“Thank you so much!”

Ye Mo heard the words, almost didn’t think about it, sat back down again, and looked at Chu Xifeng on the opposite side with a stunned look!

Don’t you know what is courtesy, righteousness, and shame?

At least you can push it off, even if you do it, ah, where is there such a direct nod of promise?

Seeing Ye Mo’s skinless and faceless appearance, not only Chu Xifeng and the sword, Fu Hongyi even hated not being able to find a seam to drill into!

I can’t afford to lose this man…

“What about the wine, where is the wine?” As soon as Ye Mo sat down, he couldn’t wait to rub his hands, and his face was full of excitement!

Chu Xifeng didn’t give a crap either, only to see him take out a small golden card from his arms!

“Huh? What is this? Ye Mo looked curious, but before he could ask, he saw Chu Xifeng gently insert the golden card on the jasper table in front of him, and the card actually disappeared into it entirely!

The next moment, in front of Ye Mo, a small pot of “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew” slowly rose from the groove under the table!

Ye Mo was overjoyed to see this, reached out and picked up the wine glass, and wanted to fill it up for himself!

Just at this moment, Chu Xifeng suddenly reached out and stopped him!


“What else is going on with Brother Chu?” Ye Mo asked with a dissatisfied face, his eyes never left the wine jug in front of him!

“Cough, that’s right!”

Chu Xifeng laughed dryly, resisted the urge to slap Ye Mo to death, and said lightly: “Even if it is drinking, then of course you must drink a refreshing drink, if it is a cup of drink, it is inevitable that it will lose the demeanor of the children of my generation!” ”

“Oh? I don’t know what Brother Chu means by this? ”

Ye Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and on the surface he was silent, but in fact, he had already guessed Chu Xifeng’s next plan in his heart!

Sure enough, I listened to Chu Xifeng smile at the corner of his mouth: “I, a person, have always liked to make friends with people with a cheerful temperament, and I don’t like the generation of mother-in-law and mother-in-law, although this ‘Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew’ is worth a lot, but since I am a guest, even if Brother Ye drinks more, I will never frown, but …”

Speaking of this, Chu Xifeng suddenly turned his words around and said in a deep voice, “I hope that Brother Ye can carry forward the style that my generation of martial cultivation should have, and drink this whole pot of ‘Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew’, if not, then I will feel that Brother Ye is not happy enough, it is not worth it for me to make friends, this wine money, naturally it needs Brother Ye to pay for it himself!” ”

“Drink it all?” Ye Mo raised an eyebrow!

“Nice! I don’t know if Brother Ye dares or not? Chu Xifeng asked for a long time!

“Brother Ye, no…”

Tang Yunhai on the side was startled, and just wanted to say a reminder, but he was stared at by a murderous eye full of sword servants, directly allowing him to swallow the rest of the words back into his stomach!

“Ye Mo, don’t be impulsive!”

Even Fu Hongyi couldn’t help but interject a sentence next to him!

She clearly remembered that before on the first floor of the building, a pot of “Three Talents Wine” had seriously injured the two Supreme Heavenly Sons on the spot!

Although the “three talents of wine” is high, it is not a threat to her!

But here is the ninth floor of the “Qing Tianlou”, the wine sold is far more than the “Tiangan Yulu” of the “Three Talents Wine”, and the “Treasure of the Town Building” of the whole “Qing Tianlou”!

What kind of terrifying energy was contained in this wine, Fu Hongyi couldn’t guess at all, she was afraid that Ye Mo would impulsively agree to it, causing some unnecessary risks!

Unfortunately, afraid of what was coming, Ye Mo didn’t care about the two people’s obstruction, after hearing Chu Xifeng’s proposal, he almost didn’t think about it, so he nodded his head and agreed!


“What? Did you actually say yes? ”

This time, it was Chu Xifeng’s turn and the sword’s turn to be surprised!

Originally, they thought that after Ye Mo heard this request, he would hesitate slightly, or even directly refuse!

In that case, they can justifiably kill each other on the grounds that they don’t give themselves face!

But no matter what, the two of them didn’t expect that Ye Mo would agree without hesitation!

“Of course, it is rare that Brother Chu has this Yaxing, so he will drink a pot of wine to open everyone’s eyes!” Ye Mo laughed proudly, he had already brought the essence of the dirt bun to the extreme!

“Good! Cool enough! ”

Finally, Chu Xifeng came back to his senses and couldn’t help but grin!

And around him, even the sword, who had always been slightly cold, couldn’t help but evoke a strange arc at the corner of his mouth!

As if they had already foreseen the sight of Ye Mo exploding and dying on the spot, they both couldn’t wait to widen their eyes!

“Brother Ye!”

Tang Yunhai was full of big men and looked at Ye Mo’s eyes with great entanglement!

However, under the combined pressure of the two great Heavenly Arrogance, even if he had the heart to remind him, he did not dare to really export, and could only make eyes at Ye Mo so desperately, hoping that he could read his own meaning!

“Ye Mo, are you crazy?”

Fu Hongyi was also angry and grabbed his sleeve, trying to persuade him to give up this crazy move!

Unfortunately, from beginning to end, Ye Mo didn’t even look at the two of them, but once again set his eyes on the wine jug in front of him and grabbed it!

The next moment, under the horrified gaze of everyone, I saw Ye Mo directly aim at the mouth of the bottle, tilt his neck, and pour down the sticky “Heavenly Sweet Jade Dew”!


The first bite just swallowed!

Boom, boom, boom, boom…

With a series of violent explosions, Ye Mo only felt as if his body was boiling, and a furious energy was raging wildly in his internal organs, and it was constantly spreading towards the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, back and forth!

His blood, bones, meridians, and even his soul all seemed to be twisted together by this energy and melted into a furnace, and the pain of tearing his heart and lungs made him can’t help but frown slightly!

But along with this pain, there are countless magical veins between heaven and earth!

At this moment, in Ye Mo’s eyes, the surrounding environment was no longer what it was, whether it was air, earth, or even the human body, it was all composed of a combination of veins!

Each of these veins is a kind of Tao power!

Countless Dao forces fused together to form the foundation of this heaven and earth!

Hongmeng Three Thousand Ways!

“Good! Wine!! ”

Ye Mo’s heart was full of excitement, and ninety thousand times of terrifying enlightenment unfolded, and almost instantaneously, the magical energy contained in the Heavenly Jade Dew was completely disintegrated and absorbed! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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