However, hearing Liu Xunyang’s words, Ye Mo still had to let go of his thoughts and plan to think long-term!

“This boy is simply a stone in the pit, smelly and hard!”

At this time, Liu Xunyang had already scolded Ye Mo in his heart with a dog bloody head!

Because he really couldn’t understand why Ye Mo had to keep going with Situ!

Even if it is because Situ Sheng provoked him first, but after all, he is a senior, and he took the lead in closing up, which is enough to give you face!

But you Ye Mo, a mere descendant who has not grown up to be Qi, even if he is the “Supreme Heavenly Son”, at your current age, it is impossible to be the opponent of a strong person like Situ Sheng!

Of course, the reason why Liu Xunyang had this idea was also because he didn’t know Ye Mo’s true strength!

Although Ye Mo’s heroic deeds of defeating the four Great Nine Yang Realm Peaks in one move before had already been known throughout the Riot Land!

But how vast is the Zhongwu Domain?

Just to say that the distance between the “Land of Riots” and the “Heavenly Fire Ridge” is that it will take two or three years to catch up with the road!

Even the nearest “West Pole Ridge” will take three or four months to arrive!

With such a long distance, no matter how amazing Ye Mo’s news was, it would be difficult for him to reach Liu Xunyang’s ears in a short period of time, so he didn’t know how terrifying Ye Mo’s strength really was!

And Situ Sheng is already in front of the ghost door to close the door, and he is almost doomed…

The only thing Liu Xunyang knew now was that the “Land of Riots” had unexpectedly given birth to a six-star sect gate!

As the worship elder of the “Shujie Divine Sect”, the “Land of Riots” happened to be within the scope of his duties, so he would come to inquire with Situ Sheng on a routine basis.

At this time, Liu Xunyang barely suppressed the throbbing in his heart and finally asked about the right thing!

“Ye Mo, I ask you, are you the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’?”

“Good value for money” Ye Mo nodded, but he didn’t hide it.

“Good value for money”

Liu Xunyang heard that his heart must have been convinced, and asked again: “Then do you want to go with me to the ‘Heavenly Fire Ridge and Fengyun Mountain’ to participate in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle’?” ”

“Of course!”

Ye Mo did not hesitate, he had worked hard for more than two months, originally to go to the Heavenly Fire Ridge, and now that his purpose was about to be achieved, he certainly would not refuse.

As for how to go home, Ye Mo was not in a hurry, because even if he didn’t ask Situ Sheng, as long as he arrived at the “Heavenly Fire Ridge”, he could completely go to the “Primitive War Sect” in person, and with his current strength, he would not believe that the “Primitive War Sect” would dare to hide it!

“Well, since you promised to join me in the Supreme Heavenly Son’s Ranking Battle…”

Speaking of this, Liu Xunyang suddenly stared at Ye Mo deadly, as if he had breathed too much, to distinguish what Ye Mo was cultivating now!

But soon, he was disappointed!

Because Ye Mo’s breath was simply rounded and the heavens and earth were fused together, with his eyesight, he couldn’t even see the slightest clue!

What he also reflected was Situ Sheng on the side, and he also couldn’t see the depth of Ye Mo, and he couldn’t help but frown!

“What are you cultivating now?”

Finally, Liu Xunyang pulled down his face and asked.


Ye Mo thought about it for a moment, and then replied, “The Nine Yang Realm… Double Heaven! ”

“What? Nine Yang Realm Dual Heaven? ”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Xunyang and Situ Sheng couldn’t help but glance at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

“Worthy of being the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’, looking at your roots, you are only seventeen or eighteen years old, and if you can have this kind of cultivation behavior at this age, you ‘Supreme Heavenly Sons’ are indeed the darlings of heaven and earth!” Liu Xunyang said with emotion!

“Ahem! No wonder he dared to be so arrogant in front of this seat, but he still had some confidence! ”

Situ Sheng also narrowed his eyes slightly, putting away the contempt for Ye Mo before!

However, Fu Hongyi, who had been standing behind Ye Mo all along, and who had not spoken, couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow!

She didn’t understand why Ye Mo only reported the cultivation of the Nine Yang Realm Dual Heaven, he was obviously the peak of the Nine Yang Realm!


Seeing the two people’s reactions like this, Ye Mo’s face froze, and he should not just cry or laugh!

Nine Yang Realm Second Heaven, he was already reporting as little as possible!

But even so, it still caused the two old men to be amazed…

Then, if he reported his true cultivation behavior, wouldn’t he scare the two old men to death?

Of course, the reason why Ye Mo said this was also deliberate, because he didn’t know if there would be other changes in the next trip to Tianxu Ridge!

And retaining a little strength and making a fortune in a muffled voice has always been Ye Mo’s favorite way!

After Liu Xunyang praised a few words, he reached into his arms again, took out a brilliant magic stone from his own Sumire bag, and reached out and handed it over.

“Ye Mo, this is the ‘Talent Identification Stone’, I need to identify your talent, so that it is convenient to record, you will hold this stone with your hands later, and then feel with your heart, I will distinguish your talent level by the brightness of the ‘Talent Identification Stone’!” Liu Xunyang patiently explained.

At the same time, Situ Sheng on the side also took out from his arms a book that shimmered with a glowing glow and a wooden pen made of unknown material, and prepared to record it.

“Listen to the elders.” Ye Mo nodded, and with some curiosity, he took over the “Talent Identification Stone”, and then according to Liu Xunyang’s instructions, he began to feel it with his heart!

Of course, he certainly did not dare to do his best, otherwise with his ninety thousand times more talent, this “Talent Determination Stone” would properly explode on the spot!

Fortunately, in terms of his control of his body, Ye Mo had reached the point where he could do whatever he wanted, he just touched it lightly, and he didn’t even dare to exert one-thousandth of his talent, so he resolutely stopped!

The next moment, the “Talent Identification Stone” that was only the size of a palm was magnificent, and the dark space was as bright as day!

“The Third Order of the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’, not bad!” Liu Xunyang saw this light and nodded with satisfaction.

Situ Sheng, on the other hand, wrote a few strokes on the mysterious book, and then folded his hands!

“After the record is completed, the third-order ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ Ye Mo, the Nine Yang Realm Dual Heavenly Cultivation, ranked 144th in the ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’s List’!”

“Elder Liu, what does this third-order ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ mean?” Is this ‘Supreme Heavenly Son’ still not hierarchical? Ye Mo asked with some puzzlement. _

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