The arrogant and unintentional Ruyi abacus could not be said to be sound, but unfortunately, Ye Mo did not eat his set at all!

“Fifty pieces of nine yang crystals a month?”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow, and then shook his head!

“If according to what you said, you can only mine fifty pieces of Nine Yang Crystals in a month, wouldn’t it take Ben Gongzi six or seven years to recover his costs?” So why should I have to do more? ”


Arrogant and unintentional, he immediately stammered, “But Lord Ye only needs to wait for six or seven years, and then he will make a net profit…”

“Hmm, let’s not say that ‘Three Talents Mineral Vein’ is far away in your ‘Skeleton City’, my invincible Battle Sect whip is beyond the reach of the whip, and it is not easy to manage at all.” Just say that this mining volume is a ring, six or seven years of time, where does this prince have so much time wasted? Ye Mo waved his sleeve and refused without even thinking about it!

“Has anyone bid on this ‘Divine Stand-in’?” Ignoring the arrogance, Ye Mo asked aloud to the surrounding crowd again!

“Yes, of course there is!”

Chu roared wildly, took the lead in standing up, and gritted his teeth and reported a number again!

“I produce three thousand two hundred Nine Yang Crystals!!”



Arrogant and angry, he almost didn’t vomit blood on the spot, how he didn’t expect that he had even taken out such a heavy treasure as the Three Talents Mineral, Ye Mo was still unmoved!

Watching the price of the “Divine Product Stand-in” soar all the way again, at this point, Ao Wuxin finally let go of the only thought left in his mind and gave up the bidding for the “Divine Product Stand-in”!

After another quarter of an hour, there were fewer and fewer shouts around me.

In the end, this “Divine Product Stand-in Charm” was collected by Chu Furious at a sky-high price of 3,900 pieces of “Nine Yang Crystals”!

After the auction was over, the crowd once again aimed their eager eyes at Ye Mo, wanting to see what kind of anti-heaven auxiliary treasure he could come up with next!

Unfortunately, Ye Mo did not auction again, but openly advertised in full view of everyone!

“Ladies and gentlemen, the auction will continue later, so please allow me to take this opportunity to say a few more words!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo first arched his hand to the crowd again, and then said loudly: “Today is a good day for the opening ceremony of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, as the Sect Leader, I want to cheekily recommend my Sect Gate to everyone, our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ will face the entire ‘Land of Riots’ from now on, recruiting disciples, as long as they are under thirty years old, cultivators above the Heavenly Martial Realm can enter the Sect!” ”

“And anyone who joins the Sect will receive a reward of one of the best elixirs that I have personally refined, as well as fifty ‘Star Crystals’!”

“I wish the Ye Sect Lord a smooth harvest!”

Everyone heard that it was a polite Gong Fu, except for some people who shocked Mo’s ability and had already made up their minds to join the Invincible Battle Sect after the fact!

Most people don’t show much interest!

Because although the Invincible Battle Sect has Ye Mo’s peerless demons sitting in the seat, in the final analysis, it is still a new sect force, and there is no attractive feng shui treasure land under the door, and Ye Mo himself alone does not have so much charm to make them desperately serve it!

Ye Mo saw the reactions of the people, how could he not guess what was in their hearts?

Fortunately, he had already prepared and immediately extended his finger!

“Look, everyone!”

The crowd followed the prestige, only to see that the direction Ye Mo was pointing to was the most magnificent and the highest tower inside the mountain gate of the entire Invincible Battle Sect!

“Isn’t it just a tower, what’s there to see?”

The crowd was full of confusion, not knowing what kind of medicine Ye Mo was selling in this gourd!

The next moment, Ye Mo smiled slightly, and finally opened his mouth confidently, and his words were not surprising!

“That tower, called the ‘Ascending Heavenly Pavilion’, which includes the ‘Nine Heavens Gathering Spirit Array’ personally arranged by the Gongzi, is the foundation of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, and if ordinary martial artists can cultivate in it, they can increase their cultivation speed by one hundred and eighty-three times, that is to say, cultivating for one day can be worth the first half of the year!”


As soon as these words came out, the crowd almost didn’t freak out on the spot!

“Is Brother Ye serious about this?” Gu Qianfan stared at Ye Mo deadly, even if he was as steady as he was, even his fingers could not help but tremble slightly at this time!

One hundred and eighty-three times the cultivation speed, what does that mean?

This meant that even a scumbag with only a first-order talent, as long as he entered this Heavenly Pavilion, he could gain a cultivation speed comparable to that of the Supreme Heavenly Son, even more than that!

This is no longer a blessing that can be described, it is simply a miracle!

“Again, this prince has never spoken in vain, and if my ascension to the Heavenly Pavilion does not have this effect, you can withdraw from the sect at any time, and I will never stop you!” Ye Mo said confidently!


The words fell and the crowd exploded on the spot!

“Lord Ye Zong, I want to join the Sect, I want to join the Sect!”

“Lord Ye Zong, please accept me to get started, even if I am a subordinate!”

“Lord Ye…”

“Ye Sect Lord!”

With a loud voice and a sentence, the crowd was completely insane, even those who had been famous for a long time were under the temptation of the ascending to the heavens, which was called against the heavens, and wanted to join the Invincible War Sect and become a member of this sect!

For this situation, Ye Mo had already expected it, and immediately said with a smile: “Don’t be in a hurry, wait for this matter, if you are really interested in joining my Invincible Battle Sect, you can go to the Sect Gate’s Council Hall and find the Third Elder Chu Laowei to register, and I will not refuse to come to the Invincible Battle Sect!” ”

“Of course, if there are strong people in the Nine Yang Realm who want to join the Sect, I Ye Mo promises to immediately grant the position of elder, and all the resources within the Sect Gate are available for free use, and a high amount of Feng Lu will be supplied every month, the number of people is limited, until the recruitment is full, please don’t miss this precious opportunity, because after passing through this village, there will be no such shop!”

After saying this, Ye Mo once again bowed his hand to the crowd: “Next, this auction will be entrusted to Ouyang Xiu, the Grand Elder of our Invincible War Sect, to take charge of related matters, this prince still has important matters, so he will not stay here for a long time. ”

“Lord Ye Zong’s words are serious!”

“Yes, Lord Ye Zong, as the lord of a sect, has every opportunity, of course, he can’t stay here and personally preside over the auction!”

“Lord Ye Zong, you have something to deal with!”

“Congratulations to Lord Ye Zong!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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