Fantasy: I, Invincible Start From The Prodigal!

Chapter 136 What Are You Touched? Who Cares About Your Safety?

I don't get any benefits!

I was caught by him from the upper realm!

What the hell is going on with this Sect, why are you thinking like this!

God's special benefits, there is no benefit at all!

"Elder Bi, what's the matter?"

Just when the Golden Wheel Great Emperor was about to collapse, Xiao Chen walked out of the luxurious villa and looked at Bi Gang and asked suspiciously.

"Elder Xiao, you didn't throw away that tattered Taoist robe you wore before."

Hearing Xiao Chen's question, Bi Gang also stated the purpose of this visit straight to the point.

After a few minutes.

"This Sect is so evil!"

"Aren't the people in this Sect normal!"

Seeing Bi Gang leaving with excitement in Xiao Chen's tattered Taoist robe, the Jinlun Great Emperor was really confused. This was completely different from the Xuantian Continent he knew!

Xiao Chen, who was on the side, was also confused at this time. He couldn't understand why Bi Gang wanted his shabby Taoist robe that had been worn for two hundred years. Could it be that he liked the smell?

"Okay, follow me to the Great Hall Of The Sect!"

Stop thinking about Bi Gang's suspicious behavior, Xiao Chen said directly to the Golden Wheel Great Emperor beside him.

After a while.

"This is... The Profound Spirit Formation!"

When the Golden Wheel Great Emperor came to the Great Hall Of The Sect and felt the formation aura covering the entire Great Hall Of The Sect, he was completely stupid!

Isn't this the Spirit Gathering Formation unique to Wuji Sacred Land?

Why does it appear in this lower realm?

Are there any descendants of Wuji Sacred Land in this Sect?

With doubts, the Golden Wheel Great Emperor also followed Xiao Chen into the Great Hall Of The Sect.

"Wu Ji Xuan Qing Gong!"

Entering the Great Hall, when the Golden Wheel Great Emperor noticed the familiar aura from Luo Qianxue who was cultivating, his face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Profound Profound Qing Gong!

This is the top Cultivation Technique of the Promise Sacred Land. Only the Lord of Sacred Land and the Holy Son or Holy Maiden are eligible for cultivation, and the Holy Son and Holy Maiden cannot be selected from the Nether at all.

Thinking of this, the Golden Wheel Great Emperor suddenly had an extremely bold conjecture!

Holy Maiden reincarnated!

Other than that, he couldn't think of other possibilities at all!

"Elder Xiao, how to arrange the golden wheel is up to you."

Sensing the arrival of the two, Luo Qianxue, who was sitting at Lotus Position, opened her eyes. After speaking, she closed her eyes again and started cultivation.

"Let's go!"

"Don't disturb Sect Leader cultivation."

Although it didn't take long for him to come to Sect, Xiao Chen also knew that Luo Qianxue was a cultivation madman.

"so close!"

"Ye Feng said that I can't reveal my identity. If there are enemies in the future, I will definitely not be able to use the golden wheel!"

"If I hadn't discovered Sect Leader's secret today, maybe my identity would have been exposed, and I would have really died."

The Golden Wheel Great Emperor who left the Great Hall of The Sect was also very fortunate at this time. He didn't think Ye Feng would listen to his own explanation.

the other side.

"Elder Brother, I was going to find you."

Encountered Leng Wufeng halfway through, Ye Feng was also stunned when he heard this, I was going to find you, and you were going to come to me, such a consonant eldest brother expressed that he did not want to have it!

"Senior brother, my grandfather contacted me with the sound transmission jade pendant last night, and said that he wanted me to rush to Tiandan City as soon as possible. He didn't tell me anything about it. Could you accompany me?"

Leng Wufeng looked at Ye Feng and directly said what was in his heart.


"You still have grandpa?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng was also stunned, he really didn't know that Leng Wufeng actually had a grandfather.

"Yes, I have!"

"My grandfather is also a pill refining teacher. At the beginning, I felt that our Sect was a little unreliable. In the end, it was my grandfather's voice transmission who asked me to stay."

"Fortunately, I stayed, otherwise I would definitely regret it to death."

Leng Wufeng looked at Ye Feng and explained with a smile.

"Then does your grandfather know about your career change as a chef?"

Ye Feng suddenly thought of something at this moment, looked at Leng Wufeng and asked directly.

"Eldest brother, why do you say I want you to accompany me?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Leng Wufeng asked with an embarrassed face.

What the hell!

It looks like you want me to accompany you!

In fact, let me take the blame!

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned!

"Senior brother, I have no choice. If my grandfather knew that I had changed career as a chef, he would definitely kill me."

"I thought about it all night, and I feel that only you, Big Brother, in the whole Sect can hold my grandpa down!"

Seeing that Ye Feng was silent, Leng Wufeng also quickly explained.

"Ding! Publish the task, please go to Tiandan City to participate in the pill refining competition. There is no ranking requirement. You only need to use the Spiritual herbs provided by the system to refine the Medicine Pill. Even if the Medicine Pill cannot be condensed, it doesn't matter, even the fryer It doesn't matter, if the mission is successful, one million prodigal points will be rewarded, and if the mission fails, there is no penalty, you can refuse!"

Hearing what Leng Wufeng said, thinking that the other party's change of career has a lot to do with him, just when Ye Feng was about to agree, the system's voice suddenly rang.

And this kind of task?

There are no requirements, as long as you participate in the pill refining competition, and then use the Spiritual herbs provided by the system to practice a few times, you can get one million prodigal points?


If you don't accept this kind of task, it will definitely be kicked by a donkey!

"Junior Brother Wufeng, you can't get rid of me when you change career as a chef. I will naturally be responsible for this matter to the end!"

"Let's go, let's talk to the master now, and then set off immediately."

Saying that, Ye Feng quickly walked towards the Great Hall Of The Sect with cold and no wind.

what happened?

Why is the big brother so excited all of a sudden?

Why do I suddenly feel a little nervous!

Seeing Ye Feng who was instantly excited, Leng Wufeng felt a little uneasy for no reason.

Inside the Great Hall Of The Sect.


"You're going out again!"

When Luo Qianxue heard that Ye Feng was going to leave Sect to go out to practice again, the whole person went crazy!

not finished?

I just brought back one last night, and are you going to kidnap people again?


Taking a deep breath, Luo Qianxue stared at Ye Feng and said directly: "It doesn't matter if you want to go out to practice, it doesn't matter if you want to go out with Leng Wufeng, it doesn't matter how many people you take out, but I only have one request, how many times? If you go out alone, several people must come back!"

"Master, don't worry!"

"I will definitely protect Junior Brother Wufeng!"

"However, since the master is so worried about our safety, for the sake of safety, let's leave with the blood-devouring mantis."

Hearing Luo Qianxue's words, Ye Feng quickly patted his chest and assured.

"Sect Leader, you really care about us too much, don't worry, with the senior brother here, we will definitely come back safely."

Leng Wufeng on the side was also full of emotion.

? ? ?

What are you talking about here?

Who cares about your safety!

I mean you don't bring people back!

With that one-armed lunatic who is enough to suppress Heavenly Dao, who can threaten you!

Looking at the two people who were so moved, Luo Qianxue felt that she was going crazy, and she quickly waved her hands to let them leave, otherwise she was really afraid that she would be mad at her!

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