Among the ten referees, the ones ranked highest in terms of strength each fell into the air above the four-seat battle stage. Originally, the elders of the Phoenix clan were to preside over the battle between Feng Wu and Lin En, but Long Qu took the initiative to ask for help. The elders of the Phoenix clan did not say anything. What? He rolled his eyes at Long Qu softly and walked to another fighting platform.

Long Qu also turned his head to the side in embarrassment under Lin En's ambiguous gaze. Among all the women in the Phoenix clan, not a single one was slender.

I don’t know what this old boy did in his absence?

However, this scene was completely different in Feng Wu's eyes, so she naturally forced the anger in her heart onto Lin En again.

The ten clans are all the same. Names such as Phoenix and Black Tortoise are the names of the first ancestor of the ferocious beasts. Then every "——-seven" one becomes a strong man of the Great Saint Realm and takes over the position of the ten ferocious beasts. Since You have to inherit the name, and after a long time, you will naturally forget the original name.

In the future, Feng Wu will become the phoenix of the Great Saint Realm, the strong man who inherits the heart. That day in the main hall, the young man in front of him looked younger than himself. He actually sat on the same level as Feng Yuan in the main hall.

This made Feng Wu so angry that she couldn't help but say harsh words when passing by Lin En before leaving.

I don’t know why, but when the clan leader came back from going out on the day of the opening ceremony and talked to me alone, he told him to take it easy during the game, not to hurt Lin En when he met him, and to be as lenient as possible.

But with Feng Wu's character, how could he agree? It's fine not to hurt him, but only after he has suppressed him!

Long Qu saw that the remaining three platforms were already fighting. He looked at Lin En and saw Lin En nodding, announcing the start of the game.

Just as Long Qu's raised hand fell, Feng Wu let out a phoenix chirp and spread out a pair of phoenix fire-like wings to kill Lin En.

The rules only require that it cannot be completely transformed, but it does not say that it cannot be partially transformed! If the phoenix spreads its wings, it will win absolute air supremacy.

Lin En must be a member of Dragon Race if he sounds dragon energy. Dragon Race can naturally fly, but it requires spiritual energy support, and flying will inevitably consume spiritual energy.

I'll beat you from the air!

"Look over there! Are those Phoenix Wings?"

"So beautiful!"

"Her opponent is Lin En, Lin En is in big trouble now!"

"That's fine, let the beautiful and strong woman from the Phoenix Clan kill with the vigor to kill!"

Lin En looked at the phoenix dance speeding towards him in the sky, and he did not dare to neglect it. He knew the phoenix mind method of the Phoenix clan. Of course he knew how terrifying it was, but he just didn't know how far this phoenix dance had been practiced?

Cang Xuan's domineering energy secretly surged under the cover of Dragon King's energy, and Ten Grotto-Heaven Dantian was quietly circulating. Eighth Layer Step! and Feng Wu missed each other.

The moment he lost his body, Lin En clearly felt the hot air in front of him, and even the air was distorted, which showed the terrifying temperature of those wings.

Even wrapped in Dragon King Qi and Cangxuan Domineering Qi, Lin En's clothes gave off a faint burnt smell. Although they did not burn, they shrank obviously.

Lin En stood behind him, while Feng Wu turned and came into the air again.

Holding her breath and concentrating, Feng Wu kneaded the secret with one hand, and with the scorching temperature, she rushed towards Lin En again.

"Phoenix Heart Technique - Nirvana Heart Fire!"

With a squeak, Sakura's mouth opened slightly, and a stream of fragrant Nirvana fire was forced into a thin straight line, and Lin En shot out!

Looking at Phoenix on the stage at this scene, I was frightened. Why is this girl so disobedient?

Lin En felt the rapidly rising temperature in front of him, and with a thought, one of the ten Grotto-Heavens, the villain sitting cross-legged inside practicing the Nine Mysteries of Ice-Forging Technique, opened his eyes.

A burst of extremely cold air spurted out from the front of the body, condensing the moisture in the air and forming a wall as thin as rice paper in front of the body.

A line of fire hit the ice wall.

"Boom!" "Crack——"

There was a loud noise, and the ice wall was instantly covered with spider web-like cracks. This was the ice wall blessed by Cang Xuan's domineering energy, and it actually cracked with one blow!

"Look! That's Nirvana's inner fire!"

"It seems that the Phoenix Clan does not intend to stay behind. Are they planning to kill Lin En instantly?"

"Lin En threw out an ice wall to block it!"

"How is that possible?! That's the inner fire of Nirvana that burns everything!"

"Look! The ice wall is broken!"

That's right, Nirvana's inner fire is continuously outputting. The thin ice wall cracked the moment the two came into contact. How could it withstand the subsequent fire damage and break instantly!

Lin En was immediately hit by this line of fire, but the moment Lin En threw out the ice wall, he crossed his arms in front of his chest to protect him. Those with sharp eyes could see that Lin En's arms shimmered with cold light... …

It's the armor condensed from the Nine Mysterious Ice Craftsmanship!


With a huge crash, Lin En's arms trembled, and he took five steps back before stopping. Pieces of ice crystal fragments also fell from his arms. These fragments melted and evaporated as they landed on the ground!

"Lin En suffered a loss! Is this the first time he suffered a loss?!"

"It seems there is still a certain strength gap!"

"That's right, Lin En has absolutely no advantage when facing players from the ten races! After all, he only has the cultivation level of the early saint realm!"

I don’t know how 2.5 would react if they knew that they really only had the realm of great power!

Lin En was convinced by this total, Feng Wu's Phoenix Heart Technique was definitely not perfect, and its power was even worse than that of Phoenix, let alone himself.

Although the Phoenix just hit him casually last time and had no intention of hurting him, with the help of Lin En's Phoenix Mind Technique, he could naturally feel that the Phoenix Patriarch's Phoenix Mind Technique had definitely reached the ninth level, which was one step away. Peak state.

Moreover, I feel that there is a certain difference between the mental method practiced by the Phoenix Patriarch and what he, Feng Wu or Qingluan practiced! This may be the reason why Feng Wu can feel the location of those who practice the Phoenix Mental Method!

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