This is actually a Chaoxia Stone Heavenly Pool!

The Tianchi can be divided into two types, one is artificially built, this is common among some top forces, and the other is naturally formed, this one is the most precious, and the spiritual energy it also contains is more pure.

However, if the naturally formed Tianchi is subdivided, it can also be divided into two types, one is the pure Spiritual Qi Tianchi, and the other is the Tianchi that can only be condensed in a treasure land dominated by a certain mysterious meaning.

The latter is like this Zhaoxiazite Tianchi in front of Meng Qing's eyes, in which although the aura dominates, it is more of the energy in the Asahishi!

Except for martial artists who practice dark mysteries such as curses, this is a paradise for almost all martial artists!

"I rely on, such a large Tianchi, how many years should it accumulate? This is the rhythm to be sent! Rao Xiaotai couldn't help but shout.

Xiaowen also said:

"Think about it, there is a foreign god sealed here, at least it has been formed since ancient times, can the time be short?"

Meng Qing's eyes were quite hot, he had always wanted to step into the True God Perfection before, but he did not have enough resources for him to break through, but now he was completely unworried!

He released all the several beasts, and even Xiao Budian was thrown into the Heavenly Pool by him.

At the same time, Meng Qing gave Brother Chicken a hard task: "Be optimistic about the small, it is still small, and there must be no accident." Brother

Chicken nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, and when Meng Qing finished speaking, he rushed towards the depths of Tianchi with Xiao Budian.

Xiao Tai was quite helpless, in essence, only the power of the divine soul could help it cultivate, although this Tianchi was precious, there were not many things that could be refined for it.

This Heavenly Pool with a radius of 100 square meters was quickly divided by several people, among them, Meng Qing occupied half of it, and several spirit beasts had no opinion at all.

Although Xiao Zhen is the strongest cultivator, it occupies the smallest area, it has reached the supreme, and the resources and aura required are truly astronomical, so it only symbolically occupies a piece, and gives most of the place to a few beasts.

Especially Fluttershy and Queen Ant, who have not yet entered the realm of the beast god.

Meng Qing's heart gradually calmed down.

Origin Aoyi was like a prisoner who had just been released from prison, frantically swallowing spiritual energy.

Meng Qing also joined the devouring army, fortunately, this Heavenly Pool has been precipitated for countless years, so the aura is rich enough, otherwise it is really not enough for two bottomless pits to devour.

Half an hour later, Meng Qing only felt a tingling sensation coming out of his body.

He looked at those places, but found that there was dirt in those parts, which were impurities in his body.

These impurities are decomposed and transformed by the surrounding chaspheline before they fully contact the air.

At the same time, Meng Qing's aura was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Half an hour later, two muffled sounds came out in the distance!

Above this glow-filled sky, two dark clouds quickly condensed.

Meng Qing opened his eyes, he could feel that the movement was because Fluttershy and Queen Ant had stepped into the True God together!

"Could it be that this is a divine calamity?" Meng Qing frowned, this was the first time he had encountered it.

He had never encountered such a thing along the way, and Xiao Tai and the others were the same.

Just as he was about to go to help, he found that the light under the dark clouds was actually absorbing the spiritual energy around him, and then dispersed the two dark clouds!

He was surprised: "This Chao Xiashi is so domineering, even these two calamity clouds can be dispersed?"

He could feel the breath of the Queen Ant and Fluttershy rapidly getting stronger, and both of them had entered the True God level in an instant.

At the same time, the feedback came again, but the rising aura only made Meng Qing shiver for a moment and then stopped abruptly.

Previously, when Xiao Zhen signed the beast control contract with him, he couldn't make his aura base rise too much, and Fluttershy and Queen Ant are now just true gods, so that bit of retreating aura is just a drop in the bucket for Meng Qing.

The pure energy around them became more and more abundant.

Continuous whale swallowing cow drink, the origin qi has been concentrated to a certain extent, and it will break through soon after!

"Looks like I'll have to speed up too." Meng Qing said to himself, he set up a formation around him, frantically absorbing the aura around him.

At first, just this small range of spiritual energy was surging towards this side, but later, the pure pool water around him was rapidly vaporizing, and then surging wildly, looking like a super whirlpool from a distance.

Meng Qing was in the middle of the whirlpool, and that pure aura continued to surging, turning into his aura base in a very short time, and such a transformation speed would be shocked even if the true supreme saw it.

Without him, when ordinary martial artists absorb aura, they first need to refine all the aura, and when they absorb it into their bodies, they will be transformed into their own mysteries, eliminating the unwanted parts and turning them into the martial artist's aura.

But because the origin mysteries are special, no matter what mysteries can be used for himself, this directly saves him a lot of time.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The Origin Mystery surrounding Meng Qing had completely changed, and in this scattered Heavenly Pool, the Origin Mystery was like a gray ink spot!

This is like an abyss, ordinary warriors will be involuntarily absorbed even by looking at their hearts.

Meng Qing's breath had reached the limit of entering the True God.

At a certain moment, he heard a slight cracking sound, as if porcelain had broken in his body.


An invisible aura spread outward, wrapping the space with a radius of tens of zhang like a chimney.

Meng Qing suddenly got up, let out a long roar, and the index fingers of both hands carried the aura, quickly outlining the space in front of him.

The formation was formed, and the Origin Qi contracted and traveled in his body.

The spiritual energy base that had reached the limit suddenly had such an abundant mysterious foundation, just like the already flat dam suddenly injected into a vast ocean of water, and the upper limit of the spiritual energy was instantly broken!

Meng Qing looked at himself inwardly, he only felt that his aura seemed to have become a small tower, and the bottom of this small tower was expanding rapidly, and when it reached the point of being strong enough, a second layer extended above it!

He opened his eyes, and a fine light appeared in his eyes, as if he could penetrate the void.

He broke through the shackles of the new true God.

The Aura Base, which had already been expanded, expanded again, and what shocked him was that this time his Aura Essence had doubled!

He roared again, and the aura that surrounded him contracted rapidly, and finally struck upward, as if it could break the sky!

A crack emerged, and a large number of nepheline mysteries immediately surged up, quickly repairing it completely.

Meng Qing was shocked, when he first entered the True God, it was almost impossible to shake the space apart without relying on martial arts, but now, the aura around him alone had such a terrifying power!

At the same time, the origin of the body is also changing.

Before this, the origin mysteries were like stragglers in the meridians, although they were constantly swimming in the body, they were not formed.

But now, the origin mysteries are connected end-to-end in the meridians of his whole body, and if his mind moves, that mysterious meaning can emerge in one breath, forming a protective shield!

Xiao Tai and the others rushed from all around, and when they felt the change in Meng Qing's breath, they were all shocked!

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