
The arrogant and heartless face changed drastically, and only then did he finally remember what terrifying power this “Ten Directions Heavenly Array” really had!

Seeing a thousand swords about to fall on the head!


Just at this moment, Chu Furious suddenly stood up and bowed his hand to Ye Mo: “Ye Sect Lord, please put away the formation first, this old guy who is arrogant and heartless has always had a hot temper, he did not mean to offend Guizong, moreover, today is still the founding ceremony of Guizong, just as the so-called visitors are guests, please also ask Ye Sect Lord to raise his noble hand and don’t hurt the harmony!” ”

Speaking of this, Chu Furious Scream did not forget to make a desperate look at the arrogant and heartless!

How could he not know that Chu Furious was helping him?

Despite the anger in his heart, he still did not dare to risk being attacked by the “Ten Directions Heavenly Array”, and in desperation, he could only clench his teeth and shout out with a humiliating face: “The old man is too impulsive, where he offends, please forgive Lord Ye Zongduo!” ”


As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked and dizzy!

No one expected that the Hall of Fame “White Bone Old Ancestor” was arrogant and heartless, and the peak of the Nine Yang Realm was actually under the eyes of everyone, bowing his head to Ye Mo and confessing his mistake!

How is this Nyima possible?

“Ahem! Why did you know it now? ”

Ye Mo glanced disdainfully at the arrogance, but really put away the flag according to his words, and did not continue to act!

Just as the so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiley face person, even Chu Furious Scream jumped out to do peace, if he clenched his teeth and was aggressive, it was inevitable that he would be underestimated by others!

However, after Ye Mo put away the battle flag, he did not forget to coldly scold the arrogance!

“It’s really a faceless face!”



Arrogant and heartless did not come up, almost choked himself alive!

At this moment, he had already included Ye Mo in his must kill list in his heart, and vowed that as long as he seized the opportunity, he would definitely crush Ye Mo’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, otherwise he would never give up!

“Thank you Ye Sect Lord Haihan!”

Chu screamed and saw that Ye Mo finally put away the formation flag and said again!

“Brother Chu doesn’t need much courtesy, just as you said, the visitor is a guest, and I, the suzerain, can’t be too small!”

Speaking of this, Ye Mo arched his hand at the four people!

“Gentlemen, please take a seat.”

“Lord Ye Zong is very kind.”

Chu roared and smiled and sat down first.

Arrogant and hesitant slightly, Yi Yi sat down in his seat!

As for Gu Qianfan and Fu Hongyi, both of them had been sitting on their seats from beginning to end, even though Ye Mo had just taken out the formation flag and was about to launch an offensive against Ao Wuxin, neither of them stood up on their seats, and they did not move like a mountain from beginning to end!

As the four people sat down one after another, Ye Mo was not polite, and sat down on the chief of the high platform, looking at the four supreme beings condescendingly!

“Look at the root bones of Lord Ye Zong, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, if he is really a hero out of a teenager, Chu Mou admires and admires it!”

At this time, Chu Fangxiao looked at Ye Mo on the chief and said with a sigh!

“Brother Chu is too prestigious!”

Ye Mo smiled shyly, suddenly had a clever move, and said lightly: “It is rare that four distinguished guests can take time out of their busy schedules to come to my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ and participate in the opening ceremony of my Sect, I Ye Mo has no way to repay, I can only send a small meeting gift, and please ask the four of you not to be stingy!” ”

As the words fell, Ye Mo casually took out four porcelain bottles from the pocket of Sumire in his arms, and with a wave of his hand, he delivered them to the four people!

“Oh? Gift? ”

Chu Fangxiao’s pupils shrank, and almost subconsciously, he reached out and took the porcelain bottle!

The other three people also looked at Ye Mo with a puzzled face, obviously they hadn’t figured out what kind of medicine he was selling in this gourd!

You know, when the four of them had just entered the Sect, they had already received a free “Divine Yang Yuandan”!

But now that Ye Mo had actually shot again, this was inevitably a little too generous!

However, although I think so in my heart, who is willing to give away the good things in hand?

After Chu Fangxiao took the porcelain bottle, he was the first to open the bottle mouth!

The next moment, an extremely rich medicinal fragrance spread out, shaking all four powerful people in place!

This rich medicinal fragrance, just a trace of sniffing, makes people have a salivating feeling, and the hairs on the body seem to be open, and the effect is amazing!

Almost subconsciously, Chu Furious roared and poured the porcelain bottle downwards, and a milky white elixir that was as round as jade and emitted a ghostly divine light fell into his palm!

“This… What is this elixir, and how come I’ve never seen it? Chu asked with a furious look in his eyes!

As one of the four supreme powers of the “Land of Riots”, he is also a well-informed and powerful person, what panacea has not been seen in ordinary days?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if it was the “Nine Yang Level” Absolute Elixir, he would not be so surprised!

However, at this moment, this milky white elixir in the palm of his hand made him feel a sense of shock in his heart, as if there was no elixir in his hand at all, but a heavenly treasure created by Bo Heaven and Earth!

“This is the ‘Nine Turns of Re-Creation Dan’ and has two effects. First, it is possible to recreate the body, even if it is a broken hand and a broken foot, taking this dan can grow again! Ye Mo said with a smile!

“What? Is there such an anti-heavenly god in the world? ”

As soon as these words came out, the four powerful people were shocked at the same time, even Fu Hongyi, who had always been cold and had no quarrel with the world, was no exception!

In fact, the effect of the “Nine Turns Re-Creation Dan” was too anti-heavenly, and it was far beyond their understanding!

“Not only that!”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, and deliberately sold a guanzi.

Seeing that the success had aroused the attention of the four powerful people, he continued to say in this old god: “This Dan also has a second effect, that is, to remove the bad impurities accumulated in the human body for many years, in other words, this Dan also has the effect of restoring youth and prolonging life, according to my estimation, taking this Dan and making you immediately twenty years younger is not a problem!” ”

Ye Moyu is not amazingly dead!

When the words fell, the four powerful people shook in place at the same time, only to feel that Venus was directly emerging in front of them, and they almost fainted happily!

“Brother Ye is serious about this?” Arrogant and excited, his body trembled, and with the appearance of the Nine Turns Re-Creation Dan, he had already thrown the unhappiness he had and Ye Mo before to the Nine Clouds!

Among the four powerful people present, he was the oldest!

If the Nine Turns of Re-Creation Dan really had such an effect, it would be ten thousand times more precious to him than any rare treasure!

“Oh, wouldn’t you know it when you try it?” Ye Mo did not answer, but looked at him unpredictably.

Arrogant Wuxin clutched the porcelain bottle in his hand, although his heart was full of excitement, as one of the four powerful people in the “Land of Riots”, he had also become a fine figure!

Although what Ye Mo said could be described as crazy, he did not fully believe it in his heart, and he still retained a trace of doubt! _

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