Speaking of this, Situ Sheng added: “By the way, in the back mountain of Fengyun Mountain, there are some masterless ‘cultivation cave houses’ carved out by predecessors, where the aura is abundant, very suitable for retreat cultivation, you can try your luck, but the back mountain is not forbidden to fight, if you want to seize the cave house, it is best to weigh your own strength first!” ”

“This… All right! The “Supreme Heavenly Sons” were helpless and could only nod their heads!

“Any other questions?” Situ Sheng asked again!

Seeing that none of the young people asked questions, Situ Sheng immediately waved a big hand!

“If that’s the case, then let’s all disperse!” The day after tomorrow, we will still meet here, and at that time, I will take you with me to register for the lottery and participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Qualifying Battle’! ”

“Thank you Elder Situ Sheng!”

When the “Supreme Heavenly Sons” heard the rumors, they all retreated!

“Let’s go, just go to the ‘Wind and Cloud City’ at the bottom of the mountain, and find a place to stay first!” Ye Mo said a word to Fu Hongyi beside him.

“All listen to the arrangements of the Patriarch.” Fu Hongyi nodded with a smile.

The words fell, and the two were about to take a step.

At this moment, Situ Sheng, who had not been speaking, suddenly reached out and stopped them!

“Do you have anything else?” Ye Mo frowned, looking at Situ Sheng in puzzlement!

But Situ Sheng didn’t even look at him, but instead smiled at Fu Hongyi, “Miss Fu, I don’t know if you have any leisure now…”

Speaking of this, Situ Sheng paused, while brewing up the language, while thinking about how to send an invitation to Fu Hongyi to invite him to see his son!

But before he could open his mouth, Ye Mo on the side waved his hand impatiently and coldly spat out two words!

“Not available!”

After saying this, he didn’t care what reaction Situ Sheng had, he pulled Fu Hongyi around and left, without stopping!

“Bastard!” Situ Sheng was furious at the sight and stared at Ye Mo’s back deadly, if he wasn’t in the Fengyun Mountain, he would only be afraid that he would have been unable to kill Ye Mo long ago!

“Brother Situ, you are in a hurry, anyway, in just these two days, are you still worried that this Fu Hongyi will run away?”

At this time, Liu Xunyang, who had not spoken for a long time, spoke out and exhorted from the side: “When the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle’ starts, this Fu Hongyi and Ye Mo will definitely come to compete, and at that time, you will recommend Ling Feng to her, with the unique posture of Ling Feng’s nephew, I don’t believe that this Fu Hongyi will not be moved!” ”

Situ Sheng let out a deep sigh and said in a deep voice, “Brother Liu’s words are reasonable, let the mud legs live for two more days first, and when my son successfully captures the heart of this Fu Hongyi, I will be able to settle the account!” ”

At the same time, Ye Mo and Fu Hongyi had already come to the wide mountain gate of Zongna.

Looking around, the mountain gate of the Shujie Divine Sect was magnificent, but there were not many people, except for a very few Supreme Heavenly Sons who had just arrived here like them, there was not a single ordinary disciple in the vast mountain gate!

“Huh? Is there no disciple under this ‘Shu Jie’? ”

Ye Mo murmured in his mouth, and asked Fu Hongyi beside him with some puzzlement.

“Oh, the ‘Shujie Divine Sect’ is not the power of our ‘Zhongwu Domain’, and this ‘Fengyun Mountain’ is just a branch hall of theirs, of course, it will not recruit disciples!” Fu Hongyi said with a smile, although she was not very old, as one of the four powerful people in the Land of Riots, she still knew a little about these secrets!

“That’s right!”

When Ye Mo heard this, he suddenly realized.

As the two talked, they walked up the steps, trying to find a way down the mountain and go to the legendary “Wind and Cloud City”.

But the mountain gate of the Shujie Divine Sect was too big, the two of them had just arrived, they were not familiar with the place of life, and they walked around the mountain gate for a long time, but they still did not find the way down the mountain.

“Forget it, let’s ask someone!”

In desperation, Ye Mo was planning to find someone to ask for the way to go.

Just at this moment, a burst of conversation came from not far away, which suddenly attracted Ye Mo’s attention!

“Brother Ma, I heard that there is a ‘Heavenly Floor’ in the ‘Wind and Cloud City’, and the ‘Qiong Pulp Jade Liquid’ produced in the building can deepen the warrior’s understanding of heaven and earth, which can be described as a mysterious and abnormal thing, so why don’t we take this opportunity to go and see it together?”

“Of course, this ‘Wind and Cloud City’ is the exclusive city of the ‘Shujie Divine Sect’, which is only open to the public once every ten years, and it is only for those of us who are participating in the competition, of course, we can’t miss it!”

The two young “Supreme Heavenly Sons” said as they walked down the mountain together!

“Can you add the Qiong Pulp Jade Liquid of the Martial Artist to the Heaven and Earth Spirit Creatures?”

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Mo’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a touch of deep curiosity!

After a slight sigh, he immediately made a decision and said to Fu Hongyi next to him: “Keep up with them, and we will also go to see what is special about this ‘Asking Heavenly Tower’!” ”


Fu Hongyi nodded with a smile and said that he had no opinion.

The next moment, the two of them followed suit, closely following behind the two Supreme Heavenly Sons.

Those two “Supreme Heavenly Sons” were obviously coming to Fengyun Mountain for the first time, but the two of them had already made preparations, took out a silk map from their arms, and looked at it while following the route, which was also considered a familiar road.

And Ye Mo and Fu Hongyi quietly followed behind them, which saved a lot of trouble.

The two men walked for a whole hour on the steep mountain path!

After an hour, Ye Mo and Fu Hongyi followed the steps of the two Supreme Heavenly Sons, and finally came to the bottom of the “Wind and Cloud Mountain” and stepped into a huge city!

Looking around, in the entire city, all kinds of magnificent and magnificent buildings were lined up one after another, one after another, as if the boundless Wang Yang Sea, a magnificent momentum swept over his face, making Ye Mo can’t help but sigh with emotion!

“Is this the ‘Wind and Cloud City’?” Sure enough! ”

As early as the time of the “Southern Domain”, Ye Mo had also seen many huge cities, such as the ‘Heavenly Dao City’ in the Southern Domain, which was also considered to be imposing and covering a vast area!

But if the “Heavenly Dao City” is compared with the “Wind and Cloud City”, it is simply the difference between ants and elephants, and the two are not at all in an order of magnitude!

Taking a step, Ye Mo took Fu Hongyi and continued to follow behind the two Supreme Heavenly Sons, walking along the street all the way to the city! _

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