“Haha, you are just a one-month Triple Heaven Ant, and you dare to threaten Lao Tzu?” I see you’re tired of living! ”

Storm Mountain laughed wildly, and then without saying a word, he slashed at Ram Kun’s head, trying to kill him on the spot!

“Find Death!”

Finally, Ram Kun completely lost patience!

Originally, the opening ceremony of the Sect Gate was an auspicious thing, and if there was no blood, Ram Kun did not want to kill people!

But in the current situation, it is obvious that if you don’t kill a few people, this group of bastards will not be honest!

Thinking of this, Ram Kun did not hesitate to wave the flag in his hand!

The next moment, just listening to the sound of “humming”, countless brilliant sword rays fell from the sky, with a series of amazing wind-breaking sounds, almost falling in the blink of an eye!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…


Sensing that the evil wind above his head was not good, Storm Mountain forcibly withdrew the thick-backed large knife that had been split out, and was planning to raise the knife to defend!

His reaction could not be described as unpleasant, but everything was in vain!

Just listening to the series of soft sounds of “poof, poof, poof”, blood splashed everywhere, the violent mountain only had time to issue a desperate and short scream, and then, it was completely obliterated by the endless sword light, and the whole person turned into fly ash on the spot, and the bones were gone!


At this moment, not only did the crowd of onlookers stay, but even the disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect such as Ram Kun and Du Yan also stayed where they were!

Although he had long known that the formation arranged by Ye Mo was bound to be extraordinary!

However, Ram Kun never expected that the power of this formation would be so terrifying, he just gently waved the formation flag, and before he could exert the full power of the formation, the Moon Hua Realm strong man named Storm Mountain was dead on the spot, not even a single complete hair was left!

How lethal is this?

Outside the mountain gate, those participants who came from all directions in the “Land of Riots” were all stunned to see this unbelievable scene in front of them, and subconsciously inhaled a cool breath!

At this time, it was still Ram Kun who took the lead in reacting and took a step forward with his hand holding up the flag!

“Who would dare to make trouble in my ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, this bastard is your end!” Ramming Kun said with a big stab, the excitement on his face could not be concealed at all!



When the crowd heard the news, they were even more frightened and took a step back!

It was really the power of the “Ten Heavenly Arrays” that was too anti-heavenly, and until now, everyone hadn’t even seen clearly how Storm Mountain had just died!

Seeing that the crowd was suppressed, Ram Kun hit the iron while it was hot, and then pulled his throat and then shouted: “This seat is the second elder of the ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, Ram Kun, at the order of my family’s son, come to release the reward for attending the meeting, if you know each other, then obediently take the Dan Medicine, according to the rules of our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’, enter the meeting, dare to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble…”

Speaking of this, Ram Kun once again raised the battle flag, and the killing chance flashed in his eyes!

“No matter who it is, there will be no mercy!”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd did not have anything to do, and they heard a terrifying sound rolling in from afar, like thunder, shaking the wind and clouds, and the fierce wind and wind suddenly rose!

“Ahem! Such a big breath! I’d like to see how you kill me!” ”

When this voice first came, it was obviously still far away!

But when the last word fell, the source of the sound had already come to the top of everyone’s heads, and it could be seen that the speed of the people had reached a sensational point!


Rammed Kun’s pupils shrunk, staring at it, only to see that in the sky, a bridge of pure white bone condensed into a strange bone spanned the void, thousands of feet long, and he couldn’t even see his head at a glance!

At this moment, above the bone bridge, a terrifying figure with a red beard was stepping into the void, and the monstrous breath emanating from his body was like a bright light in the night, making everyone present change their faces greatly!

“He is… ‘White Bone Old Ancestor’ arrogant and heartless!”

In the crowd below, some people recognized the identity of this terrifying figure at a glance and couldn’t help but scream!

“What? How come even this star is coming? ”

“My God, this ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ wouldn’t be so stupid that even he informed him…”

“This… It’s just a self-inflicted sin that can’t be lived! ”

The crowd suppressed the fear in their hearts, all whispering, while looking at the Ramming Kun outside the gate with schadenfreude!

The arrogant name of “White Bone Old Ancestor” is well known in the “Land of Riots”, which is notoriously murderous and moody!

No one expected that the founding ceremony of a mere “Invincible Battle Sect” would even dare to inform such a fierce person in the world!

Isn’t this looking for death what it is?

“Is he the ‘White Bone Old Ancestor’ arrogant and heartless…”

Ram Kun was also as heavy as water, and if he did not have the slightest fear in the face of such a terrible existence, it would be absolutely false!

However, he still forcibly straightened his waist and grasped the formation flag in his hand!

Because he still remembers who he represents and who is behind him!

Gongzi asked him to come and distribute the “Divine Product Three Pole Dan”, then what he represented was the entire “Invincible Battle Sect”, which was the reputation of Gongzi!

“Even if you die, you must not weaken the name of the prince!”

Thinking of this, Ram Kun bit his teeth and took another step forward, arched his hand at the arrogance in the sky, and said without humility: “Welcome the proud seniors to come to our ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ as a guest, the contemptible Ramming Kun, Si Ren ‘Invincible Battle Sect’ Second Elder, and also invite the proud predecessors…”

Before Ramming Kun finished speaking, the arrogance in the sky suddenly raised an eyebrow and suddenly extended his hand!

The next moment, on the strange bone bridge that was thousands of feet long, a sharp bone spur suddenly appeared, and without saying a word, it stabbed at Ram Kun!

“What are you worth, and what do you deserve to talk to your husband?”

Arrogant Wuxin didn’t even bother to look at Ram Kun, and after doing all this, he smiled proudly, “Let your suzerains get me out and lead me to death!” ”


The white bone spurs pierced through the void and almost instantly came to the front of Ram Kun!

“Not good!”

Feeling the terrifying wind blowing in his face, Ram Kun’s face changed drastically, and he almost desperately raised the flag in his hand!

“Ten Directions to the Heavens, Ten Thousand Swords to the Heart!”

“Block me!!!”


A thunderclap on the flat ground!

The next moment, the endless sword light fell from the sky again, and even after that, the sharp sword light completely shattered the bone spurs emitted by the arrogant heartless and dissipated into invisibility! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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