"Chu Qing, all the people from Zhanrentang, even the Blood River Gang, are at your disposal."

"As for you, you must find clues."

Hall Master Liu, with his mouth full of blood, slapped Chu Qing on the shoulder.

"If you can't find any clues, I'll treat you to an iron basin."

Chu Qing smiled secretly and said: "Hall Master, don't worry, I will definitely be able to find clues."

Hall Master Liu looked gloomy and said to the many petty bosses:

"From now on, you must follow me day and night to look for clues."

He was afraid that Chu Qing would run away.

Chu Qing sneered secretly.

Investigate yourself? Why run away?

Chu Qing's mind was spinning a thousand times, thinking a lot in one moment, and said:

"Hall Master Liu, I need absolute control over all the little bosses."

Hall Master Liu nodded and said, "No problem."

Now the main responsibility is to search for clues about the murderer.

Whatever Chu Qing wants, he will give it to him.

I just want to find the murderer quickly.

When he thought of the murderer, Hall Master Liu was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Liu Jun's death led to the Yamen's intervention."

"Before Liu Jun died, he was investigating the death of Liu Xiaoxiao."

"You can start here."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Yes."


Everyone who knew the inside story of Liu Xiaoxiao's death was dead.

How to investigate?

After a while, Hall Master Liu left.

Chu Qing summoned all the small bosses of the Killing Hall, totaling more than fifty people.

Each little boss has more than ten people under his command.

Chu Qing selected more than fifty people.

This group of people have bad brains and are obedient.

He further divided Shiji County into ten areas and asked the small bosses to clean and search repeatedly.

And he took fifty taels of silver from the Killing Hall and went to the Yamen again.

Find the head catcher who went to the martial arts school.

The catcher's surname is Li, and Mr. Shi is a loyal and ruthless person.

Li Captou stared straight at Xue Hua Yin and said:

"You were learning martial arts in the martial arts studio two days ago, but you didn't expect to become the big boss today."


Chu Qing smiled and said: "Master Li, this is all thanks to you."

Capt. Li laughed loudly: "This matter has nothing to do with me; you still have the ability."

The two exchanged blows, and Chu Qing said:

"Sir, Mr. Shi has arrested the boss and asked me to investigate clues about the murderer. I don't know where to start?"

Mr. Li picked up the snowflake silver and said with a smile:

"My lord once said that the murderer may be hiding in haunted old houses, abandoned temples and other places."

"You are right to go to this place."

Chu Qing said gratefully: "Master Li is a righteous man."

"After I secure my position as the big boss, I will definitely come back to trouble you."

Li Captou's heart moved, and he secretly told the young man to go on his way.

"Remember, Master Shi wants attitude; as for the murderer, as long as his legs are not broken, he might have run away long ago."

Chu Qing's heart moved and she thanked him again and again.

A few minutes later, Chu Qing led a group of gangsters to check out the haunted old house and the abandoned temple and Taoist temple.

In the evening, he borrowed pen, ink, paper and inkstone from Mrs. Jin and wrote a report.

The general meaning is as follows:

[In Shiji County, under the wise guidance of the leadership team headed by Mr. Shi, they opened up new ideas and began to investigate the murderer. 】

[There are a total of 280 haunted old houses in Shiji County. Twenty of them were investigated today and there are no traces. 】

[Inspection of three abandoned temples and Taoist temples. There are traces of life in one earth temple, and the investigation is ongoing overnight. 】



Chu Qing wrote seven to eight hundred words in one breath.

Most of them praise Mr. Shi for his wiseness and correct direction.

Mr. Shi was stunned when he saw the report.

"A local ruffian leader can actually write legal documents?"

He was quite curious, took a cursory look, and was very satisfied.

He studied it carefully again and said with a smile: "Here comes the pen!"

The maid quickly brought pen and ink.

Mr. Shi catches the head, and dragons and phoenixes dance. Annotation:


【Keep up the good work】

the next day:


In an abandoned haunted house, dozens of gangsters were digging with hoes and shovels, or breaking down walls.

"Brother Qing, I found a wall with fifty taels of silver and a few books inside."

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Throw the silver into the basket and get the books."

"Yes, Brother Qing."

The gangsters were busy while Chu Qing read.

Although the house had been abandoned for a long time, the books were wrapped in oil paper and contained camphor and other insect-repelling herbs, so the books were not damaged.

After looking through it, one of them turned out to be a biography of a scholar from the previous dynasty.

There are not many biographies of Mrs. Jin anywhere, and they are very rare.

Chu Qing studied it with great interest.

There are also a few books about ghosts and ghosts, which are absurd and uninhibited.

But, he will read it again.

After reading a few books, I realized that the huge haunted house had long been bulldozed by the gangsters.

I collected a lot of broken silver, broken porcelain pieces, copper plates, etc.

Chu Qing divided the silver into three parts:

Give one to the gangster and one to Capt. Li. Wrap up the largest one, attach the report, and give it to Mr. Shi.

[In Bilibili headed by Mr. Shi Captou]

[The murderer was found hiding some stolen goods! 】

Finally, make a subtle statement that you want to make progress.

Mr. Shi took a sip of wine, pointed out Chu Qing's report, and said to Mr. Li, "Look, this is called professionalism."

"We searched for traces of the murderer without disturbing the residents. We also cleaned up the murderous house and found some of the stolen goods."


Li Captou smiled and said, "Your Excellency, you are wise."

Mr. Shi smiled and said, "This is called opening up new ideas, right?"

Mr. Li nodded and bowed, "Your Excellency, you are right."

Mr. Catcher Shi sighed secretly, Mr. Li was loyal enough, but without education, he was not as good as Chu Qing.

"When this matter is over, I will promote him?"

At this moment, a servant sent an invitation and said:

"Your Excellency, the Seventh Young Master of Hejiawu invites you to a banquet."

A few days passed by:

On this day, when Chu Qing and his brothers were enthusiastically demolishing the last abandoned Taoist temple, one of the brothers found a thick copper pipe in the tattered statue.

"Master Qing, this thing is hidden in the statue, it must be precious."



The ruffian unscrewed it, and a roll of yellow paper full of words fell down.

Chu Qing grabbed it and glanced at it casually. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his eyeballs shrank.

He threw the yellow paper into the basket and said calmly:

"A piece of rotten paper has no value."

"Keep working."

The gangsters were dejected. The things were worthless, so they couldn't get more money.


He continued to smash the idols and remove the floor tiles, hoping to find some gold and silver.

Chu Qing stared straight at him.

"Fortunately, this ruffian can't read."

"Otherwise I will kill him on the spot."

Because the things recorded on the roll of paper in the copper tube are too precious.

That's a secret recipe.

The secret medicine is precious.

The formula is more precious.

What's even more precious is: what is recorded above is the secret recipe of toad.

The secret toad skill can increase the foundation and the progress of cultivation.

However, due to the lack of secret medicine, there is no way to improve.

Now, the secret recipe is available.

Is the secret medicine still far away?

At this moment, Chu Qing wished it would get dark immediately, then study the formula and get the secret medicine.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone he borrowed from Mrs. Jin and started writing a report:

[In the group headed by Mr. Shi, Capt.]

[Some stolen goods found]

[Found traces of the murderer's escape, suspected of escaping far away]

The end, as is customary, implicitly states that he wants to progress.

Finally, Chu Qing packed up the gold and silver, forged evidence that the murderer had left the city, attached a report, and sent it to Mr. Shi to arrest the head.

"I hope the chief catcher will realize what's going on and give up on the investigation."

"As a murderer, I'm really not suitable to find a murderer!"

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