Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 1004: End of the battle

Ye Chen smiled contemptuously at the two people who rushed over.

You have to know that you have just been bluffed by their tacit understanding for a while, and now there are two people left, thinking that you can still dislike any storm.

Ye Chen flashed slightly, the sword and the spear pierced directly beside him, and the eyes of the two men were full of horrified expressions. You must know that they are so close now, but why Ye Chen still dodged.

This made the two of them very puzzled, but they never had a chance to think again, and the flame sword in Ye Chen's hand appeared instantly.

Stabbed straight towards the long sword, the long spear watched this scene from the side, but there was no way to stop it. This could watch Ye Chen slowly pierce the long sword's chest.

"You are the only one left. Any last words?"

Ye Chen looked at the man in front of him, and continued the man in black with the spear pointed at him. Now he was the only four who came to assassinate him.

It can be said that he has already lost the thought of resistance, but as the dead soldier of the Nangong family, these things made him have to fight.

"It's the same question, who sent you here!"

Ye Chen didn't worry, he looked at the spear in front of him jokingly.

"You! Are you the devil!"

The spear yelled at Ye Chen, wanting to get something from him, Ye Chen smiled slightly, but did not refute it.

"You know, you guys came to assassinate me first, I'm just a legitimate defense!"

"You can die!"

Seeing the spear, Ye Chen didn't say what he meant behind the scenes, and lost interest in asking him about something, so he directly gave him a sword and asked him to go to see his three brothers together.

The spear looked at the long sword on his chest in surprise, and sighed softly. He had been defending against Ye Chen's attack just now, but why did he still stick it in his chest.

The spear fell slowly, closing his eyes forever.

Ye Chen watched this scene, clapped his hands, and looked like he was done.

"Okay, Xiao Yan, do you still want to go shopping? I just thought about it, or we won't buy clothes."

Xiao Yan stared at Ye Chen blankly, as if looking at some monster, but Xiao Yan adjusted it in an instant, but his eyes still glanced at the two corpses behind Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, is this your true strength?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and smiled awkwardly. In fact, this is not his true strength, it's just that he has just used the potion given by the system, so he has that kind of strength.

"Ahem, that's right, it was indeed my true strength just now."

Ye Chen sighed softly in his heart, he could only say this first, but it seemed that he hadn't been seen when he was drinking the medicine.

Well, I'm pretty concealed.

Ye Chen thought this in his heart, but just now, during the battle, everyone was fascinated by the gorgeous star power, so you could still see Ye Chen who didn't have much light on his body.

And he was put in the ring after he finished drinking the medicine bottle. Even if Ye Chen went to yell that he had just drunk the medicine or something, no one would care about it. After all, who would care about what means a winner used to win Of it.

In this world where the strong are respected, as long as you are strong enough, no one will gossip, after all, everyone is afraid of getting angry.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang on the side and asked gently.

"I just heard you say the name of the star skill he used. Do you know where he comes from?"

In fact, Ye Chen also had a general direction in his heart. After all, those gangsters said that their boss was Nangong Hongfei, and it was very likely that it was the Yaozi made by the Nangong family! .

It's just that Ye Chen is not sure about the identities of the four masked men, but since he came to Los Angeles, he didn't do any harm to the world! Why was he chased and beaten, or beaten to death.

If there weren't those five bottles of potions this time, Ye Chen would probably have planted here!

Zhao Manyang nodded heavily after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"Yes, Brother Ye, I do know where they came from, but do you really want to know?"

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang suspiciously, why didn't he want to know? Since the Nangong family was already going to deal with him, then this second family in Los Angeles would definitely go there for a while.

However, this second family has now become the largest family here in Los Angeles after annexing the territory of the Zhao family.

"Brother Ye, I said you should calm down and don't do stupid things. If you want to go, you have to wait until tonight."

"Oh! What's so hypocritical about this, you can say it if you want to say it, don't say it if you don't want to say it, there are so many things."

Ye Chen looked impatiently at Zhao Manyang, who was hesitating in front of him. He didn't have such a character before, and he didn't know what was going on this time.

"Brother Ye, I said! This silver light shot is the secret technique of the Nangong family. In other words, you must be a member of the Nangong family to learn it, otherwise you just want to learn it, and you can't enter their house, and this secret technique has always been Being guarded in his own treasure house."

"If it's a stolen flower, you won't be able to get in there at all, let alone learn it by stealing it."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's flowers, Ye Chen nodded gently.

"I know."

"In other words, the secret skill of Silver Light Shooting must be learned by entering the Nangong family? That is to say, are these four dead men photographed by the Nangong family?!"

Zhao Manyang nodded softly after hearing Ye Chen's words, and agreed with him.

"Okay! Nangong Hongfei! Nangong Hongfei! I didn't expect you to design me like this. It seems that you really want to die!"

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words, his whole heart was raised, for fear that he would go to Nangong's house to seek revenge now.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Manyang was stunned by Ye Chen's words, but Xiao Yan didn't move either, standing there quietly looking at Ye Chen.

"What do you two want to do?"

Ye Chen became confused when he saw the two of them not leaving, turned around and looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Brother Ye, where are we going?"

Zhao Manyang looked at Xiao Yan on the side, and found that she didn't mean to ask, so she could only speak by herself!

"Where to go? Go home or continue shopping! Where else to go?"

Zhao Manyang nodded suddenly as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Okay! Okay, let's go, Brother Ye! This time I will take you to a fun place."

Xiao Yan looked at the mouths of the two people who were talking in front of them slightly raised, and happily followed.

Although I don't know where to go, just follow Ye Chen's brother! Where he is, it is safe.

Xiao Yan thought happily in his heart.

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