"Zhongtian's first knife?!"


An ordinary-looking young man in black sat in a restaurant, listening to the bursts of discussion in his ears, and crushed the wine glass in his hand.


Xu Ye's eyes were cold, and his expression was a little hideous.

"Gu, Xuan!"

Thinking of this name, a monstrous hatred rose in Xu Ye's heart.

Since he stepped into the martial arts, he has been smooth sailing, and he has never let a person of his generation be forced into such a situation, and even had to run away in embarrassment.

Even the biggest reliance, Bai Lao fell into a coma.

"One day, I will take revenge a hundredfold!"

Xu Ye said hatefully.

At this moment, an old voice sounded in his head.

"Xu Ye..."

Hearing this voice, Xu Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was overjoyed: "Bai Lao, are you awake?"

The old man's voice coughed, and he replied with a slight weakness: "Fortunately, the strength of this son's divine soul is only equivalent to the late stage of the ordinary life and death realm, and the damage to me is not too great." If it is stronger, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the old man to wake up in a short time."


Xu Ye snorted coldly and said hatefully: "Don't worry, Bai Lao, being injured by Gu Xuan this time is that we are defenseless, and the next time we meet him, we must make him pay the price!"

The old man's voice said in a deep voice: "Before you advance to the realm of life and death, it's best not to fight with him.

Your best choice now is to lie dormant for a period of time and cultivate the Demon Summoning Sutra and the exercises I taught you to a small or even a large one.

It's not too late to settle accounts with him...."


Xu Ye took a deep breath and nodded.

At this time, the old voice spoke again: "This son has also placed a divine thought mark on you, probably because he wants to come to you again." It's a strange mark that I can't even get rid of it completely."


Xu Ye was shocked and subconsciously looked around.

"Doesn't this mean that Gu Xuan will find us at any time?"

"Hmm. "

"What should I do then?!Bai Lao!"

Although he said it was hard, when he thought of the previous knife that contained the mystery of Sancheng's destruction, Xu Ye couldn't help but feel a great fear in his heart.

If it weren't for Bai Lao, he might have died under Gu Xuandao.

Now that Bai Lao is seriously injured, Gu Xuan has also been promoted to the realm of life and death, ranking thirty-third on the list of life and death, the first sword in the sky, and his strength has definitely increased much compared to before.

Coming to the door again, how can he resist?

"Bai Lao help me!"

Xu Ye couldn't help but call urgently.

The old voice spoke, "It's okay, as long as you hide in a place where even if he can find it, he can't do anything to you." "

Xu Ye's brows furrowed, and he wondered, "What place?"

The old man's voice said lightly: "You forgot, the group that once found you..."

A glimmer of light flashed in Xu Ye's eyes, "What Bai Lao refers to, that's it!"

As he spoke, Xu Ye subconsciously took out a token from the storage spirit ring.

This token is pure black, I don't know what material it is made of, and there is a faint strange aura around it.

On the side of the token, there is a huge - the word "Hades" is written.

"The material of this token is not a thing of this world, and the origin of that group of people is probably not simple, haven't they always wanted to entrap you to join. I simply took this opportunity to join them and recuperate, so that I could collect the things I had told you to collect and restore my vitality. "

The old voice said slowly.

Xu Ye recalls the experience when he first got the token.

A group of black-robed people wrapped in a thick black mist....

It's incredible...

It seems that many places in Zhongzhou are full of their traces, and it seems that they are weaving a big net...


Xu Ye no longer hesitated, and left the restaurant in a hurry to leave the city.

In a hidden valley, Xu Ye took out the mysterious black token and silently injected Yuan Li.

The forbidden circle on the token was activated, and a black light shot out of the token and sank into the void.

"Got in touch..."

Xu Ye's face showed a faint look of anticipation, looking at the void in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Hades.. Hope you don't let me down..."



In the sky, Gu Xuan took Shangguan Yue all the way, asking about Shangguan Yue's deduction results from time to time.

Shangguan Yue held the golden array plate in his hand, pointing out the direction for Gu Xuan from time to time.

The divine imprint he had left on Xu Ye's body was so faint that it was almost imperceptible.

It is also necessary to have Shangguan Yue by his side, who can deduce the heavenly machine, and combined with the faint induction of the divine thought imprint, he can still accurately locate Xu Ye's location.

"Found it. "

Shangguan Yue's eyes suddenly lit up, pointed in a certain direction in front of him, and said firmly: "Five hundred miles ahead, it is where Xu Ye is." "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, urging his body to rush forward quickly.


"It's coming!"

A small opening gradually appeared in the void in front of him, and a cold and deep aura leaked out of it.

Xu Ye's expression was excited, and there were also unquiet fluctuations in the ring on his hand.

Finally, a figure slowly walked out of the void.

The man was shrouded in a thick black mist, wearing a black cloak, and he couldn't see what he looked like.

"Hades Envoy!"

Xu Ye's eyes lit up and he was about to speak.

At this moment, an extremely brilliant sword light fell from the sky.

This sword light came so abruptly, it was almost night, and the envoy of the underworld who had just appeared on the scene didn't react.

Only the ring in Xu Ye's hand was shaking wildly.


Xu Ye's eyes widened, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

But a golden array disc fluttered down, and the forbidden light of countless magic arrays shrouded the entire valley.

Xu Ye wanted to tear open the void, but he couldn't do it at all.

I could only watch the sword light fall, and roared in my mouth: "Bai Lao save me!"


The old man's voice scolded in surprise and anger.

The next moment, Xu Ye's body bloomed with an incomparable light.

But an invisible wave of divine thought streaked across the void, and the light trembled suddenly, and then quickly extinguished.

The dazzling sword light fell, and it was dozens of times more powerful than it was in the previous God Realm.

Xu Ye's pupils contracted, and the whole person was cut in half with a "sigh".

Gu Xuan's huge divine thoughts poked out, condensed into a knife shape in the void, and stirred Xu Ye's corpse fiercely.

Xu Ye's divine soul was immediately twisted to pieces by Gu Xuan, and they were all sucked into the divine soul vortex.

One by one, the pictures flashed in front of Gu Xuan's eyes like a marquee.

Gu Xuan quickly rummaged through Xu Ye's memories.

Those who are useless are all crushed by him.


Gu Xuan captured a brilliant golden color in Xu Ye's memory - "Demon Calling Sutra"!

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