Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 201 Spirit Devouring Pen, Is It Precious?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, rewarding 30 million prodigal points, and rewarding Heavenly Dao Order*3!"

Ye Feng, who was lying on the rocking chair, also opened his eyes when he heard the system prompt sound that suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Now I have 40 million prodigal points. When Bai Lei completes three paintings, I can get another 30 million prodigal points, and I am getting closer and closer to 90 million prodigal points!"

"As long as the prodigal point reaches 90 million, I can directly break through to the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm in one breath. It took so long to raise the Culture Base to the same Realm as the Master, and I don't know if the Master will be able to do so when the time comes. Don't call me trash!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly showed a serious look and said to himself: "When I break through to the peak of the Ninth Stage of the Primordial Spirit Realm, I can start the Ascension Plan!"

Ascension Plan: In addition to adding the god-level Medicine Pill of Cultivation Base to Master Luo Qianxue, Ye Feng will secretly add the magical pill of Cultivation Base to everyone in Sect, and at the same time, he will also give everyone in Sect a secret treasure to hide their breath , so as to ensure that the master Luo Qianxue does not notice that the strength of the Sect people is also increasing rapidly. When Luo Qianxue rises to the upper realm, he will lead the Sect people to cross the thunder tribulation, climb the ladder, and fly to the upper realm together!

"Young Master Ye, Purple Arrow's God of War painting has also been burned."

At this time, Bai Lei on the side saw Ye Feng open his eyes, and also told the situation of the Purple Arrow God of War not far away.

"I know!"

"This time, they will never refuse my favor fee again!"

Since the system prompts that the task has been completed, it means that the three of them will never refuse his favor.

"Three Gods of War, shouldn't they refuse my favors this time!"

When he came to the three God of War, Ye Feng also smiled and took out three paintings and handed them to the three of them.

"It's getting late, let's start painting again tomorrow."

"Bai Lei, you ask Purple Arrow God of War to arrange a place for you, I'll go to rest first!"

After that, Ye Feng walked directly to the courtyard next to him, and last time he lived in the house in that courtyard.

"Elder Arrow, where do I rest tonight?"

When Ye Feng left, Bai Lei also asked Zijian God of War.

"Bai Shao, you can stay at the old man's residence tonight!"

Purple Arrow God of War pointed to his own residence behind him, and then he directly opened the painting and realized the realm of arrows with the meaning of purple arrows in it!

The God of War and the God of War, the tyrannical sword on the side, glanced at each other, and they both directly began to observe and appreciate the paintings!

Although they were tortured just now, but looking at their own paintings, they felt that the torture was nothing at all!

The next morning!

After Ye Feng woke up, he stretched out of habit, and then directly checked the products of today's prodigal family.

Today's prodigal product: Spirit Devouring Pen*10000

Soul Devouring Pen: Made of ten thousand years of soul-devouring Xuanqing wood, it is the most suitable brush for painting and repairing in Xuantian Continent. There is no one!

"Today's prodigal product turned out to be a paintbrush?"

"By the way, that bastard Bai Lei has nothing to do with anything. Forget it, since you have a paintbrush, let's buy him special drawing paper, special paints and special picture frames."

There are 10,000 Spirit Devouring Pens, and there is definitely no big problem in normal use of one.

Leaving the residence, he saw that in the courtyard next to him, the three three Gods of War were still viewing the paintings, Bai Lei should still be sleeping, and Ye Feng didn't disturb anyone, and walked directly outside the mansion.

"Heavenly Painting Building!"

"This name is a bit interesting, just buy it here!"

After shopping for a while, Ye Feng found a shop selling painting paper, brushes and the like, glanced at the plaque and walked in directly.

"This Young Master, what do you want to buy?"

After entering the store, a handsome young man came up immediately and asked Ye Feng with a smile on his face.

"Special drawing paper!"

"Special paint!"

"Special picture frame!"

"All of them must be the best, the kind that can carry the realm of the heart of the sword!"

Hearing the youth's inquiry, Ye Feng also directly stated his own request.

"The realm of the heart of the sword?"

"This Young Master, it seems that your master is very accomplished in painting!"

"However, don't you need a special brush?"

The young man asked Ye Feng with a puzzled look.

"No need, I already have the best brush in my hand."

Hearing the young man's question, Ye Feng replied directly with a dull expression.

"The best paintbrush?"

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the second floor.

Soon, a white-haired old man walked down from the second floor, looked at Ye Feng with surprise and asked, "Little friend, do you think you have the best paintbrush in your hand?"

"This old man seems to be someone who knows goods!"

Hearing the old man's question, Ye Feng suddenly realized that today's prodigal product seems to have a suitable target candidate!

"Yes, looking at the entire Xuantian Continent, there is no better brush than the one in my hand!"

Ye Feng pretended to be arrogant and looked at the old man and said.


The white-haired old man couldn't help laughing when he heard this, then looked at Ye Feng with a smile on his face and said, "Little friend, why don't we make a bet?"


"How to bet?"

Ye Feng was also interested when he heard this, and asked directly with a curious look.

"It's better than someone's paintbrush!"

"If I lose, I'll give you a set of things you need for painting!"

"If I win, you will help me sell the goods for a day on my day, how about it?"

The white-haired old man looked at Ye Feng and said the bet and bet directly.

"I want to add a condition."

"What conditions?"

"If you lose, not only give me a set of things I need for painting, but also promise to do one thing for me!"

Ye Feng looked at the white-haired old man and directly stated his own additional conditions.


"Okay, the old man promises you this additional condition, let's go and follow me upstairs!"

The white-haired old man was stunned when he heard Ye Feng's additional conditions, but because he was extremely confident in the paintbrush in his hand, he didn't even make any restrictions on what he promised.

On the second floor, the old man's study!

"What paintbrush is so mysterious and mysterious?"

Seeing that the white-haired old man took out a box full of formation patterns from the inner room of the study, Ye Feng was also interested. He was very curious about what kind of paintbrush it was, so that the old man could be so protected.

Soon, when the white-haired old man opened the box, a black paintbrush appeared in Ye Feng's sight.

"This brush is called the Spirit Devouring Pen, and it is made of 900-year-old spirit-devouring Xuanqing wood. Because of the characteristics of the spirit-eating Xuanqing wood, this brush can only be painted once and it will lose its effect, unless it is Realm. Paintings of artistic conception, otherwise other paintings are not worth using this spirit-devouring pen at all!"

Looking at the Spirit Devouring Pen in the box, the white-haired old man also explained the situation of the brush very seriously.

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