Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 229 Shake Us All At Once, Then Stop Buying It?



Looking at Ye Feng who was stupid in place, Wang Lin also showed a smug look!

"Wang Lin, this Ye Feng is not easy!"

"Although he doesn't know where he got the 10,000 silver-ringed magic grass, he definitely knows the characteristics of this silver-ringed magic grass. The toxicity of the 10,000 silver-ringed magic grass is superimposed, even if it is a strong ascension realm. I can't resist!"

"More importantly, he actually prepared to boil a pot of poisonous water. According to my inference, a pot of poisonous water can definitely poison ten Ascension Realm powerhouses!"

At this time, the voice of the strong piebald snake also sounded from Wang Lin's mind.

Hearing this, the smile on Wang Lin's face instantly stiffened.


He is now extremely regretting why he is going to fight against Ye Feng. People say that if you lose your family, you will lose your family.

He is here to make friends, not to make enemies!

"System, this Wang Lin is the 10th highest ranked arrogant in the Hidden Dragon List after all, let him help me burn these 10,000 silver-ringed magic grasses, and I have to burn them one by one, giving me a low-grade 100,000 pieces. Spirit crystals are hard work, but it’s not too much.”

At this time, Ye Feng was not in a daze, but asked the system whether the number of prodigals of low-quality spirit crystals was within a reasonable range.

"Ding! The number of prodigals is within a reasonable range!"

"Ding! Remind the host, let the piebald snake behind Wang Lin help to burn it together, it can trigger one more prodigal behavior!"


Hearing the reminder from the back of the system, Ye Feng also looked at the piebald snake behind Wang Lin with a suspicious look.


"Why is this kid staring at me again!"

"Teacher, you must protect your teacher!"

Noticing that Ye Feng's eyes fell on own again, the strong piebald snake was also inexplicably flustered, and quickly shouted to Wang Lin with Divine Sense.

"System, let the piebald snake help a piece of burning silver ring magic grass, and give 10,000 low-quality spirit crystals as hard work, it's not too much."

"Ding! The number of prodigals is too low!"

too low?

Hearing the system's response, Ye Feng was also secretly surprised.

"One hundred thousand low-grade spirit crystals?"

"Ding! The number of prodigals is too low!"

"One million low-grade spirit crystals?"

"Ding! The number of prodigals is within a reasonable range!"

What the hell!

That piebald snake is definitely not easy!

Knowing that asking the piebald snake to help would actually require a million low-quality spirit crystals to work hard for it to be within the scope of the prodigal family, Ye Feng once again had the idea of ​​buying the other party.

"Brother Wang Lin, do you really not sell your poisonous snake pet?"

Hearing Ye Feng mentioning this deal again, Wang Lin also quickly explained: "Brother Ye Feng, I don't understand the happiness of losing your family, and you don't understand my relationship with it, I really won't sell it!"

"Brother Wang Lin, don't say anything, I understand!"

"I'll add money!"

"I won't stew it this time, I just feel connected to it, so I want to keep it by my side."

Ye Feng looked at Wang Lin seriously and said aloud.

? ? ?

What do you understand?

You didn't even open the price, what would you add?

And this is my master, not a snake demon without wisdom, you still want to keep it as a pet?

Wang Lin was really about to collapse at this moment.

"These are ten epiphany pills, swallow one, and you can immediately enter the state of epiphany, which can last for twenty minutes!"

"This is a bucket of soul-purifying water, and I don't need to say its efficacy!"

"This is one hundred three-leaf figs, one of the top ten top spiritual fruits of Heavenly Dao battlefield, it is extremely delicious!"


"Scary, quickly let go of being a teacher, this kid has so many good things on him, we can't afford to provoke him, and you just offended him, for you, the master is willing to fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness!"

Looking at Wang Lin, who was holding onto his snake's tail, the strong piebald snake was afraid that the other party would be reluctant to part with him, and at this time, he also made up and persuaded him.

"Master, wait a minute!"

"Before leaving, let the disciples get some more benefits!"

At this time, Wang Lin also used Divine Sense to shout to the strong piebald snake.

If Ye Feng knew the situation of the two at this time, he would definitely be shocked by their plastic mentoring relationship!

"Ding! Remind the host that the piebald snake opposite is not a real monster, but a temporary body occupied by the soul of a Human Cultivator."

Just when Ye Feng was about to continue to take out good things, he was dumbfounded when he heard the system prompt sound suddenly sounded in his mind!

Not a special monster?

Just a temporary body occupied by a Human Cultivator?

Then buy a fart!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also put away all the things he took out, and then looked at Wang Lin, who was dragging the tail of the piebald snake, and said seriously: "Brother Wang Lin, a gentleman does not win people's love, look You can't bear this viper pet so much, so I decided not to buy it."

? ? ?

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Wang Lin and the strong piebald snake were dumbfounded.

He took out so many good things and shook us, even our master and apprentice were ready to part from life and death, and then you didn't buy it?

Are you sure you really wanted to buy it just now, not deliberately showing off your wealth?

"Master, what kind of person do you think he is, how can he have so many good things in his hand?"

Wang Lin, who was relieved, also inquired about the strong piebald snake.

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

"Anyway, I reminded you when I saw the other party for the first time. I felt a strong sense of crisis in him. No matter what Cultivation Base Realm he is, he definitely has a hole card that can kill me. , to make good friends with him, there is only good and no harm to us, don't be blinded by those good things."

Hearing Wang Lin's question, the strong piebald snake reminded Wang Lin in a solemn tone.

Just because Ye Feng didn't buy a word, the relationship between the master and the apprentice quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened before. If Ye Feng knew all this, he would definitely be shocked by the wonderful relationship between the master and the apprentice.


"This, so many low-quality spirit crystals!"

Looking at the large amount of low-quality spirit crystals in the Interspatial Ring that Ye Feng suddenly handed over, Wang Lin was stunned. He didn't understand why Ye Feng gave him so many low-quality spirit crystals for no reason!

"Brother Wang Lin, I have something I want to ask you to help with, but I won't ask you to help in vain. These 100,000 low-grade spirit crystals are hard work, if you think it's too few, I'll add something else to you! "

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Wang Lin quickly declined and said, "Brother Ye Feng, you are too polite, just say anything if you have anything, how can I ask for your hard work!"

Having said that, Wang Lin also shoved the Interspatial Ring into his own arms very naturally.

Seeing Wang Lin's non-wanting face show, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing. He even wondered whether he should bring the other party into the prodigal family, but it was not a direct disciple, but a prodigal disciple, because his eldest disciple Hua Yumeng This is a poison cultivator, so he is not going to accept another disciple of the poison Cultivation Base!

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