Chapter 250


Ye Mo suddenly realized when he heard the words, but he didn’t go to his heart at all!

He had also glanced at this “Supreme Heavenly Son List” before, but he couldn’t mention it with the slightest interest!

Only then, with Tang Yunhai’s reminder, did Ye Mo finally remember that the person who ranked second in the “Supreme Heavenly Son’s List” before was not this “Yin Void Prince” serving the sword?

But even so, he still couldn’t lift the slightest interest!

Just as the so-called strength determines the vision, with Ye Mo’s current strength, his goal has long been no longer on the martial artists of the same generation, even if it is the Ninth Order Supreme Heavenly Son, in his opinion, it is also a scumbag, whether he can resist his one move and a half has to be said twice!

Especially after he understood the “Way of Hongmeng”, this self-confidence was unprecedentedly powerful!

Of course, this is not blind confidence, but absolute confidence in your own strength!

Perhaps the entire Zhongwu Domain, now only the few “Sealed Martial Ancestors” hidden within the “Shu Jie Divine Sect” could barely arouse some of Ye Mo’s interest!

“Brother Tang, thank you for the reminder, I wrote it down!” Say goodbye to this, there will be a period later! ”

With these words, Ye Mo left with Fu Hongyi in a dashing manner, leaving only Tang Yunhao’s dazed pestle standing on the long street, not moving too much for a long time.

After bidding farewell to Tang Yunhai, Ye Mo looked at Fu Hongyi, who still had a light veil on his mask, and couldn’t help but say, “Hongyi, you really don’t have to do this for me!” ”

“Who said I was for you?” Fu Hongyi asked rhetorically!

“Uh… What do you mean by that? Ye Mo asked with a puzzled face!

“Ahem! Are you still interested in asking? ”

Fu Hongyi rolled his eyes and said without anger, “I am afraid that I will show my true face, this Supreme Heavenly Son ranking battle has not yet begun, and the Supreme Heavenly Son who came to participate in the competition will be killed by you all!” ”


Ye Mo spewed out a mouthful of old blood, how could he not have imagined that Fu Hongyi was actually holding such a thought!

But on second thought, what the other party said seemed to be very reasonable, and he was powerless to refute it!

“All right!”

In desperation, Ye Mo could only go with her!

“Where are we going now?”

At this time, Fu Hongyi asked again.

“Let’s find a place to stay!”

Ye Mo looked at the empty street and spoke.


Fu Hongyi nodded, indicating that he did not care.

The next moment, the two began to look for the sharp ones in the streets of Fengyun City

However, after looking for more than two hours, until the head of the moon willow, the two still could not find an empty inn!

Because Fengyun City was not, some of the inns were still occupied by the “Supreme Heavenly Son” from all over the Zhongwu Domain!

Seeing that the sky is getting darker, the two will sleep on the street!

Just at this moment, Ye Mo suddenly had a clever move!

“Huh? That’s right! I remember that before on the Fengyun Mountain, that Situ Sheng once said that in the back mountain of this Fengyun Mountain, there are many masterless cultivation cave houses, and since the inns in this Fengyun City are all occupied, why don’t we go there and try our luck and find a cave house? Ye Mo proposed!

“This… All right! Fu Hongyi thought for a moment, and then nodded.

Making up their minds, the two did not continue to delay, after looking for the direction, they successively unfolded their bodies and rushed towards the location of the mountain behind the Fengyun Mountain!

The area behind the “Fengyun Mountain” is vast, although it is not as steep as the peak, but the strange stone peaks are also endless!

After walking along a steep mountain wall for half an hour, Ye Mo and Fu Hongyi finally came to the boundary of the back mountain!

In the eye, one by one the cultivation cave houses were arranged under the cliffs without any rules, and most of the cave houses were accumulating the majestic “Three Talents Force”, and it was obvious that someone was practicing in retreat!

In addition, there are many imposing figures shuttling back and forth above the mountain wall, with a strong body, and it can be seen that they are all “Supreme Heavenly Sons” with powerful cultivation behavior!

Ye Mo didn’t want to cause more trouble, he carefully observed for a long time, and it was not easy to find a seemingly unmanned cultivation cave house from these countless cultivation cave houses!

“There should be no one in that cave house, let’s go!”

Greeting Fu Hongyi next to him, Ye Mo stepped on his feet and took the lead in skimming towards the cultivation cave house, followed by Fu Hongyi!

Ye Mo didn’t know that at this moment, there were quite a few people around him pointing and whispering at him!

“Look, there are two more who are not afraid of death!”

“Even the ‘Absolute Love Prince’ Xie Aokun’s cultivation cave house dares to occupy it, and I don’t think these two people will survive tomorrow’s sunrise!”

“But there seems to be a woman among these two people, although she covers her face, but her figure is not bad, it is a pity that she died like this!”

“Why don’t you remind her?”

“Ah, Lao Tzu hasn’t lived long enough!”

Ye Mo didn’t know that in the instant that he and Fu Hongyi had just stepped into the cultivation cave mansion, there were quite a few “Supreme Heavenly Sons” around them who were pointing at them and whispering!

After entering the cultivation cave house, Ye Mo casually looked at the surrounding environment.

This cave house is only a dozen square meters, although the area is not large, but the cave house is clean and refreshing, as if someone often cleans, which can’t help but make Ye Mo happy, secretly said that he really did not choose the wrong place!

“Red, let’s sleep!” Looking at Fu Hongyi standing behind him, Ye Mo couldn’t help but laugh!

“Yuck! You sleep on the ground! ”

Fu Hongyi took a bite and unceremoniously sat down on the only stone bed in the cave house, without even looking at Ye Mo!

“Uh… I obviously found this cave house, and you might be too domineering to do so! Ye Mo Bar snorted, and said with some dissatisfaction!

But then, he rolled his eyes, licked his face and smiled: “You see this stone bed is so big, or you give me some place, let’s squeeze it?” ”

“Your Honor, I warn you that if you dare to take advantage of me, I will cut you!”


Suddenly, a cold light flickered, and he saw Fu Hongyi directly draw out the Ice Qing Sword, and he did not forget to throw a cold light at Ye Mo!

“Here I go! Am I not able to sleep underground? Ye Mo was so frightened that his crotch was cold, and he hurriedly raised his hand to beg for forgiveness, but in fact, he was scolding in his heart!

“Little Niangpi, one day, I will let you beg to sleep with me!”

Just when Ye Mo’s heart was safe and fierce!

Suddenly, two rapid wind-breaking sounds came from outside the cultivation cave!

“Sister Qian, we have arrived, and this is the cultivation cave house of my cousin Xie Aokun, the ‘Absolute Lover’!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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