Suddenly, the crack healed directly.

“Chief, we couldn’t keep this guy.”

The three elders did not chase, because it was too difficult to pursue, and it was not necessarily to catch up.

“Three elders have worked hard.”

Lin Yuan waved his hand, without the slightest intention of blame.

These three elders were not his subordinates, and the people were now respectful, just to give him face.

Face is something that is given to each other.

At the end of the battle, the square circle was in a mess, and the entire Xubei City was in a state of formation, and the city walls also appeared to be very dilapidated.

It was all caused by the aftermath of the battle between the three elders and Ye Guyun just now.

The lord of Xubei City saw Ye Guyun flee with Ye Hao and did not hesitate in the slightest.

Directly ordered the closure of the formation, Kaesong greeted.

“The lord of Xubei City has seen Lin Shuai, and I was completely threatened by that murderer, and when I heard that Lin Shuai had come, I was already ready to open the door to greet him!”

The lord of Xubei City went out of the city first, directly in front of Lin Yuan, and at the same time said in a quick and loud voice in his mouth.

I was afraid that my words would be full and I would be directly beheaded by Lin Yuan.

Just now Lin Yuan’s strength, he felt that he would be gone with one punch.

“Good, good.”

Lin Yuan nodded.

An army of 900,000 people directly advanced and surrounded Xubei City, while the generals, together with Lin Yuan, followed the lord of Xubei City into the city.

All of them have a fantastic feeling.

Again, the soldiers did not have a bloody blade, did not spend a single soldier, and directly destroyed the city.

“Wuchen, you send someone to take over this Xubei City, and if there is a counterattack, directly kill.”

Lin Yuan said to Zhao Wuchen.

For Zhao Wuchen, he couldn’t talk about any trust.

But on the one hand, he has no one to use now.

He doesn’t care about these things either.

Lin Yuan continued to command, “Zhu Fan, you go and loot all the treasures in the city. ”

That’s his top priority.

For the capture of Xu Beicheng, he did not have much feeling.

What he really looked for was the possessions, the resources, of this war.

“Just cooperate with them, no problem.”

After giving the order, Lin Yuan patted the shoulder of the city lord of Xubei City and said.

“Lin Shuai is wise, there is no problem, you can rest assured! There will be absolutely no resistance in the city! ”

The lord of Xubei City said very respectfully.

After all, now he had his life pinched in his hands.

Immediately afterward, Lin Yuan asked Lu Wu to go and report the victory report back.

At the same time, it is also necessary to wait for people to send people to truly take over Xubei City.

After all the orders were given, Lin Yuan looked at the harvested goods.

Rarely, or very little.

In total, there are only nine million Spirit Stones.

This cannot be said to be poor in Xubei City, most of the cities are like this.

However, with the support of the whole city, this number was multiplied by ten.

Immediately, Lin Yuan let Zhao Wuchen leave some people behind, and then took away 100,000 elites from Xu Beicheng and left directly.

Head to the next city.

One day later.

When Lin Yuan came to the second city with a million troops.

As soon as the drums of war were raised, someone inside came to surrender.

Lin Yuan still repeated the last command.

Now he came not so much to siege the city as to obtain resources.

Now these cities and pools of the Xuanhu Kingdom can be described as falling on both sides.

If the Xuanhu Kingdom showed its strength, these cities could return in an instant.

Because it will take some time for the Mandate of Heaven Pilgrimage to really take over the city.

And just like Lin Yuan, directly taking over the city of Xuanhu Kingdom with Xuanhu State’s own army and horses has never been seen since ancient times, and it is unique.


Ten giant warships were in the territory of the Xuanhu Kingdom, as if they were in no man’s land.

Keep breaking the city.

Along the way, all the cities either surrendered directly to Kaesong or the city lord himself fled with his things in advance.

In the face of this situation, let the original consider a situation.

The situation in which the surrounding cities came to assist did not occur at all.

Because it doesn’t make sense.

In the captured city, except for the plundering of resources, nothing has changed.

None of the people in the Xuanhu Kingdom in the city felt that they now belonged to the territory of the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage to the Mandate of Heaven.

Li Chunqiu looked at the news that was constantly reported back, and his mood was excellent, which made his usual ancient face have a faint smile.

He did not go again to meet the Mandate of Heaven Holy Emperor and deliver the news.

Because of these news, it will naturally reach the Heavenly Destiny Holy Emperor’s table step by step.

At this time, throughout the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage, there were constant rumors everywhere that Lin Yuan had formed an army and defeated half a million troops by himself.

There was also the matter of Lin Yuan quelling the rebellion in Qianzhou one day, attacking the Xuanhu Kingdom, and breaking several cities in a row.

Li Chunqiu was waiting, waiting for the day when the Xuanhu Kingdom was destroyed.

Wait until the day when Lin Yuan will return triumphantly.

Once back in Beijing, it will be vacated for nine days, unstoppable!

Xuanhu Kingdom.

In the main hall of the palace.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what do you do now?!”

Lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom, Han Tiancheng sat on the dragon chair and spoke, his voice trembling slightly.

A strong person in the Yuanshen Law Realm, at this time, the whole person was full of powerlessness.

And the courtiers in the main hall were all sad, humiliated, angry, and they bowed their heads and did not know how to speak.

Tangtang Xuanhu Kingdom.

Being beaten like this by a Divine Realm cultivator with an army of 100,000 was like standing on top of his head and peeing.

Moreover, according to their information, the whole city was simply breaking a city a day, and if it went on like this, it would have to directly hit the capital of the Xuanhu Kingdom, the Tiger Capital City.

“Your Majesty, you might as well fight directly!” Instead of living in humiliation, it is better for me to wait for all of them to fight to the death! ”

A big man with a large body stood up and spoke, as loud as thunder.

As soon as the words fell, an old man with a pale face stood up, “No, according to the information, that Lin Yuan has several Yuan Shen Fa Xiang strong people around him, and with his current situation, the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty even sent out into the Immortal Realm Master to secretly protect him, and it is difficult to kill him to ascend to the heavens, unless the old ancestor is out of the pass!” But Lao Zu now didn’t care about the affairs of the country. ”

“The Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage has such a heavenly arrogance, it is not at all something that our Xuanhu Kingdom can resist.”

“Moreover, we are now paying tribute to the Great Yin Dynasty every year, but we have not received any benefits, and we have fallen into such a situation, and the Great Yin Imperial Dynasty has only been able to reply, so it is better to directly surrender to the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the temple was suddenly energized and spoke one after another.

“Your Majesty, Prince Ren is right, but the minister thinks it is reasonable!”

“What Prince Ren said is reasonable, it seems that Lin Yuan is not a murderous person, as long as he submits to it, maybe there is some benefit.”

“There’s nothing wrong with attaching the Mandate of Heaven to the Holy Pilgrimage.”

“Yes, it is also attached to the Great Yin Imperial Dynasty, and it is better to attach to the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty!”

There were also some ministers who disagreed, but in the face of the ministers opening their mouths like this, thinking of the dilemma facing the Xuanhu Kingdom, they could only choose to bow their heads and be silent.

Han Chengtian, the lord of the Xuanhu Kingdom, sat on the dragon chair and condescended to take in the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu’s expression.

His body leaned back slightly, and there were many inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

But there is an extremely obvious disgust.


Originally, the Xuanhu Kingdom was attached to the Great Yin Dynasty.

Now it is time to attach another pilgrimage to the Mandate of Heaven.

Then what else did he want this Xuanhu Kingdom to do!

When he first became the head of the country, he made a great ambition in his heart that he must let the country rise.

But that was what I thought when I was younger.


Lin Yuan stood on the deck of the war giant ship, looking thousands of miles away.

See a majestic capital city.

The capital of Xuanhu Kingdom, Tiger Capital City!

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