Gu Xuan walked over cautiously, and his mind reached into the deep pit.

This huge pit full of death and demonic energy is bottomless, and no one knows what is underneath.


In a trance, Gu Xuan seemed to hear a big demon roaring under the huge pit, and the fierce flames were monstrous.

Gu Xuan's body shook slightly, and his divine thoughts quickly retracted.

His face showed a deep fear and shock.

"Burial Cave, Burial Cave... Could it be that an ancient demon is really buried underneath this?"

Gu Xuan had the heart to go down and find out, but his strength was low now, and he didn't dare to act rashly at all.

"When you are strong in the future, let's uncover the secrets in the Demon Burial Cave."

Gu Xuan took a deep look at the bottom of the giant pit and turned to leave.

Another benefit of increasing his divine thoughts by more than ten times was that Gu Xuan's ability to control his own power reached an unbelievable level.

Now he can even fly in the sky, although he is in the Xuandan realm, he can enjoy the abilities that can only be possessed in the god realm.

However, the Yuan Force required to fly was also very terrifying, even if he was carrying a superb Xuandan, Gu Xuan could not fly long distances like a powerhouse in the Divine Aspect Realm.

Outside the Demon Burial Cave, many warriors are not going, and there is even a tendency to gather more and more.

Everyone looked forward to it, staring in the direction of the exit of the Burial Cave.

"Why hasn't Gu Xuan come out yet? Could it be that he ran away early?"

"Impossible, there is only one entrance and exit to enter and exit the Demon Burial Cave, and I heard that someone has already calculated the heavenly secrets, showing that Gu Xuan is in the Demon Burial Cave. I'm afraid that I know that there are many people outside who are betting on him, and the danger is lurking, so I don't dare to come out. "

"No, I heard that this sub-Xuandan realm can fight and kill the gods, and even the second Yao of the Beichen Seven Yao died at his hands. If you really have this kind of combat power, you won't be too scared to come out. "

"Hehe, how do you know if the rumors are exaggerated. Besides, even if Gu Xuan really has this strength, how can there be more than one god outside, he can kill a god face, is it possible that he can still kill a group?"

"That's what you say. Hey, it's hard to get the treasure, and it's even more difficult to keep the treasure, and I don't know if this son can pass this level?"

"We'll see. "

Everyone was discussing, and suddenly saw that at the entrance of the Demon Burial Cave, a figure broke through the layers of black fog and suddenly appeared in the field.

This person is tall and handsome, and his whole body seems to exude a strange attraction, which makes it difficult to look away from it.

"Gu Xuan! Gu Xuan is out!"

Someone couldn't help but whisper, and in an instant, countless eyes from the sky and the earth converged on the person.

Several powerful divine thoughts in the void also rumbled down quickly.

Gu Xuan's mind moved, and he had just stepped out of the Demon Burial Cave, and he immediately felt that several powerful divine thoughts had firmly locked him.

A strong man in the god realm!

And more than one.

"I didn't expect it to come..."

Gu Xuan's eyes grew cold, and there was murderous intent surging in his chest.

"Gu Xuan!"

A figure flew towards Gu Xuan quickly.

Gu Xuan saw that it was the princess of Youyue.

Princess Youyue's face was solemn, and without saying a word, she directly stuffed a pale silver jade talisman into Gu Xuan's hand, and said quickly: "This is a big teleportation talisman that can randomly teleport you outside the territory of ten thousand miles, you quickly take it and leave quickly." "

Gu Xuan looked at the jade talisman in his hand, feeling a little surprised and stunned, and his eyes revealed a strange light.

But before he could answer, the void in front of him was already turbulent, and three figures quickly appeared in the field.

"Want to go, this world has long been blocked by us with divine thoughts, can you try to see if you can use the teleportation talisman?"

Three people appeared.

One person is rugged and unkempt, and a pair of eyes the size of mung beans seem to have thunderous splatters.

The other person was ordinary-looking, middle-aged, and his expression was slightly gloomy.

This person is the powerhouse of the Divine Appearance Realm who was pinched and exploded by the demon corpse in the Demon Burial Cave before.

The last person was wearing a black robe, with a black aura and a gloomy temperament.

The speaker was the last of the three.

"The Heavenly Thunder Scatterers, the Stone Swordsmen, and the Great Elder of the Yin Demon Sect... It turned out to be the three of them who surrounded Gu Xuan!"

"These three people are all veteran gods who have been famous for a long time, and the three of them have joined forces, Gu Xuan is in trouble. "

"If you can pass this hurdle, from now on, Gu Xuanhai will have a wide sky, and the future will be unpredictable;

The many martial artists watching below felt the powerful aura emanating from the three Divine Realm powerhouses, their expressions were shaken, and there were many discussions.

Youyue took out another similar silver jade talisman from the storage spirit ring, and after crushing it, there was no response.

This heaven and earth had indeed been blocked by the three of them with the power of the magic phase, and even the teleportation charm could not be teleported.

Youyue's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she was worried.

However, Gu Xuan's expression was extremely calm from beginning to end.


The Great Elder of the Yin Demon Sect in black robe sneered twice, his eyes fell on Gu Xuan, and he sneered: "One of the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, "Nerve Eater", but you got it?"

The Heavenly Thunder Scatterer and the Stone Swordsman also stared at him closely.

Forced to look at by three god-looking powerhouses, Gu Xuan nodded quite frankly and admitted.

""Nerve Eater" was indeed obtained by me, this exercise is worthy of being one of the four great ancient scriptures, it is extremely mysterious, and it is very beneficial to my cultivation path..."

Hearing Gu Xuan's admit, and also sighing at the power of "Nerve Eater", the eyes of the three great elders of the Yin Demon Sect suddenly became hot, and even their breathing became a little shorter.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and hand over "Nerve Eater", otherwise you won't be able to get out of here alive today!"

The Great Elder of the Yin Demon Sect threatened impatiently.

Gu Xuan said lightly: "The content of "Nerve Eater" is engraved in my mind, even if I want to hand it over, I can't hand it over."

The Great Elder of the Yin Demon Sect sneered, "Don't worry, what my Yin Demon Sect is best at is to let people tell the truth. You go back with me, I will use those methods of our Yin Demon Sect on you, and within a few days, you will obediently take the initiative to say the content of "Nerve Eater" word for word."

"Is that so?"

Gu Xuan said a sentence to himself, his eyes lowered, as if he was thinking.

A faint hint of murderous intent emanated from him.

Among the three, the stone swordsman's eyes flashed, and he said quickly: "Be careful not to let him get close, the power of this son's physical body is extremely powerful, and it can rival the divine appearance!"

The stone swordsman once entered the Demon Burial Cave and saw with his own eyes the process of Gu Xuansheng tearing apart the demon corpse of the God Realm.

As soon as the Great Elder of the Yin Demon Sect's face changed, he had to take a few steps back to guard against Gu Xuan's sudden bullying.

But at this moment, Gu Xuan raised his head lightly and slammed out the knife.

Knife pulling!


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