Chapter 82 People who dare to bully me at Buwen Peak, haven’t we settled the accounts with you yet?

outside world.

Huang Ronger looked back and saw that the entire Shangxuan Palace had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and she was stunned.

She was a fire, burning the entire Upper Profound Palace?


“Don’t look, let’s go!”

Ye Qingxian quickly grabbed Huang Rong’er and started the secret technique that the supreme female emperor had learned from the Master.

This is the supreme immortal technique she created to target the secret of the characters, and it is a more brilliant immortal technique than the secret of the characters.

In an instant, time seemed to stagnate, stop for her.

And the figures of the two of them flashed across with a fairy light and went straight to the distance.

Their speed is already extremely fast, coupled with the slower flow of time, it makes their speed break through a limit, incredibly fast.

At the same time, Ye Qingxian also spoke, and the voice resounded through the three schools and four religions of the sacred mountain.

“This is the price you paid for arresting my Buwen Peak maidservant by the Xuanjiao. This time it is a small punishment and a big punishment. If there is another time, I will pay you ten times the price.”

The sound is mighty, like the sound of heaven and earth.

Around the “Six 20” sacred mountain, countless people stared at all this in amazement.

I can’t imagine that there are people in this world who dare to openly challenge Shang Xuanjiao!

He also burned the Shangxuan Palace on fire.

Is this going to pierce the sky?

In the alchemy room, Wei Wuya was shocked.

What happened to this special?

Isn’t this in my Shangxuan Palace?

How could this happen?

He was startled.

After the reaction came, I realized that my clothes and eyebrows were on fire!

“what is the problem?”

Wei Wuya shouted angrily.

The violent energy swept away.

The surrounding fire was immediately extinguished.

He swept away his spiritual knowledge and discovered that not only this place, but the entire Shangxuan Palace had been submerged in a sea of ​​fire.

Countless prohibitions were destroyed by fire, and countless treasures were burned.

Many more disciples screamed in horror, and the wolf and fox ran away from the blazing fire unbearably.

The entire Shangxuan Palace is like the end of the world.

“Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?”

Wei Wuya’s anger resounded through the heavens: “Don’t let me find you, otherwise, I will definitely break you to the bones and corpses.”

His voice, Ye Qingxian’s voice sounded.

“This is the price you paid for arresting my Buwen Peak maidservant by the Xuanjiao. This time it is a small punishment and a big punishment. If there is another time, I will ask you to pay ten times the price.”

“Buwen Peak? You are looking for death!”

Wei Wuya was completely enraged.

Above the Shangxuan Palace, a huge figure of him appeared, reaching the sky.

He shot it, patted it with a palm, Youruo Tianqin, grabbed the figure who was going away towards Ye Qingxian.

“Coming so fast!”

Ye Qingxian sneered.

“One thought blossoms, the king is over the world!”

This is also one of the most powerful magical powers of that empress.

At this moment when she showed it, she suddenly saw one fairy flower after another blooming, and the pieces were shining, dancing and dancing one after another.

In every flower, there is a real body of her.

It is so powerful that it is unimaginable.


The two fought fiercely.

Wei Wuya’s giant hand was dispelled, and Ye Qingxian’s figure bounced into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

“Thank you for sending me a submission!”

Ye Qingxian smiled slightly and flew away with Huang Rong’er.


Wei Wuya uttered a terrifying anger.

His stomach is about to explode with gas.

“Frenzy, you don’t want to run away!” He shook his figure, flew like a teleport, and pursued Ye Qingxian.

“Buwen Peak people, I won’t let go of them!”

As soon as Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou arrived not far from the mountain, they saw a scene that stunned the two of them.

“I’m not mistaken, am I? Someone burned the Shangxuan Palace on the Divine Mountain?” Gui Yixin said in disbelief.

“Oh my God! This is too awesome! It’s an idol of my generation!” Wen Jiuyou swallowed.

As Innate creatures, they have always been very unconvinced with the mountain.

We are creatures that existed before the creation of the world, why do we obey the orders of your sacred mountain?

Why do these heavens and worlds listen to the orders of your sacred mountain?

However, they still dare not go back to being unconvinced, and openly confront Shenshan.

After all, the mountain is great.

Any one of the three schools and four teachings alone can not be confronted by them.

It’s just that these Innate creatures, they haven’t said bad things secretly, and have done a lot of things for the yin and the yang.

It was also for this reason that Shenshan wanted to take advantage of the Seventh Heaven and Earth Tribulation, in the name of Sect Dabi, to conquer them all in one fell swoop.

The plan was going very smoothly.

Unexpectedly, a Buwen Peak emerged from nowhere.

Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou looked at the Shangxuan Palace, which had been enveloped by the raging fire, and applauded.

At this moment, the voices of Ye Qingxian and Wei Wuya sounded one after another.

“I heard that right? The person who burned the Profound Palace is my disciple of Buwen Peak?”

Gui Yi said uncertainly.

“Damn, which senior sister is so fierce that actually burned the Shangxuan Palace on fire!” Wen Jiuyou was also startled.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the scene where Ye Qingxian and Wei Wuya fought.

“It’s really from Buwen Peak! Wei Wuya is too despicable, too shameless, too hateful!” Gui Yixin yelled directly.

“That’s right! He must have done something irritating and complaining that made me Buwen Peak’s senior sister to burn the palace!” Wen Jiuyou immediately made up the knife

“I’m so angry! Shang Xuanjiao is riding on my Buwen Peak head and peeing?” Gui Yi was angry.

“Master, what a character his old man is, how can you allow Wei Wuya to be a clown!”

“No, we can’t watch Buwen Peak disciples being chased by others, we have to stop them!”

Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou made a quick decision.

As for the purpose of coming to Mount Kinabalu, the two had long since been thrown to the country of Java.

What else is more important than helping Buwen Peak’s senior sister?

We are the same disciple.

Don’t let the people of Buwen Peak be bullied by others!

At the moment, the two of them flickered and stopped in front of Wei Wuya.

“Gui Yixin, Wen Jiuyou, what do you two want to do?”

They were Innate creatures that existed before the world opened up, and of course Wei Wuya recognized them both.

These two people have always been crazy, and they are very difficult to entangle.

If it was normal, Wei Wuya wouldn’t be afraid of the two of them.

But at this time, he really has no time to entangle them with them.

“Wei Wuya, you dare to bully me, Buwen Peak’s disciple, don’t you know what I’m going to do?” Gui Yixin shouted angrily.

“That’s right. Wei Wuya, what exactly did you do to get me Buwen Peak’s senior sister to burn the palace? You don’t want to repent, do you still want to be an enemy of me Buwen Peak?” Wen Jiuyou also continued.

“Good! Good! Good!” Wei Wuya was so angry that he was about to explode.

These guys have burned their own palace, dare to be so arrogant?

“It turns out that you two are also from Buwen Peak. That just counts with you!

Gui Yixin snorted: “Do you dare to bully my people at Buwen Peak, haven’t we asked you to settle the 5.8 account?”

In the distance, Ye Qingxian looked back again.

“Hey, why didn’t you come after it?”

She was a little puzzled.

Today’s fight gave Ye Qingxian some understanding of Wei Wuya’s strength.

This guy is worthy of being one of the seven giants of the sacred mountain, and his strength is really unfathomable.

If it weren’t for her ten years of studying the Taoism with the Master, when she parted, she would have the Master give him a painting for guidance.

If she were to change to the previous Ye Qingxian, she would be seriously injured by Gang’s move.

“Why wouldn’t he come after?”

He burned his Shangxuan Palace.

Logically speaking, this guy would never let him go so easily.

She thought about it for a moment, and then lightly pointed forward, and an image suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of her.

In the video, Wei Wuya is fighting Gui Yixin and Wen Jiuyou!

“The two of them, how could they help me stop Wei Wuya?”

For a while, Ye Qingxian was also confused.

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