“Let’s find someone to come and renovate the gate of the Sect Gate!”

Ye Mo looked at the devastated “Invincible Battle Sect” mountain gate that had long since turned into ruins, and opened his mouth to give a command.

“Yes, son!” Ram Kun nodded hurriedly.

“Well, it’s none of your business here, you can go!” Ye Mo waved his hand impatiently, and after Chu Laowei and Ramming Kun left one after another, his pair of thief’s slippery eyes finally landed on Fu Hongyi’s delicate red lips again, and he couldn’t wait to withdraw his bet!

“Hey hey, Miss Fu… Is it time for us to practice this bet? ”

Ye Mo rubbed his hands nervously, and as he spoke, he shamelessly raised his mouth…

But then, Fu Hongyi’s words were like a basin of cold water, pouring down on Ye Mo’s head!

“Bet? What bet? ”

Fu Hongyi’s small face was red, one hand was tightly fiddling with the hem of the skirt, and his heart was like a fawn colliding, where was the cold posture before half a point?

“I’ll go, these eight characters haven’t been skimmed yet, you’re going to settle the bills?” Ye Mo almost laughed angrily, how could he not have expected that Fu Hongyi would actually come up with such a sentence, wasn’t it obvious that he intended to turn his face and not recognize anyone?

“Who said I was going to pay the bills? I ask you, what was the bet we agreed on earlier? ”

At this time, Fu Hongyi stood up, proudly like a small peacock, and asked lightly!

“Of course, it is a bet on those three scumbags, and I can’t stick to three moves in front of this prince!” Ye Mo said proudly!

“Yes, you obviously said three tricks, but how many tricks did you use?” Fu Hongyi asked with a smile.

“One… One trick…”

Ye Mo said subconsciously, and an extremely ominous premonition gradually arose in his heart!

Sure enough, he heard Fu Hongyi say triumphantly: “You only used one move to defeat them, but what we said before was three moves, so this bet is naturally not valid!” ”


Ye Mo couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of old blood, and was shocked by Sheng Sheng out of his internal injuries!

“Lord Ye Zong, if there is nothing to do here, I will retire first, no need to send it, and see you later!”

After saying this, Fu Hongyi seemed to be about to leave!

But the flesh that reached the mouth just watched her fly away!

With Ye Mo’s character, how could he be willing?

“Damn little ladies, want to break the contract? There are no doors! ”

Finally, Ye Moxian rose from his heart, angrily to the side of the guts, simply did not do two without stopping, violently opened his big hand, palmed power, and pulled Fu Hongyi back, and fiercely hugged into his arms!

“What are you going to do?” Let go of me! ”

Smelling the male yang on his body, Fu Hongyi completely panicked, and tried to break free of his embrace!

But now Ye Mo was already almost invincible in the entire Zhongwu Domain, and was Fu Hongyi’s peak state, and she might not be able to get rid of his clamps, not to mention that she was now seriously injured, where was Ye Mo’s opponent?

“What am I going to do?” Withdraw the bet, of course! ”

Ye Mo looked at her close at hand, no longer able to resist the impulse in Nai’s heart, lowered his head and printed it fiercely!

The next moment, the lips intersected, and a rich sweet fragrance poured into the mouth, causing Ye Mo’s brain to “boom” and completely explode!

And Fu Hongyi, his brain was blank, his eyes were wide open, and he stared dead at the handsome face in front of him!

Until now, she hadn’t reacted to what was going on, only to mutter…

“He kissed me… He actually kissed me!! ”

Ye Mo saw that Fu Hongyi in his arms did not resist, and his courage was even greater, and he exerted strength in his hands again, overbearing and hugging her delicate body, wantonly sucking the sweetness in her mouth!

At the critical moment when the two of them forgot to kiss, Ye Mo didn’t know that in a bush less than thirty meters away from them, there were two pairs of shining thief eyes staring at the scene here!

“I went, even the bubble girls are so domineering, so earth-shattering weeping ghost gods, the prince is indeed not an ordinary person!” Elder Chu had a crooked face and sighed, and his eyes were full of adoration!

“Yes, yes, Lord Fu Gong is the first beautiful woman worthy of the name of the ‘Land of Riots’, and if she can become the suzerainty of our ‘Invincible War Sect’, it is not an insult to the name of our family’s son!” Ram Kun nodded deeply.

Just as the two were peeping and pursuing, suddenly, a voice suddenly came from behind them!

“Huh? Two elders and three elders, what are you two doing here? ”

Duanmu Lingfeng looked confused, he had just received the news, he learned that the Zongmen crisis was lifted, and he was planning to take the opportunity to come over and show his loyalty, he did not expect to see such an amazing scene!

This Nyima, are these two goods engaged in the foundation of failure?

Duanmu Lingfeng did not suspect maliciously…

“Bastards! Shut me up! ”

Elder Chu was startled, and he jumped up to cover his mouth!

But in the end, it was still a step slower, and the movement here had successfully attracted Ye Mo’s attention!

Lips parted, looking at the peerless beauty in his arms like a pool of mud, his face was red, and his eyes were micron, Ye Mo’s heart could not help but rise with a strong pride!

However, he still hadn’t forgotten the right thing, and with a single snap of his fingers, the two condensed Yang Yuan forces flew out with a “whirl” and directly hit Chu Lao’s crooked and rammed Kun’s ass!


The next moment, the two of them disappeared in place with a “whirl” sound like a rocket, directly lifted into the air, and jumped wildly to the eyelids of Duanmu Lingfeng, almost did not scream!

“Miss Fu, offended!”

Letting go of Fu Hongyi in his arms, Ye Mo smiled.

“Disciple Deng, you don’t want a face!”

Only then did Fu Hongyi finally wake up like a dream, and he scolded with some anger!

However, the tone of her words did not have the slightest sense of blame, but it was like a little couple in love spoiling each other, so that Ye Mo couldn’t help but feel hot in his heart, hating that he couldn’t hold her in his arms again and pity her!

“This demon!”

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Mo forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, turned around again, and looked at Duanmu Lingfeng not far away!

“Elder Duanmu, it’s really time for you to come!” Ye Mo said in a deep tone!

“This… The Sect Master forgives sins, I learned that there was a foreign enemy invading the Sect Gate before, and I was worried that the disciples under the Sect would suffer from the disaster of innocence, so I took many disciples to the back mountain to take refuge, and when they were properly arranged, when they returned, I did not expect that the Gongzi had already solved the foreign enemy, and the Gongzi was really immeasurably mighty, and the subordinates admired and admired it! ”

Duanmu Lingfeng said as he ran over!

This is a statement that he has already thought out in advance, and it looks seamless!

But how could his little flower intestines be concealed from Ye Mo?

“You go, we are invincible, we don’t raise idle people.”

Ye Mo didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly issued an eviction order! _

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