Hongmeng purple qi, the foundation of holiness.

This was the Hongmeng Purple Qi that flew out from the body of the Quasi-Ti Dao.

Only three feet and three inches, more than half less than the Hongmeng purple qi at the beginning.

When Chu Feng took out this Hongmeng Purple Qi to watch, the Innate Saint shook even more.

Even within the Innate Holy Land, the nine purple mountains began to vibrate, and the refined divine corpse was in turmoil.

“Boom ————————”

The riot of the Nine Innate Purple Mountains shook the divine corpses.

Chu Feng looked at the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then threw him into the Innate Holy Land.

The next moment, this Hongmeng Purple Qi flew into the Nine Innate Purple Mountains.

A strange aura emerged, the innate holy land stopped trembling, and the Nine Great Purple Mountains absorbed this Hongmeng Purple Qi in the first time.

In just a moment, Chu Feng saw that the Nine Innate Purple Mountains had changed.

These nine innate purple mountains swayed, and purple lines emerged.

Even these nine purple mountains are slowly merging.

After devouring the Hongmeng purple qi, the nine innate purple mountains were intertwined, and the strange aura flowed, which was the innate breath.

These auras accelerated the refining speed of the Chaos God and Demon Corpses, and in just a few moments, dozens of Chaos Qi were refined.

Among them, the energy of this god and demon was also absorbed by the Nine Great Purple Mountains.

After a long time, these nine purple mountains merged into one purple mountain!!

This purple mountain is nine feet high, like a small mountain bag.


That’s not a mountain bag, but a big tomb!!

The Great Tomb in the Innate Holy Land!

This is the original place of the innate god, the place where the birth of the Daikokuten innate god originated.

Chu Feng’s body moved, and he walked directly into the innate holy land.

He absorbed those chaotic qi, and the forty trillion cells in his body turned into a heaven and earth oven. Refine these chaotic qi in an instant.

Soon, he had more than a million more Yuanshen stars.

It’s just that when Chu Feng walked to the bottom of this nine-zhang purple mountain, his body shook.


Suddenly, four trillion Yuan God cells trembled.

Chu Feng felt a suction force.

At this moment, Chu Feng visualized the three gods and demons true spirit, condensing the Great Black Heavenly True Spirit!!

Too void, black sky, great heavenly god and demon true spirit unity, turned into the true spirit of the great black heaven innate god, although there is no birth of the first day, but also beyond the true spirit of ordinary gods!!

It’s just that the suction force is more powerful.

A blurry Yuan God walked out from Chu Feng’s body.

This Yuan God gradually condensed into reality, and more and more Yuan God was sucked out.

But in an instant, all of Chu Feng’s divine souls were sucked out.

Then his Yuan God was sucked into it by this Jiuzhang Purple Mountain.

“Boom ——————————————”

A strange breath enveloped him, warm as a spring breeze.

That’s a precursor.

Chu Feng’s spirit is being nurtured!!

“Innate Holy Land, Innate Holy Land, this is treating me as a congenital god, he is nurturing my true spirit.”

Chu Feng said in surprise.

His physical body is still in the innate holy land, but the Yuan God has entered the innate purple mountain and is nourished by countless innate heavens.

Innate God!

There are only two aspects of transcending the Heavenly God, that is, the innate body and the innate divine soul.

A chaotic god and demon who cultivates into a god after the day wants to cultivate to the height of an innate god, at least one million major worlds must be opened.

is qualified to call the innate god.

And at this moment, Chu Feng’s Yuan God was refined and evolved towards the innate Yuan God.

He tried his best to absorb these breaths, and his Yuan God was full of divine and even triggered physical visions.

The flesh standing in the void all rippled with light.

Even two-thirds of the remaining Heavenly Dragon Emperor’s combat power was deduced.



In the heavens and realms, a figure flew in the world of nothingness.

He didn’t fly fast, as it took three months to reach the agreed time.

It’s only been more than half a month now.

Only at this moment, this figure stopped.

A golden Heavenly Dragon phantom appeared on him.

This golden heavenly dragon phantom was shrouded in countless rays of light, and the most strange thing was that countless scales were woven on this golden heavenly dragon.

These scales seem to be real, intertwining endless truths and principles.

Originally, only one-third of these scales were intertwined, but now the remaining two-thirds of the scales are also intertwined.

A powerful force emerged!!!

His aura skyrocketed several times out of thin air!!

The void actually began to collapse, it was the void world of the endless world.

Around Chu Feng’s incarnation, it was a big world.

Even his breath affected those big worlds.

These great worlds shook, and a venerable creature looked up at the sky.

They could only see the endless starry sky, but a terrifying coercion appeared directly in their hearts.

That’s Diwei!


“Is there a great emperor crossing outside the endless world?”

One after another, the figures were terrified.

There are even supreme powerhouses who fly out of the world barrier and want to find out.

But soon, the coercion dissipated.

They did not see anyone outside the world barriers.

In a void world, Chu Feng converged the Golden Heavenly Dragon Shadow!

This is a real Heavenly Dragon power, once condensed, it can bless the combat power of a great emperor!

In addition to the Supreme Sword Realm, this incarnation is equivalent to blessing the combat power of two great emperors!!

Before he became enlightened, he had already surpassed the ordinary emperor. (There is no blessing of the origin of the world)

The void rippled, and a divine light crossed the endless world and flew towards Chu Feng.

This is a map of God, which is the Creation Catalog.

It’s just that at this moment, only the Great World of Holy Light remains in the God Map, and there is no other trace of Dao and Chaotic Qi.

Chu Feng smiled and held this divine map in his hand, and the Chaos Oven in his other hand vibrated and flew directly into his hair.

Evolved to the size of a finger and hung at the end of the hair.

And he flew this void world again.

Only at this moment, his speed was three points slower.

“Wanbao Great World, there are a hundred major worlds away from the Holy Light Great World, and there are still two and a half months left.”

“No rush, no rush.”

This was Chu Feng’s most leisurely three months.

His true body was in the Innate Holy Land, motionless.

His divine soul was in the innate purple mountain, nourished by the innate weather, and every moment, his true spirit was growing.

The sermon robbery also began two and a half months later.

He crossed the endless world, slowly watching these worlds.

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