成功 。
“好,我相信你们的准备工作一定很充分。我会在发布会上提供支持和协助,确保一切顺利进行 。”
“不过话说回来,你怎么突然说起宣发这类事情了? ”
“我以前在世界树财团经常干这种事情。”战极凌马说道 。
内森·霍克挥手离开,随后在看着战极凌马实验室的陈列品上,看着手提盒上摆放的一些腰带 。
“这家伙,上次说的做几条腰带,还真做了啊。拿一条玩玩好了。”内森·霍克打算拿走其中一条,装到手提盒中拎走 。
“"宇元"(Cosmic)与"反应"(Reactor)的相结合吗? ”
看着陈列品名牌上面的名字 。
“Kamen Rider Cosmic Reactor ”
“Cosmic Reactor”
假面骑士宇元,假面骑士C .R。
战极凌马回忆着那段艰苦但充实的时光,他知道自己的努力没有白费。现在,内森·霍克已经拿走了这个腰带,他希望它能为他的老板带来更多的力量和胜利 。
不过嘛。战极凌马又思考了一下,或许可以给内森·霍克弄一个皇家骑士团之类的假面骑士保护团体,以内森·霍克为中心以此来提高逼格 。
“If you want to meet Lord Nathan Hawke, you must defeat us in the battle of the Royal Knights. "
The more Zhan Ji Lingma thought about it, the more he thought about it, and he suddenly thought that his world seemed to have a constellation technology such as celestial switches. It seemed that Consortium X, who had done business with the World Tree Consortium, had seen this kind of thing.
Then Zhan Ji Lingma got excited and said, "No, no, I can't stay up late and work overtime. Now that I have come to this world, I have to enjoy my life. The boss is so powerful, so I don't have to have such a sense of crisis anymore. "
Thinking of this, Senji Reima immediately dropped what he was doing, Humagia, Kamen Rider, and Umbrella's technology.......Get out of here.
I'm going on vacation。
Andre, who was shaking his head and listening to the song, suddenly watched Zhan Ji Lingma leave crazily from his side.
Take off your headphones, with a question mark on your face?
"Is there a battle?"
He turned on his phone in confusion and found that there was no message at all in the group.
He shook his head speechlessly, continued to put on his headphones, and listened to various electronic music while shaking his head.。
“By the way, next time I might try using my mind to DJ. "
Just do it.
While listening to electronic music, Andre decided to try to use his telekinesis to play an electronic music party. He closed his eyes, concentrated on it, and tried to resonate with the rhythm of the music.
As he focused, the atmosphere in the room began to change. The lights flashed according to his wishes, and the sound system began to play the tracks he wanted. His telekinesis made the music rhythm more vivid and exciting. Andre
felt A pleasant energy flowed around him, and his hands began to play on the virtual music console like a DJ, adjusting the sound effects to create a carnival atmosphere. The rhythm and beat of the music were synchronized with his wishes, allowing People can't stop beating.
The lights, lasers and neon lights in the room begin to flash in time with the music, creating an intoxicating visual effect. Andre's telekinesis is like a pair of invisible hands, controlling the entire party atmosphere, making everyone feel to the unique charm of electronic music. As
his telekinesis abilities continued to improve, he began to try more complex sound effects and special effects, bringing the party to its peak. Smoke machines, flamethrowers, and even flying lasers were all under his control Under the control of Andre, it added a mysterious and exciting atmosphere to the party.
Imagine that the party participants were brought into this electronic music carnival created by Andre using telekinesis, and they danced wildly , cheering, completely immersed in the magic of music and light and shadow。
“It seems that the battle method of telekinesis combined with music。”
“You can give it a try. "
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