Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 205 Develop Prodigal Disciples, Starting From Digging The Corner Of Your Own Sect

"Master, are these two senior sisters of mine strong?"

As a fait accompli, Li Fei also wanted to know the situation of the two senior sisters first.

"Your eldest sister plays with poison, all kinds of poisonous weeds and poisonous insects are her darlings!"

"Your second senior sister is a fortune teller, even if you peeked at other people's baths when you were a child, you can easily figure it out!"

Hearing Li Fei's question, Ye Feng also briefly introduced the situation of Hua Yumeng and Ye Lingxue.

But after Li Fei heard Ye Feng's words, there were thousands of thoughts in his mind!

"Third Junior Brother, do you want to play bugs with Senior Sister, these poisonous bugs are comfortable crawling on your body!"

"Third Junior Brother, if I hadn't asked Second Senior Sister to help you recall the past, I would have done a very accurate calculation!"


Thinking of what might happen in the future, Li Fei's plump body shuddered violently, and he didn't even dare to think about it any longer!

"By the way, I haven't finished what I just said."

"I'm going to ask you to help me recruit disciples in the Heavenly Fire Realm and Heavenly Dao battlefield. As long as you have the potential to be a loser, you can recruit into the loser's door, but you need to pay attention to three points!"

"First, you must be loyal to the prodigal family and be loyal to me!"

"Secondly, you can squander your family, but you can't use a bankrupt way to do evil and harm innocent people!"

"Thirdly, in some prodigal behaviors, you should not be taken advantage of, and you should not let others hear about the prodigal family. The first thing that comes to mind is the big grievance Sect!"

Ye Feng thought of what he had not finished before, and looked at Li Fei with a serious face and continued.

"Ding! Host, the system can handle all the situations you mentioned, so you don't need to worry!"

"Ding! If the host adds any rules to the Prodigal Sect in the future, the system will notify all the prodigal disciples as soon as possible. You are only responsible for the development direction of the Prodigal Sect. Please leave the rest to the system!"

Just as Ye Feng's voice just fell, the system's prompt sounded from his mind.


"System, you are so powerful, do your parents know?"

Hearing the system's reminder, Ye Feng was really shocked. He only needs to be responsible for the development direction of the prodigal family and the rules that need to be paid attention to, and the rest is handed over to the system. Prodigal, where can I find such a good system?

"Ding! This system has no parents, it is a unified generation, please don't talk nonsense!"


Hearing the system's response, Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "This system is powerful, but I don't know how to joke!"

"This...this is..."

At this time, Li Fei was about to inquire about the specific details of the three door rules that Ye Feng said, but a strange message suddenly appeared in his mind, which made him hold back the words that came to his mouth. go back.

"Is this the Prodigal Seal for the Prodigal Disciple?"

Seeing a white mark of defeat in the palm of his right hand, Li Fei was amazed.

Wanhua Valley!

After being madly exported by the three great ancestors, Hua Yumeng has completely developed the good habit of being a loser at this time, but the strength of a loser needs to be improved, but at least he can start to lose a little bit.

At this time, as an unfamiliar message suddenly emerged from her mind, she suddenly opened her eyes, and said to herself with a shocked expression: "Master originally said that he would spread the prodigal disciples all over the lower realms, It's not a joke, it's serious!"

Looking at the mark of defeat in the palm of her right hand, Hua Yumeng gradually revealed a firmness in her eyes and muttered to herself: "Master only accepts ten direct disciples, and as a senior sister, I must not lose it. Master's face, lose the face of the prodigal family!"

After knowing a lot of information that made her unbelievable, Hua Yumeng was completely awakened at this moment!

Heavenly Secret Pavilion!

Ye Lingxue, who was cultivating the celestial mystery, also suddenly opened her eyes. After learning about the unfamiliar information that emerged in her mind, she was completely excited.


"I didn't expect my pattern to be small!"

"I thought that the master would use the Xuantian Continent as the chessboard. Who would have thought that the real purpose of the master is to control the thousands of lower realms. It seems that I have to work harder. Controlling the Tianji Pavilion is just a starting point!"

Ye Lingxue muttered to herself with excitement at this time.

Heavenly Fire Realm, Xuan Yanzong!

"Master, this disciple knows everything, you go back first, this disciple will never let you down!"


Hearing Li Fei's words, Ye Feng was stunned!

I just said three door rules, and there is no specific explanation, you understand?

Wait, is the system already shot?

"Master, at present, I have the teleportation function and the sound transmission function of the prodigal family. I can report the situation to you at any time, and, if necessary, I will personally explain the situation to you through the teleportation function."

Just when Ye Feng was about to ask, Li Fei's words directly confirmed Ye Feng's conjecture.

"Wait, can you still teleport to me?"

Soon, Ye Feng noticed an abnormal situation and asked Li Fei directly.

"Master, as your direct disciple, I have this ability, but I need your permission."

Hearing Li Fei's words, Ye Feng thought of another question and asked the system directly: "System, if the prodigal disciples need Spirit Stones or spirit crystals, how should I give them to them? A large sum of spirit crystals, let them spend their money slowly?"

"Ding! The system will distribute the Spirit Stones or Spirit Crystals that the prodigal disciples need to them through the prodigal seal, so the host doesn't need to worry!"

"Ding! The host only needs to make a decision, then lie at home and wait to receive various rewards from the prodigal disciples. Please leave the rest to the system!"

Hearing the system's words, Ye Feng knew that he had completely become a hands-off shopkeeper, but this feeling was really cool!

"Okay, since you are clear, then the teacher will leave first, and feel free to contact the teacher if you have anything."

Looking at Li Fei, Ye Feng stepped directly into the space crack that appeared in front of him and returned to the courtyard house of the Zijian God of War mansion.

"To develop prodigal disciples, start by digging the corner of your own Sect!"

Looking at Ye Feng who was leaving, Li Fei went straight to the Great Hall Of The Sect and took his sword away. He was going to bring the master and the great ancestor into the ruined family first. He knew the horror of the ruined family. This kind of good thing he naturally I will not forget my own master and the great ancestor, the premise is that the two must meet the conditions.

Inside the Great Hall Of The Sect.

"Cultivation is a journey. It doesn't pay attention to respecting a teacher, but there is something puzzled about being a teacher. You worship that Ye Feng as your teacher. What can he teach you?"

Knowing that Li Fei actually worshipped Ye Feng as his teacher, Sun Tianyou also asked his doubts.

"He can teach his disciples to be a prodigal, the kind of maddened prodigal!"

? ? ?

Hearing Li Fei's words, Sun Tianyou and Wang Chengshan couldn't believe their ears!

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