Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 333 They Fight Themselves, What Does It Have To Do With Me Ye Feng

Double Dragon Gate!

"Everyone pay attention!"

"After the Holy Master and the eight retired elders have figured out the locations of the fairy grass garden, fairy artifact warehouse, and treasure house in Shuanglongmen, you will connect each place in a long queue, and then pass all the treasures here by human-to-human transmission. !"

"If you encounter people from Shuanglongmen, you should give way to each other in advance, and don't let them bump into you, or we will be exposed!"

"The sacks are placed in the hands of the person at the front, and when they are full, take a picture of the hidden fairy jar. We have a lot of stuff, so don't be reluctant to use it!"

At this time, Ye Feng also reminded the ten thousand disciples of Sacred Land loudly!


"Although I know there are Sacred Land disciples around, but I can't see any of them, and then I'm shouting here, I always feel like a sand sculpture!"

Looking at the empty surroundings, Ye Feng also showed a wry smile, this feeling is really awkward!

In a moment!

"My lord!"

"The gate guard formation of Shuanglongmen has been cracked, and the defense formations in the Immortal Grass Garden, Immortal Warehouse and other places have also been cracked. We can move it at any time!"

"However, their belongings may not fit in 90,000 sacks, so what to do with the remaining hidden talismans?"

At this moment, Ye Xiaobai's voice suddenly rang from Ye Feng's ear.

"Let's see how much is left!"

"If there are too many left, I will use the hidden immortals on all the disciples of Shuanglongmen!"

"Then let some Sacred Land Elders shoot, let them know that our Sacred Land has killed them, and they are all in stealth. When they fight themselves, we can go!"

Hearing Ye Xiaobai's question, Ye Feng also directly expressed his own thoughts!

After all, the hidden immortals must be completely defeated, and when used on all the disciples of Shuanglongmen, they did not let them assassinate, steal treasures, or peek at anything, but simply let them enjoy the high-level immortals. Power, that's not a real use, as for their own fight, what does that have to do with him Ye Feng!

And when Hu Li, who had just come over, heard Ye Feng's idea, there was also a look of horror in her eyes!

Is this an idea that a prodigal could come up with?

They agreed not to kill the enemy, but ended up letting them fight when they left?

With a wave of his sleeve, without taking a drop of blood?

She couldn't imagine that if a prodigal like Ye Feng was the enemy, would everyone in Sacred Land know how they died when they died!

"Elder Star Soul, everything is ready, we can move at any time!"

After trying to calm herself down, Hu Li hurriedly said to Ye Feng.

"Holy Lord!"

"Now that you're ready, let's get started!"

After hearing Hu Li's words, Ye Feng was also a little excited and let everyone start to act, directly evacuating all the treasures of a big power, and then burying them at the door of the other party, such a fun thing, he felt that he could play more times in the future!

"All the disciples holding the No. 1 rope, follow me, let's go to empty the fairy mine of Shuanglongmen!"

"All the disciples holding the No. 2 rope, follow me, let's evacuate the fairy grass garden in Shuanglongmen!"

"All the disciples who are holding the No. 3 rope, follow me, let's evacuate the treasure house of Shuanglongmen!"


As the voices of the eight retired elders continued to sound, the eight people led by them grabbed the rope and led many Sacred Land disciples to the area they were responsible for!

On the way, whenever they encounter a passing Shuanglongmen disciple, some disciples who are on the other side's only path will lift the rope high, allowing the other side to pass through safely, everything is extremely smooth!

"Strange, why do I always feel like there are people around me?"

"My heart is hairy, there is always a feeling of being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, is it an illusion?"

"Why does Shuanglongmen always feel a little unusual today?"


However, many Shuanglongmen disciples noticed something unusual, but they didn't find anything at all, which made them puzzled!

Outside the double dragon gate!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

As muffled noises came from the pit, Ye Feng knew that a sack containing treasures had already been thrown into the pit!

"What assassination!"

"What stealing treasures!"

"What a peek!"

"It's so weak, this is the correct way to hide the fairy!"

Ye Feng also showed a smug look at this time!


"Shuanglongmen actually got a large piece of ghost jade in the Heavenly Dao battlefield, really lucky!"

"However, they are willing to hand it over, which is somewhat courageous!"

"At the cost of ghosts and jades, I became a vassal force of my ghost gate. They earned it, but they suffered for me. Staying in this little Dongzhou will affect my cultivation!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a red fairy robe looked at Shuanglong Mountain not far away, but a look of helplessness appeared on his face, because he had been stuck at the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm for hundreds of years, and The concentration of immortal energy in Dongzhou is not comparable to that of other places. It will definitely become more difficult to stay here to attack the immortal realm!

But the sect master ordered, he couldn't refuse at all!


"Then, what's the situation?"

The middle-aged man flew over Shuanglong Mountain and saw eight long dragons running from the entrance of Shuanglongmen to the fairy grass garden and fairyware warehouse inside Shuanglongmen. A sack full of sacks, he can clearly feel the breath of all kinds of fairy grass, fairy ore, and fairy utensils emanating from those sacks!

After seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was stunned!

Over the past ten thousand years, he has seen a lot of people stealing treasures, but tens of thousands of people have organized groups to steal treasures. This is definitely the first time he has seen them!

"The eighth-rank ninth-rank hides the breath of the fairy!"

"All the tens of thousands of people below use the eighth-rank ninth-rank hidden immortal basket. Not only that, but even those sacks with treasures use the hidden immortal basket!"

"Crazy, are these people crazy!"

"The treasures in the sack are not worth an eighth-rank ninth-rank hidden immortal casket, and if you steal, you will steal, and you can put it in the immortal ring. Isn't this a prodigal?"

The middle-aged man felt distressed when he saw that everyone below was using the eighth-rank ninth-rank hidden immortal casket!

"and many more!"

"I feel so distressed, they are stealing things from Shuanglongmen, and the ghost jade may be inside!"

Gu Yan, who reacted, immediately showed a rage, no matter how frantic the other party's stealing behavior was, but now that he has discovered it, he must not allow those people to continue!


Just as Gu Yan was about to release the terrifying breath of the Ninth Stage peak of the Immortal Venerable Realm, a suffocating pressure suddenly fell on him!

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