His eyes gradually flowed into the distance.

He stared at the movement in the space in front of him with bright eyes.

The expression is extremely abnormal.

The people waiting to see the excitement cast their surprised eyes.

"How is it possible, is there something wrong with Suzaku-sama Time and Space Tunnel?"

"It's possible! After all, I don't need it all year round..."

"No, I think it must be the ghost of Yaoyao from the Huo Family Clan!"

"How is it possible? Don't be kidding. Even Huoya-sama took 4 days to pass the Wild Forest."

"Although that bird demon has a strong ability to perplex, in my opinion, it is not as powerful as Master Huoya."

"You can't look at the surface in everything, I think that bird needs this strength..."

The arguing voice sounded around.

At this moment, Huoya's eyes narrowed slightly.

The moment when the streamer spreads.

I saw a flash of light radiating from the inside.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be a small monster beast.

"Is this poor strange?"

"My God didn't expect this antiquity thing to run out?"

"How could this creature, Qiongqi, exist in this world?"

"You don't understand, right? Since our Yanzhou was opened... there have been many ancient things."

"Among them, the Yanhuang Forest is the place where the ancient monsters gathered."

"This little guy is obviously not of adulthood, watch me catch him and supply him to Lord Suzaku!"

After smiling at the corner of his mouth, the man rolled up his sleeves and was about to head towards the Qiongqi churn in the sky.

Stepping out of the Wild Forest for the first time.

This little thing was 10 points excited.

Rolling back and forth, jumping and jumping.

At the same time.

Looking back at the new world in front of him.

Then I saw a group of eye-catching people locked in.

He was so frightened that he hurried towards the exit.

"Er Niu! Can you not run around?"

At this moment, a faint voice came from the entrance.

Xiao Yan, who was panting shortly afterwards, ran out of the exit.

"What is Xiao Yan?"

Everyone was shocked after seeing the person's face.

Although Xiao Yan's strength seemed to them to be relatively strong, it was impossible for them to be the first to come out from this exit.

After all, a day and a half.

Master Huoya had spent 4 days.

And at this moment.

Perhaps it was because of Xiaoyan's abnormality.

Huoya has slowly stood up straight.

He stared at the barrier in front of him.

Sure enough, after Xiao Yan's voice gradually walked out of the door of space.

A shadow that irritated Huo Fang stepped out slowly.

At this moment.

The flame tooth, which had not been moved, suddenly stepped out.

I ignored Suzaku's yelling beside him.

The roar of Zhan Tian resounded throughout the Flame Mountain for 4 weeks.

"The fifth assessment, now begins!"

"The Might of Vulcan!"

The huge fire fist is flying all over the sky like a rainstorm pear blossom.

At this moment, Firefang shuttled among the phantoms of this group of flames.

The right fist condenses the extreme wind.

At the same time when the red light appeared, he slammed Ye Chen with a punch.

"Big Brother Ye!"

Xiao Yan on the side roared.

But found that this group did not work.

Because Ye Chen had turned into a phantom and scattered in the sky at this time.

"Master Huoya is very impatient..."

The ridicule followed.

Look up.

Aura diffusion.

Zhou Shen's golden flames rose to the sky.

In the deep eyes, golden light burst out.

"Come on, I've been waiting for a long time..."

The ridicule fell.

You Ye Chen put your hands together.

After a thought, a bright fire lotus flower has appeared in his hand.

"Quick battle..."

"Jin Yan! Qinglian reincarnation!"


Along with Ye Chen's roar of golden flames, a bright lotus bloomed in his hand.

The lotus flower that flutters after being thrown out is like a handicraft, slowly spinning in the sky.

The instant fire lotus that passed through midair exploded instantly after Ye Chen's thoughts moved.

The flame particles flying all over the sky began to move towards the flame teeth below him.

A fierce coercion spread from Ye Chen's body.

The assassin was still provoking Ye Chen's Yanzhou children.

They closed their mouths one after another.

I dare not say another word.

The combat power erupted by Ye Chen in front of them was beyond their imagination.

"In the rumored barren state, Ye Chen has become the highest combat power in the barren state."

"Sure enough, I saw it today..."

"I am afraid that the flame's momentum has surpassed Zhu..."

The man said that he did not go on.

Because Suzaku is the irreplaceable **** of fire in their hearts.

But the discerning person knows in his heart.

This flame.

It has indeed been able to interact with. Suzaku's immortal flame contends.

And at this time Suzaku is mentioned.

The figure of the latter is still standing on top of the Flame Mountain.

With a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, he watched the battle in front of him.

He knew that this battle was inevitable.

in this way.

Let him take a look and see where the pinnacle of the combat power of the Golden Crow inheritance is.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen...you have to be careful, although I still look good on you. But arrogant arrogance comes at a price."

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes locked on the flame teeth under him again.

And also as the first force of research.

I watched several flame particles glowing in the sky.

Fire Fang did not produce the slightest retreat.

The red warmth in his eyes burst out again.

"Don't underestimate me..."

"Vulcan... Guardian!"

The roar sounded.

As the flame spread on its body surface, its wind followed.

In the streamer.

The crimson light turned into a huge shield to resist him.

The golden fire lotus that Ye Chen is flying is forbidden to intercept.


Another roar came from the corner of his mouth.

After stepping out, the red flame turned into a red hurricane on the horizon.

"Yanguang rushes to kill the punch!"


See the guy flying so fast.

Ye Chen naturally did not dare to neglect.

After raising his hand to block.

Two huge wings spread out behind him.

"It turned out to be better than flame! Then I will play with you to the end today!"

"Sky Fire Nine Heavens!"

"Ninth reopen!"

The roar came from the corner of Ye Chen's mouth again.

The golden particles began to pour into the Dantian familiarly from each meridian.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's own strength increased several times.

It feels so.

Huo Fang reacted immediately.

But at this time, he found that Ye Chen's arm had firmly clamped his fist.

"Want to go?"

The sneer aroused.

The golden flames have begun to interweave with the crimson light on the surface of the fire teeth.

Today's Huoya does not have the inheritance of Suzaku's power.

You must know that the power used by Ye Chen at this time is the real power of the Golden Crow.

It's just a flame contest.

Which one is more important must be clear at the scene.

At this time, the flame spreading gradually from the perceiver's arm.

Huoya also looked cold.

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