"Here it is. "

Gu Xuan found a low slope with lush vegetation, looked at a position, and swung it out with his bare hands.


The rocks cracked and the rubble splashed, like an earthquake.

A large number of snakes, insects, rats and ants ran out of the shadows and flew in a hurry.

And on the originally solid slope wall, a big hole was blasted out by Gu Xuan's punch.

The entrance of the cave only allows one person to enter and exit, and it is more than a few feet deep.

A simple retreat was built.

Gu Xuan drilled in, blocked the hole with some blades of grass, and then took out the Forging God Pill that had just arrived and swallowed it in one bite.

Unlike swallowing the Heart Refining Fruit, at the entrance of the Forging Divine Pill, Gu Xuan immediately felt a sharp stinging pain in his brain.

It was as if there were 10,000 knives stirring in his head at the same time.

Gu Xuan clenched his teeth, green tendons burst out on his forehead, his face was pale, and sweat was like rain.

In this process, Gu Xuan could clearly feel that his divine thoughts, which had just been transformed, were once again frantically improving.

It turned out that the range of his divine perception was about five miles in radius.

Now, this range is expanding rapidly.

Ten miles..

Fifteen miles...

Twenty miles!

Gu Xuan was hiding in the cave, and he could clearly "see" that twenty miles away, two trial martial artists chased and fled from his divine perception.

It's amazing!

The medicinal effect of the Forging God Pill slowly faded.

In the end, Gu Xuan's divine thought strength stayed in the range of twenty-three miles.

Compared to before, it is a qualitative leap!

Not only that, at this time, Gu Xuan's brain was running rapidly, and inspirations came out one after another, and thoughts were gushing.

His perception has increased at least tenfold!

"If I take fifty times the comprehension pill now, the effect will be equivalent to an increase of five hundred times!

Gu Xuan himself was taken aback.

Look at the Void God Knife in the dantian again.

At this time, the Void God Knife completely turned into a crimson substance knife, which was exquisite, as if it was carved from fine glass.

"With this sword, the power of divine thoughts occupies at least half of it.

Once you make a move, you will cut the soul directly!"

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the Xue Luo knife suddenly came out of its sheath.

A dark golden sword light slashed out.

And then the second, and then the third...

One knife was faster than the other, and ten swords were superimposed in a row, and the color of the initial sword light almost changed to pure black.

The sword light slashed out, and even the void became distorted, and no sound of breaking the air could be heard at all, because the speed of the sword had surpassed the speed of sound.


The sword flew out of the cave.

I saw that where the sword light passed, the grass and trees below were twisted into powder by the invisible force, and a shocking knife mark appeared on the ground, extending for a distance of hundreds of meters.


This move was a trick that Gu Xuan had created on a whim when dealing with the Heart Eater Flower before.

The long river of sword qi pays attention to breaking the point with the face, Gu Xuan did the opposite and tried the way to break the face with the point.

Relying on his astonishing knife speed, he compressed the power of several knives into one knife in a short period of time, and the result was beyond his expectations, and the power was amazing.

When I fought against the Heart Eater Flower before, this move was still very rough, and the handling was not perfect, so it could only be stacked with six swords.

But now that the divine mind has improved again, Gu Xuan's control over the timing of the knife and the power of the Yuan Force has reached a perverted level, and the sword light can be superimposed to ten swords!

"This move can be called the Absolute Sky Killing Knife!"

Slash out with one sword, cut off the back road of the absolute hand, and kill all life.

"Calculating the time, that kid should now reach the second chance point, and he has to rush over immediately..."

Gu Xuan thought about it, and slashed this temporary retreat place with a knife in his hand, and the figure disappeared in a flash.


"It's here!"

The red-robed young man used his sword to split an ancient tree blocking the way in front of him, and his expression showed a bit of anticipation.

"There are still a few dozen meters to the swamp marked on the map. There is a blood reishi in the swamp that is more than 9,000 years old, and it is estimated that the fire has reached 10,000 years now! However, you have to be more careful next, it is difficult to ensure that there is no powerful demon beast next to the blood reishi to protect it..."

The Mind Eater had already scared the red-robed boy out of the psychological shadow that time.

For the first time, he discovered that the wilderness trials were not only about the fun of exploration and harvesting, but also about unknown dangers.

He followed the map along the way, and he could be considered cautious.

Along the way, he really discovered a lot of hidden dangers in advance, and the whole person can be said to have grown a lot and made a lot less recklessness.

The red-robed boy brushed aside a patch of weeds, and a faint smell of dampness and rancid smell hit his face.

His eyes lit up!


There really is a swamp!

Next, just search for the location of the Blood Lingzhi and watch out for the demon beasts that may be lurking.

At this moment, a mournful sound of the demon beast before death suddenly sounded in his ears.

The red-robed young man was startled, and he inexplicably had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

He hurried in the direction from which the voice came, and as a result, the scene in front of him made him freeze in place for an instant.

I saw a handsome young man in a moon-white robe slowly pulling out the long knife in his hand from the top of a huge demon crocodile's head.

Beside him, a top-grade Ganoderma lucidum carved like a blood agate was swaying slightly.

The young man leaned down and gently picked the blood lingzhi into his hand.

"Why are you again?!"

The red-robed young man couldn't help but blurt out and shouted loudly.

The handsome young man turned around and didn't seem surprised at all when he saw the red-robed young man appear.

"Why can't it be me?"

Gu Xuan said lightly: "The heavenly and earthly treasures in the secret realm, those who are destined to get it, I have a relationship with this blood lingzhi, it is naturally mine." "

"I obviously found out first!"

The red-robed young man was so angry that he stomped his feet.

Gu Xuan smiled coldly and said disdainfully: "Ridiculous." Didn't you see that I was first come, first served?"

"You.. You.. You..."

The red-robed young man's white jade-like face turned red, and he was clearly angry, but he couldn't say a word.

Gu Xuan didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Bastard! Bastard! Angry Ben... I'm gone!"

The red-robed young man looked at the direction Gu Xuan had left, and couldn't help but think about it.

He has been cut off by Gu Xuan twice in a row, and each time the other party can be one step ahead of him, but he can't find fault with it, and he can't beat the other party.

Are you angry?

"I don't believe it, I can't meet you in the next place!"

The red-robed young man took out the map of the animal skin, quickly selected a location, and quickly left through gritted teeth.


"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: 100x Comprehension Pill*1"

It was another chance to cut off the beard, and the reward he got was still a hundredfold comprehension pill, Gu Xuan was in a good mood.

Of course, what satisfied him the most was the blood lingzhi in his hand.

Blood Ganoderma lucidum has the powerful effect of enhancing the qi and blood of warriors and prolonging life.

And the year of this plant in his hand is close to 10,000 years!

10,000 years of blood reishi!

Gu Xuan didn't waste anything, so he found a nearby place to stay, and then directly swallowed the 10,000-year-old blood lingzhi.

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