Arrogant, Gu Qianfan and Fu Hongyi, even the others in the martial arts arena, had the same reaction!

Although they didn’t know what kind of magic power Ye Mo had in his hand, in comparison, they still attached more importance to the divine dan and artifacts refined by Ye Mo, after all, whether it was a divine dan or an artifact, it was the greatest auxiliary treasure for the warrior, which could directly enhance the existence of the warrior’s combat effectiveness!

And other things, no doubt are small ways, even if the effect is no matter how anti-heavenly, the use is very limited!

“Oh, look at your reaction, are you not interested in the formation of this prince’s array?” Ye Mo Old God asked!

“What? Is this a formation? ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd couldn’t help but shrink their pupils, because everyone still remembered the formation method that Ye Mo had arranged before, but even the “White Bone Old Ancestor” was arrogant and heartless, such a strong person had to eat the anti-heaven god array on the spot!

“Brother Ye, aren’t you joking, how can such a big slap be a formation?” Chu asked with a frown!

“Yes, Brother Ye, doesn’t this thing need to be arranged on the spot?” How does this thing in your hand look like a piece of wood? “Lonely Qianfan is also confused!

“Haha, don’t hide from you, this is the ‘array’ created by the prince, which can shrink a formation method by countless times, and when used, only need to detonate the ‘array’ with the ‘power of the three talents’ in the body, and the formation method contained in it can be fully displayed, drawing the ground into a array, so as to provide various assists to the warriors, and the use is very extensive.” Ye Mo smiled and squinted to explain!

“What? Shrink the formation by an infinite number of times? ”


The crowd was shocked again, almost fainting on the spot!

As we all know, if you want to arrange a formation, it is an extremely cumbersome process, even if you are immersed in the formation for hundreds of years, you dare not say that you can succeed in arranging the formation every time!

Because the formation method is the fusion of the power of heaven and earth into a array, each step needs to be carefully crafted, secretly in line with the principle of heaven and earth, and conform to the general trend of heaven and earth!

This, or within the normal range of the array!

And Ye Mo simply shrunk a huge formation method countless times, directly into the size of a palm!

The people present at this miracle had never seen it before, and had never even heard of it!

“It seems that everyone doesn’t believe in this prince!”

Ye Mo saw that everyone reacted like this, he already had the previous experience, simply without saying a word, he once again took out a piece of the array from Sumi’s bag and casually threw it on the ground of the martial arts field!

The next moment, just listen to the sound of “popping”, the disk directly turned into stars and disappeared!

“Guys, I don’t know who wants to come up and try the power of this Gongzi’s array?”

Ye Mo smiled and arched his hand at the surrounding crowd!

“Lord Ye means … There’s already a formation there? ”

Chu asked in disbelief, because he was about to stare out his eyes, he still couldn’t see what was wrong with the place where Ye Mo had just dropped the formation!

The others also couldn’t see that anything was not really Ye Mo’s arrangement of the formation depth, if it wasn’t for the initiative, it wouldn’t show a single abnormality at all!

“Good value for money”

Ye Mo nodded his head and explained, “I’ve already laid down a small Nine Yang Grade Trap Formation there!” ”

Speaking of which, Ye Mo issued an invitation to the people in the martial arts arena!

“Everyone rest assured, this is just a trapped battle, there is no lethality, if there is a hero who is willing to come up and give himself a try, Ben Gongzi promises that he will definitely come up with a good Nine Yang Grade Spirit Elixir as compensation afterwards!”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd exploded!

“Is Lord Ye Zong serious about this?”

“Is it really a reward for a Nine Yang Grade Elixir?”

The crowd rushed to ask, they had already seen Ye Mo’s alchemy methods before, and Ye Mo had always believed in what he said, driven by such huge interests, not to mention a small trapped array, even if it was really a killing array, it was estimated that some people were willing to go up and try!

“Ben Gongzi has never spoken in vain!” Ye Mo nodded with a smile!

His voice just dropped!

“Here I come!”

A large and burly man almost couldn’t wait to run out of the audience!

Those who reacted a little slower were patting their thighs with a look of chagrin, and some people simply killed the big man who robbed him of his chance, and made up his mind to make this big man look good afterwards!

“Then there’s the hero Law!”

At this time, Ye Mo arched his hand at the big man!

“Lord Ye Zong is polite!”

The big man hurriedly returned the salute, and then took a step forward, and with a look of excitement, he stepped into the place where Ye Mo had thrown down the array before!

The next moment, I saw that the big man’s body twisted, and he strangely disappeared in the same place!


“What about people? Where is he? ”

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and they all looked at Ye Mo in puzzlement.

Ye Mo, on the other hand, took out a small array of flags and waved it gently!

Immediately afterward, the big man who had just lost his tracks once again appeared in the sight of everyone!

It’s just that now, he is bumping back and forth in a small area less than three meters, running from place to place, but he seems to be standing still, and no matter what, he can’t get out of that area!

“Sure enough, it’s a trapped battle!”


At this point, the crowd finally took a breath of cool air, and their admiration for Ye Mo deepened a lot, and some people even made up their minds to join the Invincible Battle Sect immediately after the end of this opening ceremony, so as to take this opportunity to borrow the East Wind!

It was really Ye Mo’s ability to be too anti-heavenly, even a genius to describe, it was simply a demon, and it was the kind that had not been encountered in ten thousand years!

Everyone is not a fool, and I know that if I can follow this kind of demon, I may really be able to ascend to heaven by myself!

Of course, not everyone thinks like this, and there is such an outlier in the crowd!

“This Ye Mo is so terrible, it is hateful that Lao Tzu was negligent for a while, but he was put in a position by him, and he failed to leave him!”

In the vast seat, Yuwen Zhi clenched his fists and looked fierce, as if he was struggling fiercely in his heart!

“Such a demon, if it can be used by my Hon Hai Shang Alliance, then from now on, who else in the entire Zhongwu Domain can stop us?”

Thinking of this, Yuwen Zhi’s face must have been fixed, and he finally had a decision in his heart!

“It seems that we must seize the time to notify the headquarters, and before this leaf ink has become a climate, let them send me a master to come and capture him in one fell swoop, otherwise I am afraid that there will be changes!” _

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