“Pass on the order, I will go to the royal hunt, and after seven days, I will arrive.”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he felt that the matter of going to get the spirit card could only be put away.

After all, going to Wuhou Mansion by himself would definitely break out into a struggle, and he did this before the royal hunt, and he did not have much respect for the royal family.

Therefore, Lin Yuan felt that he was still cultivating well during this time, and he could just read a book of the level of the Great God.

Therefore, he decided to cultivate well, and after deciding, he asked the pony not to let anyone disturb him for these seven days.

Then he entered his own spiritual space. 、

“Now that the Spirit Stone is enough, then exchange it directly, after all, it is already in the Fa Realm.”

Lin Yuan thought so and walked towards the library.


“Ding-dong, congratulations on the host exchange success of the god-level works”

“Heavenly Sect”

Level: Great God level

Word count: three million words

Introduction: The protagonist of the waste wood has finally reached the top of his own world through his own efforts in the Heavenly Sect, and who knows the sour, sweet and bitter spicy in this.

Status: Finished

Lin Yuan looked at the books in his hand, and he decided to read well during this time, after all, his current books were all of the level of the Great God.

Then the reward will certainly not be so low-end, and he believes that the god-level works will certainly not disappoint themselves.

Therefore, I began to read it, and I became more and more serious, after all, it was a god-level work, so the way I wrote it would definitely make people very interested. ,

And it is indeed the case, so Lin Yuan directly forgot the time when he read the book, and finally finished reading this book.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for completing the reading and getting rewarded, Tianzong Dan”

Lin Yuan was very happy to see what he had suddenly got, because this was the most powerful elixir of the Heavenly Sect.

According to the books, this Heavenly Sect Dan contained powerful mana that could withstand hundreds of years of cultivation.

Although I only got one reward, but to improve my strength, this elixir is the best reward.

Therefore, Lin Yuan couldn’t wait to use this elixir.

Suddenly Lin Yuan found that the colossal particles in his body were trembling violently.

This trembling energy in his body actually made the entire Champion Hou Mansion tremble incessantly, which made the people of the whole house start to be afraid. 、

After all, suddenly shaking so violently can be said to make these ordinary people very afraid.

And the colossal particles in Lin Yuan’s body were also awakening, awakening according to a thousand pieces.

Finally, when the four hundred thousand colossal particles awakened, the awakening stopped.

Lin Yuan himself did not expect that he would raise ninety thousand colossal particles so quickly.

“It is worthy of being the most powerful elixir of the Heavenly Sect, and I hope that the second reward can also be so powerful, if only I could break through into the fairyland in one fell swoop.”

Lin Yuan thought so and began his second reading.

However, when he was reading, what he didn’t know was that the whole city was finding out what caused the Champion Houfu to shake violently.

But neither Li Chunqiu nor anyone else found the reason. ,

When Li Chunqiu was ready to go to Lin Yuan to inquire, he was stopped by the pony.

And Li Chunqiu looked at the strange face and asked why the pony was here.

After Xiao Ma knew Li Chunqiu’s identity, he knew that he must have a good relationship with his master, so he told him the truth.

“It turns out that it is indeed like the practice of the head of the forest, I hope you can be loyal and do not betray you”

“Otherwise, it’s not just me punishing you, you have to understand that the status of the head of the Lin Yuan is very honorable, and the royal family is also worried about him.”

Li Chunqiu finished speaking and left the Champion Hou Mansion.

And Xiao Ma stood where he was, he did know that Lin Yuan was very strong, but he did not expect that a champion Hou would be so valued by the royal family.

After thinking about this, Xiao Ma decided that he must be loyal to Lin Yuan.

After all, not only is his own life in Lin Yuan’s hands, but his future is also in Lin Yuan’s hands.

Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Ma’s fear of Lin Yuan was not only deeper, but his loyalty to Lin Yuan had also reached the highest point.

And Lin Yuan in the spiritual space didn’t know what was happening outside, he was concentrating on reading this god-level book.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host for reading and getting rewarded, Heavenly Sword”

Lin Yuan suddenly said that he was disappointed, not only did he get you a reward, but he only got a magic weapon.

Although the Heavenly Sword was indeed very strong, compared to the elixir that enhanced his strength, he said that he did not want the Heavenly Sword.

But there was no way, and there were no two reading opportunities.

I can only wait for the next opportunity, as long as the next god-level book instinct gives some useful rewards, then I can be more powerful.

“Lin Yuanshou, tomorrow is the royal hunt, do you need to prepare anything?” The pony whispered at the door.

“No more”

Lin Yuan felt that it was really useless for him to participate in this kind of hunting.

After all, there are not many people in the royal family who are high enough, and these people will certainly not put any dangerous creatures in order not to harm the royal personnel.

Therefore, for Lin Yuan, this hunt was just to pass the time, and one was to give the royal family a face.

After all, as a champion marquis, if he didn’t even participate in the royal hunt, then the Holy Emperor would definitely have other thoughts in his heart.

After all, the pro-crowned champion Hou did not even participate in his own hunting.

It’s not good for anyone to say it.

Therefore, Lin Yuan would put aside the matter of transferring the spirit card and then go to participate in this hunt.

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan slowly entered the spiritual space and prepared to cultivate.

After all, after the end of the hunt, he would definitely go to the Wuhou Mansion.

And grabbing the spirit card in the past with such a big swing would definitely cause Lin Xuanji to be dissatisfied.

So there will certainly be a huge fight.

“I hope that the mother’s ancestral hall spiritual plaque can be safely transferred”

“I don’t want to fight you so soon, but Lin Xuanji, I will definitely kill you.”

“Before that, first solve the entire Qin clan, only in this way will I be at ease.”

“Nor is it true that the Qin Clan Sect used to have the Fa Realm perfectly.”

“But now that the Fa Xiang Realm is complete, I can also kill in a second.”

Since Lin Yuan improved his economic grace, he found himself more and more confident. 、

The next morning, Lin Yuan rushed to the hunting ground early.

However, after arriving, Lin Yuan saw the two people arguing in the distance.

“What’s going on, go check it out”

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