Fantasy: My Senior Brother Is A Bit Magical

Chapter 36 Qingfeng Sword Intent

Is it because of his strength that Su Liang can make so many disciples greet him obediently?

of course not.

It's bullying others.

If you don't say hello to me when you meet me, that means you don't respect me or your senior brother.

Today you dare to disrespect your senior brother, tomorrow you dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, and you dare to betray the sect the day after tomorrow, the sect cannot keep such a person!

This sounds outrageous, but it actually comes from Su Liang's mouth.

Although everyone knew he was joking.

However, although he does not have the final say whether to keep people or not, he can use this as an excuse to cause trouble for people, which is his specialty.

There are also people who want to bully the small ones because of their high level. The result is that the second senior sister who likes to wear white comes to the door with a knife and punishes them one by one.

"In the same realm, if my junior brother gets beaten, I don't care. It's because he is not capable enough."

"But if someone bullies a small person, don't blame me."

Second Senior Sister Xiaolianfeng, who has always been a man of few words, uttered these two sentences after beating more than a dozen second-level disciples and four geniuses at the top of the third level.

Since then, many people in Nanxi Sword Sect have learned that the second senior sister who likes to wear white clothes on Xiaolian Peak is also an extremely powerful evildoer.

The peak of the Three Realms at the age of eighteen!

Now twenty-three, although he has been in seclusion for two years, since then no one has really bullied the small.

However, it is still indispensable to scold him secretly.

Of course, if that were all, it would not be possible for the veteran disciples of the Three Realms to be so afraid of him.

What really made Su Liang the top three disciples of the Nanxi Sword Sect who should not be provoked was the 'murder of the sect leader' that shocked the whole sect.

Others, even the sect leader, have tried their best to knock down the sap and rob them. If they want to deal with their disciples, why don't they just pinch them with their hands?

Su Liang walked through the crowd and came to the front. He looked up and down at Wu Mianyu in the center of the competition stage and nodded.

"It's okay, but not as handsome as me."

Although what he said was true, the smiles of the old disciples around him still froze.

It's right, it's still the shameless third senior brother.

"Why did it take so long?" Just when Su Liang was about to make a few comments, Cheng Shuanglin ducked in front of him and stared.

Su Liang looked at the sudden appearance of the red-haired old man, and was frightened. He patted his chest in a pretense of fear: "Mr. Cheng...Uncle, you scared me. Oh no, I feel like it's hard to breathe. , I’m going to Danxintang to check my health. If there are any problems, uncle, you have to reimburse me for the expenses.”

"It's not much. I estimate that seven to eight hundred Middle Grade spiritual stones will be enough."

"If you don't give it, I will ask you to look for kidney-tonifying pills at Danxintang last year... ugh~"

Cheng Shuanglin covered Su Liang's mouth with one hand, his head covered with black lines, and he was a little angry.

This kid! How did you know?!

He has arranged an isolation formation!

Shame on, shame on!

"You are obsessed with losing money, right? Put away your tricks and stop being embarrassed here. If you don't do good things every day, you will spread rumors and blackmail, right?"

Although he said this openly, secretly, Li Shuanglin had already heard the news.

"Shut up, you're going to piss me off about this. The spirit stone will be sent to you in a few days. If you dare to leak any news after that, I won't give you face even if your master comes."

Su Liang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, Uncle Cheng. I was just kidding, look at you, you are so anxious."

There hasn't been much extortion in the past two months... Well, now that it's opened, Su Liang feels like he's become a bit strange.

Fortunately, it seems that the business methods are still top-notch.

Cheng Shuanglin felt a gaze falling on his back.

I knew it was Kong Qi without even thinking about it.

He could already imagine the old man holding back his laughter!

Thinking like this, he looked at Su Liang with an annoyed look: "If you can't deal with that person on the stage today, just wait and see."

Then, he patted his shoulder heavily, ducked back to the sky, and turned a blind eye to Kong Qi.

Su Liang pinched his chin and shook his head helplessly.

"How can it be reasonable for a master uncle to embarrass his disciple?"

But let's talk, let's talk, let's get down to business. Business still needs to be done.

What's more... Su Liang looked at the competition stage again.

The man in purple has been looking at me for a long time.

Tsk, there is no such thing as Longyang, right?

At this moment, Wu Mianyu stood up, with some doubts in his eyes.

He couldn't see through this person's level of cultivation?

Dream masters have a very powerful talent, Divine Ability. People who are two realms higher than themselves can use this Divine Ability to find out.

But he couldn't see any information about the man in front of him.

This means that either he is a mortal, or... he is at least in the middle of the Four Realms.

Although his appearance looked somewhat mature, he had just secretly peeked at his age, and it turned out that he was only seventeen or eighteen years old!

The middle stage of the Four Realms at the age of seventeen or eighteen?

Although it was not as shocking as Luo Zijin's twenty-year-old sixth realm, it was enough to give him some slight shock.

Geniuses generally have top-grade spiritual roots. It is reasonable for them to be able to perfectly polish themselves to enter the second realm at the age of seventeen or eighteen. If they are top-notch geniuses with spiritual roots like Innate, most of them can reach the peak of the second realm, and then open up Grotto-Heaven or polish themselves. The situation of Grotto-Heaven determines whether to enter the Three Realms.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he is in the middle of the Four Realms. I am afraid his talent is only a fraction of that of Luo Zijin.

Such a powerful person, why didn't anyone tell him before he came?

"Come on." Su Liang turned around and ordered Qin Nian.


The latter brought Fang Gui to Su Liang's side, handed the ribbon to Su Liang, and stepped onto the stage.

The competition stage is broad, but not high.

In fact, the current situation is considered silent. In real martial arts competitions, such as rookie competitions, formations will be used to lift them into the air.

After Qin Nian went to the competition stage, Wu Mianyu turned his attention.

One realm and nine realms.

Huh? Wait, one realm and nine levels?!

Don't you mean second level sword cultivator?

"I heard, aren't you in the second realm?"

When Wu Mianyu spoke, he was much less interested in doing anything.

What sense of accomplishment does it feel to defeat a weakling at level 9?

Even though she has Innate spiritual roots and is a top talent, she can only be in one realm after all.

He is a real second-level dream master, possesses mutant spiritual roots, and is also a top talent.

So why can he be defeated by her across the border?

Let him release the water?

"It was before, but not now."

Qin Nian replied politely, already a hundred meters away.


Outside the court, many disciples had actually recognized Qin Nian.

Xiaolianfeng's new Yin Yuan Universal Truth and Sword Intent Tiancheng have been in the limelight recently.

It's just that those who recognized them all chose to remain silent in a tacit understanding.

The cultivation level of the first level is very confusing. If Wu Mianyu is careless, Qin Nian has a chance of winning, so they all choose not to expose this information.

Wu Mianyu nodded, "Let's get started."

Regardless of the first realm or the second realm, it is actually the same to him.

On the contrary, he was actually interested in the so-called 'Third Senior Brother' in the audience.

While his mind was spinning, his movements were a beat slower. In previous competitions, he dragged the opponent into a dream from the beginning, but now it was a step too late.

About half a breath.

But in this half-breath, Qin Nian was already holding the sword close to his body.

The bamboo sword at her waist had no scabbard, and she pressed one side with one hand. With her body bent, she looked straight at Wu Mianyu's heart.

Just after half a breath, the bamboo sword was pulled out.

Transforming Wind Sword Technique, starting position.

The sword intention rose from the ground to the sky and enveloped Qin Nian.

The sound of arguing came in the wind and fell on the bamboo sword.

The girl holding the sword drew the sword with one hand, slashed diagonally and horizontally, and handed out the sword in an unpretentious manner.

During this half-breath, Wu Mianyu only felt the breeze blowing on his face. At the same time as he had a premonition of something bad, he felt severe pain in his chest, and then he couldn't help but fly backwards for a hundred meters!


The audience was buzzing with excitement, and some people started to cheer.

This sword dissipated the depression they had accumulated all day yesterday.

Qin Nian did not stop after this sword attack.

The starting position of the Transforming Wind Sword Jue is not just about pulling out the sword.

She rushed towards the direction where Wu Mianyu flew backwards, with the breeze behind her and her sword intent flowing.

The Yin Yuan Universal Truth allows her to control her own spiritual power to an abnormally detailed level, and with the assistance of Shang Qingfeng Sword Intent, she can easily burst into the ninth level of the first level to reach the peak speed of the ordinary second level!

She originally understood a ray of sword intent, but with the help of Su Liang, she completely transformed.

Under the mysterious enlightenment of Universal Truth, she successfully understood the Qingfeng Sword Intention and stepped into the Great Accomplishment.

Next, as long as you integrate the sword intention, you can move in the direction of the sword!

What's the difficulty in confronting the enemy across borders?

So...Master is right.

He is indeed so gentle that he, who has been wandering for five years, has almost forgotten his combat experience and advantages in the past two months.

Second realm dream master.

it's not a big deal.

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