Gu Xuan nodded slightly.

At this time, the black fog that filled the city of Hades retreated towards the center like a receding tide.

A large amount of black fog gathered together and swirled like a tidal wave.

Gradually, in the black mist, a huge and majestic portal quietly appeared.

The portal towers into the sky, and the pillars on both sides are carved with strange patterns.

Take a closer look, what kind of pattern it is, it is clearly a hideous and distorted grimace, and even struggling and squirming, which is extremely eerie.

At the top of the portal are written three ghostly characters - Ghost Gate.

Inside the portal is a dark and deep road, and no one knows where it leads.

"The ghost door opens, enter the ghost door!"

Accompanied by the voice of the Great Immortal Official, many Immortal Generals got up and flew towards the Ghost Gate.

Gu Xuan found that the crow showed no signs of moving, and couldn't help but ask, "You're not going?"

The crow smiled and replied, "I've been there once, there's no need to go a second time..."

Gu Xuan clearly felt the slightest fear from the tone of the crow, obviously the eighteenth layer of hell was a very bad experience for him.

Gu Xuan was not in a hurry to leave.

He stared at the eerie and treacherous Great Ghost Gate, and there seemed to be countless inspirations bursting out of his mind.

Gu Xuan's eyes burned.

This was a rare opportunity for him, and he saw the dawn of the Nine Shadows Knife that he had always wanted to perfect but was suffering from without a blueprint.

Gu Xuan released his divine thoughts, shrouded in the ghost gate, feeling the treacherous aura of the ghost door closing, and constantly deducing in his mind.

Gradually, the prototype of a ghost gate appeared in the Nine Shadows in the picture scroll of the body and god of the law phase, and in the rapid improvement, it tended to be the same as the ghost gate pass in front of him.

And the number of Dao marks on Gu Xuanshen's picture scroll is also increasing.

Gu Xuan walked step by step, unhurriedly, towards the ghost gate.

Turning a blind eye to the handsome general who hurriedly swept by, there was only this huge ghost gate in front of him.

Just when the image of the Ghost Gate Pass in his Dharma Appearance was about to be perfected, an extremely brilliant golden light suddenly flashed in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

This golden light was so striking in front of the ghostly ghost gate, like a meteor streaked across the night sky.

Gu Xuan's eyes froze, and his gaze quickly fell on a figure.

This figure is obviously also one of the underworld commanders, and like him, there is no black mist on his body, and he is obviously also from the Tianxuan Continent.

Gu Xuan saw an extremely brilliant golden light of chance on his body, and the line of chance pointed directly at the ghost gate.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he didn't hesitate to catch up.

The moment he stepped into the ghost gate, a strange throbbing sensation flashed in Gu Xuan's heart.

Looking back, the entrance was gone, and there was no longer a sight of the underworld.

One can only see an equally dark and deep road, leading to a mysterious and unknown distance.

And the ghost gate stands alone in the middle of this headless and tailless road.

When Gu Xuan saw this scene, a sentence couldn't help but pop out of his mind.

Once you enter the ghost gate, there is no turning back!


In an instant, the majestic ghost gate in Gu Xuanshen's picture scroll was finally completely formed.

The first step of the Nine Shadows Sword Dao has been successfully deduced.

Gu Xuan raised his eyes and looked ahead, only to see that the road ahead was vast, and the figure of the handsome general of the Hades Mansion who came first could be faintly seen.

"Huangquan Road.."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he walked on the road step by step.

Compared with the powerhouse of the underworld who was scrambling to be the first and running on the road like a race, Gu Xuan seemed to have come for an outing leisurely.

And in Gu Xuan's divine picture scroll, a vast road also extends under the ghost gate at the same time....

In the underworld, many natives of the underworld, the sixteen underworld officials, the ten halls of the underworld kings and the ghost mother, and perhaps the five ghost emperors, are all watching the scene inside the ghost gate.

At this time, the ghost gate in the center of the underworld had disappeared, and in its place was an incomparably huge black mist phantom mirror.

In the mirror, you can clearly see all the scenes in the ghost gate.

The Absolute Yin Great Immortal Officer and the Wronged Crow stood in front of the Shandu Hades King, looking at the scene in the mirror, their eyes flickering slightly.

"At this time, the most advanced is the Night Underlord under the Reincarnation King, the strength of the Grandmaster of the Life and Death Realm!

"The eighteenth layer of hell trial is not a competition for speed, the one who can have the last laugh is the real winner, and the lead in front does not mean anything. "

"Definitely. Moreover, they had just set foot on the road of no return to Huangquan at this time, and they had not even arrived at the ghost bridge, and the real danger had not begun. "

"The eighteenth layer of hell trial is almost the supreme trial of our clan. The dangers and difficulties are known only to those who have experienced them firsthand.

It is estimated that before the first level of tongue pulling hell is reached, the person who travels here will lose a small half. "

Many onlookers from the underworld powerhouses talked about it and commented on the people in the trial.

So far, they can't see anything, and only when they really set foot in Hell can they tell which is stronger and which is weak.


Gu Xuan walked unhurriedly on Huangquan Road.

The deduction of Huangquan Road in my mind is constantly going on.

Suddenly, Gu Xuan saw a black boulder appear on the side of the road in front of him.

When I walked in, I saw two big characters written on the boulder with bloody words-

No return!

Gu Xuan's expression was stunned, and he muttered, "No return.. The point of no return for Huangquan..."

Crossing the boulder, it is as if passing through an invisible barrier in an instant.

One step past the point of no return, the scene in front of you changes drastically.

The originally dim and oppressive sky became extraordinarily bright, and patches of beautiful glow circulated in the sky, like silk.

The most striking thing is that both sides of the road are full of brilliant flowers.

This flower is like a cage ball, extremely beautiful, and has a bright red and brilliant color.

Looking at it from afar, you will feel that both sides are extremely bright fiery red, like a road of fire, which makes people see the infinite beauty in their hearts.

"The flower of the other side.."

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he stared at the flowers on both sides of the road for a while.

Suddenly, I noticed a person coming out of the flowers.

The man was picturesque, beautiful, with a smile on his lips and a small baby in his arms.

She stood among the flowers and beckoned slightly at Gu Xuan.

"Gu Lang, come and see our children."

Gu Xuan's eyes were stunned, and he recognized that this person was the ninth princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, and she was also the confidant who had the most skin relations with him.

Ji Yurou has his child?

Gu Xuan pondered for a while, then retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward.

"Gu Lang, Gu Lang, where are you going?"

Seeing Gu Xuan leave by himself, "Ji Yurou" was shocked and shouted at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan turned a deaf ear.

Ji Yurou suddenly became sad, and her face showed a crying expression.

"Gu Xuan, you negative person, don't you want me, don't you even want our children?!"

Ji Yurou shouted at Gu Xuan, her voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, tear-jerking.

But Gu Xuan was still unmoved and continued to move forward.

"Okay, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

Seeing that Gu Xuantou couldn't do it, Ji Yurou's expression suddenly became hideous, and she grabbed the baby in her hand suddenly, and was about to slam it to the ground....

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