In the huge field, there was no sound, and even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Everyone was numb and stared blankly at Gu Xuan in mid-air.

One person fought the six Tianjiao alone, and he also stabbed one by one, and all of them were defeated.

At this time, everyone's inner feelings can no longer be described as shocking.

There's only one thought left in my head—

Pushing the world horizontally, invincible among his peers, he is probably talking about such a character.

A flash of inspiration flashed in someone's mind and blurted out.

"I remembered, more than half a month ago, the daughter of the city lord of Cangyu City recruited a wife. One person overwhelmed the audience and won the first prize. Not only did he defeat Zhuo Tianyi, but he also killed the second prince of the Golden Crow, and even the four powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty's First Life and Death Realm died in his hands...

Even the powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty were alarmed and were chasing and killing this person everywhere.

Could it be this person?!"

"It must be him, Shangguan Yue, the daughter of the city lord of Cangyu City, is a member of the formation, and it must be Shangguan Yue who took action to shield the heavenly machine on this person. "

Combined with Zhuo Tianyi's previous performance, Gu Xuan's identity is already about to be revealed.

The eightfold Divine Aspect Realm crosses the level to kill the Fourfold Life and Death Realm!

When this information broke out, it undoubtedly dropped a bomb in the crowd, not to mention ordinary people, even the Divine Breath Prince and the Second Prince of the Golden Crow and others showed a look of shock on their faces.

"It's you!"

The second prince of the Golden Crow stared at Gu Xuan, his eyes flashing with a violent essence.

Countless shocked, shocked, and amazed eyes converged on Gu Xuan's body, and Gu Xuan's aura at this moment was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, making it difficult for people to force their eyes.

Gu Xuangao was in the middle of the sky and glanced at the audience.

The tip of Ming Hong's knife swept over the two princes of Jinwu, Duan Soul, Qin Qingmiao and others one by one.

"You guys, but don't you want it?"

Sen Leng's killing intent made several people's eyelids jump wildly.

The few people who were named by Gu Xuan could only take out the treasures that had been displayed at the deer cutting banquet before with a look of humiliation and handed them to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan got the treasure, put it into the storage spirit ring, and then grabbed Shangguan Yue's hand after leaving the game, and stepped away directly.

"Let's go!"

After Gu Xuan and the two left, the void gradually emerged with the figures of the powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm.

"Prince, why don't you let us take it down?"

There is a powerhouse in the realm of life and death who asks the prince of divine breath.

"A genius of this level has infinite luck, not to mention you, even if you are a powerhouse in the King Realm, you may not be able to leave it behind.

Resentment with it will lead to endless troubles. "

Prince Shenxi shook his head, looked at the direction where Gu Xuan was going, and muttered with a complicated expression: "Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this martial arts tea party to embark on the road of fighting for the king, but I never thought that there would be such a character in the east.

This martial arts tea party, the great god is on the list, I am afraid that it will become a stepping stone for this person alone..."

The powerhouses of the Life and Death Realm next to him all shook violently when they heard this.

They had followed Prince Divine Breath for so long, and they had never seen him have such a high opinion of someone.

"Who the hell is this person.."

Qin Qingmiao also looked at the direction in which Gu Xuan left, and many strange colors and doubts appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Qin Qingmiao always felt that this person gave her a very familiar and wonderful feeling.

"Maybe it's just because he also happens to comprehend the Yin and Yang martial intent!"

"However, this person is also really extraordinary, with the potential to be invincible in the world, and can be listed as one of the key targets..."

Qin Qingmiao thought secretly in her heart.


In the battle of Xifeng City, Gu Xuan's name was completely spread throughout the east.

Although no one knew his identity, his brilliant achievements in killing the four powerhouses of the life and death realm in Cangyu City, and the six heavenly pride in Xifeng City, including the Prince of Divine Breath and the Second Prince of the Golden Crow, were spread.

All of a sudden, the east shook.

Everyone knows that they have produced a super genius with invincible potential in the east.

A teahouse in a city in the east.

Ye Tian, who looked like a dusty man, listened to the discussion of the situation of the battle of the Deer Cutting Banquet in Wind City, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect Brother Gu to be so great now, he has become one of the top geniuses in Zhongzhou, and I don't know how many people are strong." "

Wu Qiao next to him couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, when I first saw Gu Gongzi, I thought that he was not a thing in the pool, but I didn't think about it, but I still underestimated him." Gu Gongzi is a true dragon in the world!"

Ye Tian thought of the huge gap between himself and Gu Xuan, and couldn't help but drink a little depressed.

But before he could drink a few glasses, Wu Qiao stood up nervously and urged, "Brother Ye, let's go quickly." I sensed that the people of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty were about to chase and kill!"


When Ye Tian heard this, he hurriedly threw away the wine glass, picked up Wu Qiao and hurriedly rushed out of the restaurant, leaving the place.

"How many days have it been?"

"I'm afraid these people from the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty are crazy, it's obvious that Brother Gu killed the six princes of their Divine Dynasty, why do they keep chasing us like mad dogs?"

"Who knows. But Brother Ye, didn't you keep saying that you wanted to do something for Gu Gongzi? What we are doing now can be regarded as taking the blame for Gu Gongzi. "

“..... Hey!"


At the same time, Gu Xuan was in retreat in a valley.

The concentration of spiritual energy in this valley is more than ten times that of the outside world.

The entire valley was shrouded in a huge magic circle, and to the outside world, it was an ordinary valley, who knew that there was a hole in it.

This is naturally from Shangguan Yue's handwriting.

Gu Xuanduan sat in the center of the valley, where the aura of the entire valley gathered.

He brought out the harvest he had made at the deer-cutting feast.

Fragments of magic knives, nameless animal skins (two pieces), golden yuan fire marrow, etc.

Now is the time to digest all of this.

Gu Xuan casually picked up the Golden Yuan Fire Marrow obtained from the Second Prince of the Golden Crow, opened it, and took off the small half bottle in one gulp.


A surging and blazing Pure Fire Yuan Force erupted in his body.


Gu Xuan could almost clearly hear the sound of his Xuan body and cultivation increasing.

"It's so strong..."

Gu Xuan praised the jade bottle, then handed it to Shangguan Yue next to him and asked, "Do you want to taste it?"

Shangguan Yue also gave him two big white eyes.

Gu Xuan smiled and drank the remaining half of the bottle by himself.

If others saw Gu Xuan using the Golden Yuan Fire Essence like this, it was estimated that his eyes would fall off.

You must know that the surging fire power contained in a drop of Golden Yuan Fire Essence is enough to burn a Divine Realm powerhouse to ashes.

was so lightly drunk by Gu Xuan as a drink.

Drinking the golden yuan fire marrow, Gu Xuan picked up the fragment of the magic knife.

The fragments of the magic knife exuded monstrous ferocity and evil aura all the time, as well as a trace of sword intent that cut through the ages.

This aura was exactly the same as the aura left on the knife marks that Gu Xuan had seen when he had comprehended the Heavenly Sword in the secret realm of the Ling Xiao Sect.

"Maybe this magic knife fragment is the weapon of the owner of the scar. But such a powerful peerless figure who could destroy the Ling Xiao Sect with one sword, why did he fall to the point where his blade was destroyed?!"

"Could it be that this person has also fallen?"

Gu Xuan's heart shook slightly.

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