“What why?”

Fu Hongyi pretended to have a pitiful look in his eyes and looked at Ye Mo carefully.

“Of course, it is the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking War’!” Ye Mo gritted his teeth and said, so angry that he couldn’t press her directly to the ground and correct the Fa!

“Oh, you mean this…”

Fu Hongyi “suddenly realized”, which made him playfully laugh: “You can go, why can’t I go?” ”

“But you are not my ‘Invincible War Sect’ at all!” Ye Mo cried out!

“Now is it!”

Fu Hongyi smiled slightly!

The next moment, under Ye Mo’s stunned gaze, I saw her suddenly bend down and give a gift!

“Your Honor, please give the little girl a prayer!”



Ye Mo properly spewed out a mouthful of old blood, how could she not have expected her to make such a move!

Although it was not clear why Fu Hongyi had signed up to participate in the “Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle”, at this moment, she had already been registered by Liu Xunyang, and she was already a boat, even if Ye Mo was reluctant to do so, she could not stop it!

In desperation, he could only accept this reality!

“Well, it’s not impossible for you to go if you want to, but you signed up to participate in the competition in the name of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ disciple, and since you are a disciple of my Invincible Battle Sect, of course you must listen to me as a Sect Leader!” Ye Mo said in a deep voice!

“Your Honor, rest assured, little girl… Ah, the disciples all listen to the arrangements of the Sect Lord! Fu Hongyi said with a smile!

“Ahem! There is no basis for the words, let’s make three chapters of the law! ”

Ye Mo was unmoved, and said coldly!

Through this period of contact, he knew that Fu Hongyi’s previous cold distinction of refusing to be thousands of miles away was disguised!

In fact, this woman is a clever ghost in her bones, and God knows what kind of ghost idea she is doing this, Ye Mo must of course be wary in advance!

“Three chapters of the Law of the Covenant?”

Fu Hongyi heard the willow eyebrows and subconsciously asked, “Which three chapters?” ”

“It’s simple!”

Ye Mo snapped his fingers and said with a smile, “First, from now on, you must follow my side without leaving my side!” ”

“This can be, the disciple is now a member of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, of course, he will always follow the Sect Lord!” Fu Hongyi nodded without hesitation.

Ye Mo heard this and continued, “Second, when you get to the Heavenly Fire Ridge, no matter what happens to you, you are not allowed to make your own decisions, and you must follow my lead for me!” ”

“Oh, I can also promise this, anyway, the adult is here, and the disciple is just happy and idle!” Fu Hongyi smiled lightly, she originally thought that Ye Mo would take the opportunity to propose something excessive, if it was really only this difficulty, then why should she promise him?

“As for the third…”

At this time, Ye Mo’s face flashed a strange smile, grinning: “From now on, no matter who asks about your identity, you must answer, it is my Ye Mo’s woman!” ”


Fu Hongyi almost smiled angrily, and said lightly with Ye Mo, “Don’t the Sect Lords think that this request is a bit too much?” ”

“Is it excessive? I don’t think that if you don’t want to, it’s a big deal for everyone to shoot and scatter! ”

Ye Mo shrugged his shoulders indifferently, a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling hot water!

“Ahem! Lord Suzerain, don’t you think that without your ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, the little girl will not be able to participate in this ‘Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle’? ”

Fu Hongyi sneered and said, “Believe it or not, with the talent of a little girl, even if there is no Sect Gate identity, the two Elders of the ‘Shu Ji Divine Sect’ will take me to the Heavenly Fire Ridge to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ ranking battle!” ”

“Hey, I really don’t believe it!”

Ye Mo had a strange smile on his face, and as his voice fell, he decisively felt a formation flag from his arms and shook it in front of Fu Hongyi!

“I’m not afraid to tell you that in the realm of my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, as long as I don’t nod, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he won’t want to take you away!”

“You… Do you dare to threaten me? Fu Hongyi’s eyes widened in anger!

“No, no, no, I’m just making an analogy, hahahahahaha!” Ye Mo couldn’t help but laugh proudly!

“You!” Fu Hongyi was so angry that his body trembled slightly, and he was once again forced out of his internal injuries by Ye Mo’s shamelessness!

But as Ye Mo said, under the shroud of the Invincible Battle Sect’s “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”, let alone her, even if Liu Xunyang and Situ Sheng personally attacked, I was afraid that I would have to return with hatred!

Moreover, even if there was no “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”, just by relying on Ye Mo’s own strength, Fu Hongyi knew that he was still far from his opponent!

Think about it again and again!

In the end, Fu Hongyi still helplessly chose to compromise!

“Well, the condition I promise you is!”

Almost gritting his teeth and saying these words, Fu Hongyi’s little feet stomped on it, turned around and walked away, without stopping!

Because she was afraid that if she stayed a little longer, she would not be able to help but slap Ye Mo’s shameless face!

“Haha, the timekeeper is Junjie, Miss Fu rests early, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning!”

Looking at her back that was breathing and leaving, Ye Mo did not forget to greet her from afar, and then opened his mouth with excitement!

“Little Lady Pi, this prince himself went out on the horse, I don’t believe I can’t take you!”

Thinking of the upcoming beautiful journey, Ye Mo’s heart was full of heat!

However, he also knew that this time when he went to the “Heavenly Fire Ridge”, he not only had to participate in the “Supreme Heavenly Son Ranking Battle”, but also wanted to find a way to return to the “Southern Domain”, but he was afraid that he would not be able to return in a short period of time, and he must make some preparations in advance!

Thinking of this, Ye Mo forcibly suppressed the distractions in his heart, and then looked in one direction and flashed away!

This night, Ye Mo did not rest, but found a quiet courtyard inside the Sect Gate and began to retreat and refine overnight!

It wasn’t until the sky turned white that Ye Mo finally stopped!

At this moment, the various four auxiliary Dao artifacts refined around him were already piled up like mountains, emitting all kinds of strange aromas and colors!

After simply packing up, Ye Mo packed these auxiliary path treasures into more than a dozen Sumire bags prepared in advance!

After doing all this, he greeted him outside the door!

“Come on people!”

Soon, a sect deacon pushed the door into the courtyard and fell to his knees respectfully beside Ye Mo.

“What did the Patriarch command?”

“Go and inform the elders that they will go to the council chamber immediately, and I have something important to discuss!” Ye Mo said in a deep voice!

“Yes, Suzerain!”

When the deacon heard this, he quickly turned and left. _

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