Xiao Chen, who was dressed in a blue robe, walked on the ice field, compared with the battle of the True Dragon List, his strength was much stronger, he had reached the ninth level of Xuandan, and his temperament was also a lot calmer.

"The Tianjiao Hunting Ground of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, has it finally begun..."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he thought secretly in his heart.

Coming from the previous life, he naturally knew what kind of existence the so-called Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance was.

The great world is about to begin, and those big forces and big people in Zhongzhou who stand at the top of the pyramid have naturally noticed this a long time ago.

Decades or even centuries ago, he began to plan for this.

The Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is a collective force in the southern part of Zhongzhou, consisting of several third-grade sects and more than twenty fourth- and fifth-grade sects.

This force is not big in Zhongzhou, but it is not small.

The real top forces also don't bother to do this kind of thing to harvest the Heavenly Pride of Other Domains to boost their own Heavenly Pride Martial Luck.

In other words, the real top forces simply don't look down on geniuses from a corner like the Southern Regions.

Because even the top genius in the Southern Regions, if placed in Zhongzhou, can only be regarded as the upper middle, not very outstanding.

"It turns out that even the big guys have miscalculations. When the great world comes, even the small domain Tianjiao is as lucky as a dragon.

Tianjiao, who came out of Xiaoyu, will have a period of explosive growth in strength after coming to Zhongzhou, and quickly close the gap with the genius of Zhongzhou.

Like Ji Lingsheng, he became one of the protagonists of heaven and earth later.

The Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance's move is a crooked move...."

Xiao Chen pondered: "It seems that the Extreme Dao Immortal League has also produced a protagonist who is on the king list, named the Prince of the Immortal League. It is estimated that it was the luck of harvesting a wave of geniuses in the Southern Regions to have the later achievements..."

Xiao Chen walked to an area, swept the surroundings, and said to himself, "It should be around here." When the secret realm of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance opens, I will sneak in along the gap in the space..."

Xiao Chen said, taking out a misty seven-colored crystal from the storage spirit ring.

"This ethereal crystal can come in handy. The ethereal crystal has the function of shuttling through space, and the secret realm of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance connects to Zhongzhou in the Southern Regions, with my cultivation, with the help of this ethereal crystal, I should be able to reach Zhongzhou safely."

If you want to travel from the Southern Regions to Zhongzhou, there are only two ways.

One is to cross the sea, which takes months or even half a year.

This method takes too long, and the sea is not as good as the land, and there is little chance of life when something really happens.

The second is to use a long-distance large teleportation array.

However, this level of teleportation array is generally only in the hands of a top-level powerhouse like Xuanyu Holy Land, and it is very difficult for Xiao Chen to borrow it.

That's why he thought that this was not the solution.

Xiao Chen looked at the ethereal crystal in his hand and said with a smile: "Legend has it that the ethereal crystal is also called the good luck crystal, and it will bring good luck to the user after use." I don't know if the legend is true or not, but it can be verified..."

At the same time, Gu Xuan was standing at a height of thousands of meters away from Xiao Chen and staring at him coldly.

"This person doesn't seem to be on the double list, he shouldn't have received an invitation from the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, what is he doing here, and why can he find this?"

Gu Xuan had doubts in his heart.

Looking at the brilliant and eye-catching seven-colored light of chance on Xiao Chen's body, he had the urge to use "Nerve Eater" to wipe it out and devour his memory.

In the end, it was pressed down.

"Let's wait..."

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, "If the seven-colored fate disappears after killing him, the gains over there will outweigh the losses." "

As usual, there are still a lot of golden opportunities on Xiao Chen's body, and the connecting direction of one of them is still nearby.

Gu Xuan thought about it and searched all the way along the line of chance, only to find that there was a person waiting for him.

The golden line of chance sank into the void behind the man.

This person's aura is powerful, and he is a strong person in the Divine Realm.

Seeing Gu Xuan, this person's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward and asked, "Your Excellency is Gu Tianjiao, the number one on the double list?"

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "Who are you?"

This person took out a black token engraved with the word "extreme" from his arms, and said with a smile: "I am the envoy of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance, and I have been waiting for Gu Tianjiao here for a long time. "

Extreme Immortal Alliance!

Gu Xuanshennian swept around, frowned, and said, "What about the others?"

This person replied: "The other Tianjiao have already entered the secret realm first, just waiting for Gu Tianjiao to go." "

Gu Xuan looked at him coldly.

The man looked respectful and waited quietly for Gu Xuan to make a decision.

After a while, Gu Xuan spoke: "Let's go." "

A smile appeared on the man's face, "Gu Tianjiao, please come with me." "

Gu Xuan glanced at the golden line of chance, and followed the man in another direction.

After only a few miles of travel, Gu Xuan Shennian keenly sensed that there were obvious fluctuations coming out of the void somewhere.

Then I saw the man take out the Extreme Dao Token that he had shown to Gu Xuan before, and gently toss it in the void.

The black token glowed in midair, and a huge entrance appeared in the void.

The man stretched out his hand to Gu Xuan towards the entrance and made a gesture of invitation.

"Gu Tianjiao, please!"

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he stepped into the entrance of the void.

Seeing Gu Xuan enter, the man followed with a cold and mysterious smile on his face.


At the same time, the Zhongzhou Continent, the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance.

Surrounded by mountains, the mist is misty.

In the center of the huge square, a huge light curtain water mirror appears in the sky.

In the void around the light curtain, a powerful figure with an obscure aura stood, and there were countless disciples of various sects and sects standing below.

Among them, there were ten young figures with towering horns standing in the lead, looking up at the light curtain.

At this time, the light curtain was showing the scene of Gu Xuan walking into the secret realm.

Seeing this scene, an old voice sounded in the void.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the prey has entered, and the hunt has begun. I can let you disciples get ready..."

Many powerful auras circulated in the void, and there were powerful beings with scorching eyes, staring at Gu Xuan in the light curtain and said, "This son is the first person of the younger generation in the Southern Regions of this generation?" "

"There is the image of a real dragon, and the prosperity of luck is like a fire in the sky, and it is really the ultimate furnace of luck!"

Someone couldn't help but praise.

"Compared to this person, the genius who had the blood of the emperor before was like a firefly under the bright moon, which was a little not worth mentioning. "

"I'm afraid you have forgotten, this person has just entered the Divine Realm, and he has been engraved by the Divine Appearance! If he is seen by the old guys in those top holy places, I am afraid that he will be desperate to snatch it back and cultivate it as a substitute Holy Son..."

"With this person as a sacrifice, the unicorn of my Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance will be able to firmly occupy a place in this great world! "


"Great goodness!"

In the void, many powerful old monsters touched their beards, and there were expectant and satisfied smiles on their faces.

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