“Lonely Thousand Sails, roll over to Ben Gongzi and lead him to death!”

Finally, Ye Mo could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and without saying a word, he rushed towards Gu Qianfan!

“Arrogant boy, I’d like to see how many moves you can make under my sword!”

Gu Qianfan was furious, thinking that he was one of the four supreme powerful people in the land of rebellion, who had seen it in the past and was not cautiously greeting and respectfully waiting?

When did he ever be reprimanded so unreasonably, he simply didn’t take him in the eye!

Almost instantly, Gu Qianfan threw Chu Qianfan’s previous admonition to the Nine Clouds, and the killing machine in his heart had already shattered his reason, and as soon as he struck, it was an absolute killing move!

“People are out of life, swords are crazy!”

“Berserk Sword!”

Uh-huh, uh-uh-uh-

A sword came out, ten thousand swords were born, and the terrifying sword qi roared wildly!

Gu Qianfan was worthy of being the strongest sword cultivator in the world in the land of riots, and the sword move in his hand seemed to be violent, but in this rage, it contained an incomparably exquisite kendo trajectory, as if the antelope was hanging on the horn, wonderful to the top!

“Even you, are you worthy to play with the sword in front of this prince?”

The murderous qi attacked the face, the sword qi wrapped around the body, but Ye Mo was not afraid, and laughed heroically!

The next moment, I saw his left hand sword and right hand sword, and finally for the first time in front of the world, he displayed his self-created martial arts!

“Sword hegemony, one sword light cold nineteen states!”

The sword is sharp and fierce!

Ye Mo’s sword stabbed out, the same sword technique, the same sword qi, but the artistic conception contained in the two sets of sword methods was completely different!

If you have to use an analogy, the sword of the lone thousand sails is born to kill people!

And Ye Mo’s sword was to dominate the world!

Whether it is the momentum, sword intent or the subtlety of the moves between the two sides, they are not at the same level at all!

Which is strong and which is weak, it is simply clear at a glance!

Bang, bang, bang, bang…

Ding, ding, ding, ding…

Countless sword rays merged and intersected in mid-air, one by one!

Almost instantly, the two of them pointed their needles at Mai Mang, and they fought against each other with thousands of swords!

But Gu Qianfan’s move was already old, and Ye Mo’s sword move had just begun!

The next moment, Gu Qianfan was completely covered by Ye Mo’s sword moves, and he didn’t even have the ability to strike back, and he could only grit his teeth and resist bitterly!

“What? That’s impossible! ”

Gu Qianfan’s face changed drastically, and the more he fought, the more cold his heart became!

Because he didn’t expect that Ye Mo, who was only cultivated by Jing Yi Heavy Heaven, would actually suppress him in the head-to-head duel!

You know, he is a deputy Yang Realm peak strongman!

Jumping nine small realms to cross the level challenge, how can you still have the upper hand?

If this kind of ghost thing hadn’t been seen with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have been able to believe it!

Of course, he wasn’t the only one in the field who was shocked!

Although the four elders of the Invincible Battle Sect had received Ye Mo’s orders, they did not dare to step forward and intervene!

However, they did not go outside to attack the men of the three powerful people, but they had been waiting cautiously on the side, afraid that Ye Mo would have something to lose!

But it was only at this moment that they finally realized that they were wrong, and that they were extremely wrong!

Gongzi’s “non-human” combat power is simply more terrifying than his talent!

Is this Nyima a person in need of protection?

The protection he needs is obviously his opponent, and the “sword madman” is only right…

“Son, this… Also too… That’s it…”

Du Yan’s face was full of bitterness, he originally wanted to say the two words “perverted”, but when the words came to his mouth, he still did not dare to say it, because he was afraid that Ye Mo would hear it and deal with him afterwards…

Play JJ at every turn, who can stand this?

“It seems that our worries are completely superfluous, with the strength of Gongzi, the entire ‘Land of Riots’, ah no, it should be the entire ‘Zhongwu Domain’, but I am afraid that except for the illusory ‘Shu Ji Divine Sect’, there is no one who can threaten his life at all!”

Ouyang Xiu was also smiling bitterly, he originally did not report a little optimism about this battle, at this time he finally understood why Ye Mo had not even frowned all along!

It turned out that he had never paid any attention to the three supreme powers of the so-called “Land of Riots”…

“Gongzi is only one heaven in the Nine Yang Realm, and he can face the Nine Yang Realm Peak Strong, and he still has the advantage, if he advances to the peak of the Nine Yang Realm…”

At this time, Lin Shichun suddenly said a muffled word next to him, and the other three elders were stunned!

Because they couldn’t imagine what a “violent” scene it would be!

The battle in the field continues!

Fu Hongyi was worried that the aftermath of the battle would affect Ye Mo, so he had the heart to drag Chu Furious and arrogant to migrate to the plains outside the mountain, and the Qimen martial arts were all on full display, even if they were one against two, they would not fall behind at all!

“It is already a cliff and a hundred ices, only the blood lotus is proud of the sky!”


The milky white rain of flowers fell from the sky, and with an endless terror of coldness, it actually froze the entire land of the “Invincible War Sect” within a hundred miles, and its power was immeasurable!

“Fu Hongyi! Are you really going to fight with us to break the net? Arrogant and angry, he screamed, but the attack in his hand did not dare to pause in the slightest!

“White bone yellow spring, bridge through yin and yang!”


Countless Senran white bones were built into a bridge, and the bridge body was covered with sharp bone spurs, and the place where it passed was like a world-destroying dragon, shaking the ground and cracking every inch, rolling up the monstrous dust, and shattering the petals in the sky one by one, with a terrifying sound!

“Shocking waves, collapsing in all directions!”

“Become a sea, the waves are mighty!”

Chu roared without a word, his fists were continuously waved like cannonballs, wave after wave of fist wind like waves roared back and forth, the heavens and earth changed color, and the sun and moon had no light!

The clash of the five top strong men in the field has gradually entered a white-hot state, and the aftermath of the terrifying battle has abused almost every inch of the land within a hundred miles, forming a death forbidden area that no one should enter!

Even the four elders of the Invincible Battle Sect were trying their best to barely stand still in place!

Outside the city, not to mention the men brought by those three powerful people, they directly retreated in the same place, almost retreating into the dense forest outside the plain!

As a team of the three strong people who have been painstakingly cultivated for many years, the strength of these people is actually not weak, most of them have the cultivation of the Seventh Heaven of the Star Level! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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