"The old man has seen many geniuses in his life, but such a character is also rare.

Even in the Upper Realm, this person is considered to be outstanding. "

The old man's voice sounded in Xu Ye's ears, full of emotion.

"This man's invincibility has been achieved, and the wheel war is no longer useful to him, it will only make his momentum snowball.

Bai Lao, I have to make a move. "

Xu Ye's eyes flickered, he touched an ancient clumsy ring on his right index finger, and asked in his heart: "Bai Lao, what are my chances of winning against this person?"

"Not a single percent. "


Xu Ye's expression was shocked, and he said unwillingly: "Only Yicheng, then what else do I fight with him?"

The old man's voice said lightly: "Don't worry, this time the stakes are very high, and I will wait for the opportunity to make a move." With me, your odds are eighty percent. "

Xu Ye's eyes suddenly relaxed, and he was relieved.

Then I heard the old man's voice continue: "But if I make a move, the power I have accumulated before will be squandered, and I am afraid that I will fall into a deep sleep again." When the time comes, I won't be able to help you if you're in danger again. "

"Don't worry, Bai Lao, I will be careful while you are sleeping. And collect energy to wake you up as soon as possible. "

"Good. "

Receiving the affirmative answer from the old voice, Xu Ye's heart immediately rose with great confidence.

He Xu Ye was able to get to this point, all thanks to the help of Bai Lao.

Bai Lao was a very powerful man, he was an unimaginable terrifying powerhouse during his lifetime, and after he fell for unknown reasons, a wisp of remnant soul was pinned on the ring on his hand.

And the ring was obtained by him by chance, and Xu Yecong was able to rise all the way.

Bai Lao is Xu Ye's biggest reliance, he has cultivated all his body, and all the chances are based on Bai Lao's guidance.

And along the way, Bai Lao has never disappointed Xu Ye.

He said that if he is 90% sure, then it must be 90%.

This Gu Xuan will definitely be defeated today!

Xu Ye sneered at the corner of his mouth, and walked out step by step in the void.

Gu Xuan looked at him lightly, and countless eyes converged on him below.

One is the legend of the younger generation in Zhongzhou, who used to be the first on the list of gods.

The other is the myth of the new rise of the younger generation.

What kind of sparks should collide when the two collide?!

Much to look forward to.

Gu Xuan was also looking forward to this battle.

Because Xu Ye had three golden chances on his body, and one of them gave Gu Xuan a feeling of extreme longing.

Intuition told Gu Xuan that Xu Ye had something very important to Gu Xuan.

Xu Ye walked into the void step by step, and walked to a height that was at eye level with Gu Xuan.

He narrowed his eyes, glanced at the words on the physiognomy list, and sneered: "The first position on the god list is not something that anyone can sit on. "

Gu Xuan said calmly: "You are very confident. I hope you can maintain this confidence when you are beaten to death by me later. "


Xu Ye sneered, and a long sword overflowing with cold light appeared in his hand, and stabbed directly at Gu Xuan.

As soon as the sword stabbed out, it stirred the void, bringing up a thick chain phantom, and the power was terrifying.


And it is the power of the mystery that has a comprehension level of more than 10%.

As soon as Xu Ye made a move, it was a killing move that ordinary people could not reach.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he slashed out.

"Mystery, Dark!"

The sky is gone, and the polar night is falling.

Sancheng's extremely dark and mysterious knife directly smashed Xu Ye's sword light, and the remaining momentum continued to slash towards Xu Ye.

Xu Ye's eyes flashed, and he directly put away the long sword in his hand.

Casually, the ten fingers of his hands changed, and he pinched out a mysterious seal.

In an instant, an inexplicable and huge momentum in the void was mobilized, like a grinding disc, rumbling down, directly crushing Gu Xuan's sword light.


Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "This is... The power of the formation?!"

Xu Ye smiled slightly, "You have a bit of eyesight." "

In this process, Xu Ye's hand did not stop for a moment.

His ten fingers flew like flying, and he continued to shoot out one ray of light after another in the void.

Soon, the aura and general trend of this piece of heaven and earth were completely mobilized by Xu Ye.

This general trend was like a cage, enveloping Gu Xuan and everyone in the field.

The faces of the people below showed a look of surprise and shock.

"This is Xu Ye's true strength, the way of formation?"

"He directly blocked this void, this method is too unbelievable, it is really terrifying!"

The son of Tianjiao had a solemn face, shook his head and said, "You underestimate Xu Ye too much, this is just the tip of the iceberg of his strength." The real horror has only just begun..."


"Heaven and earth are cages.."

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed with coldness, and a magnificent and huge divine figure appeared behind him.

A full two hundred and forty-nine Dao marks shook and blessed, and the aura on Gu Xuan's body instantly increased dozens of times.

An experienced sword light slashed out, instantly shattering the invisible momentum in front of him.

The cage of heaven and earth was shattered.

"Gu Xuan's body is too domineering, a random knife is worth the full strength of others, and there is no way to fight at all."

Someone sighed.

Xu Ye's face also became gloomy.

His fingers flew, and a phantom of the Great Magic appeared behind him.

This time, the general trend between heaven and earth no longer spreads, but all shrinks towards Xu Ye's figure.

The Great Magic Shadow behind Xu Ye was blessed by the general trend, and his body quickly expanded and solidified.

In a short time, it grew to the size of a hundred zhang, just like the ancient demon coming to the world, roared lowly, and poked out its hideous claws to Gu Xuan.


Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and the divine picture scroll shook slightly.

The terrifying qi was emanated, and the hundred-foot-tall Great Demon Phantom Arm was directly shattered by the Divine Picture Scroll.

The Great Demon retreated.

Large swaths of the void crumbled and turned into chaos, and occasionally leaking qi fell from mid-air, plowing huge traces directly on the ground below, and the eyelids of the onlookers jumped.

"The strength of these two people is too terrifying, if I fight with them, I'm afraid that one of them will be crushed to pieces. "

"Ordinary powerhouses in the realm of life and death are not their opponents, and they are also sent to death when they come up. Both of them are peerless Tianjiao who have not been seen in Zhongzhou for thousands of years, and this battle is rare in the world!"

"It depends on who is the real Divine Aspect Realm ceiling combat power..."

"From the current point of view, Gu Xuan is obviously stronger.... Wait!What's that?!"

Suddenly, someone's eyes widened, staring in the direction of Xu Ye in horror.

I saw that Xu Ye's great magic phase suddenly dispersed, and the rolling demonic qi gathered but did not disperse, and turned into a huge, like a magic circle in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the robe on Xu Ye's body was windless, and his eyes were completely black.

He stood in the center of the circle, and there seemed to be a strange voice in the void.

The voice is like an ancient ballad, like the murmur of an ancient demon...

The next moment, I saw a body that exuded an incomparably terrifying aura crawling out of the magic circle.

Gu Xuan's pupils contracted, his heart beat hard, and he blurted out: "Demon Summoning Sutra?!"

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