The next moment, a mysterious person who seemed to be invisible in the dark, wearing a wide hood and unable to see his face quietly stepped out, and fell to his knees in front of the woman.

“Lord, please take a look.”

The figure dragged a gilded invitation in his hand, and his mouth was soft, and it turned out to be the same woman.

The beautiful woman who was barefoot before was a willow eyebrow, reached out and took the invitation, opened it and swept it slightly.

Immediately afterward, I saw her fingertips trembling, and I didn’t see the slightest movement, but the fine gilded invitation turned into fly ash and disappeared!


The beautiful woman shook her head, obviously not interested in the content of the invitation, and was waiting to turn back to continue bathing.

At this time, the mysterious figure suddenly said, “Palace Lord, this invitation was sent by Ouyang Xiu, the ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’!” ”

“Ouyang Xiu?”

The beautiful woman smelled the words and stagnated!

The so-called shadow of the famous tree of man!

Although Ouyang Xiu was not the top master in the “Land of Riots”!

However, as a “Nine Yang Level” Danshi, his identity could not be ignored by anyone, even if he was one of the four strongest people in the “Land of Riots”, Fu Hongyi, the “Lord of the Blood Lotus Palace”, could not be ignored!

That’s right, this beautiful and miserable woman is Fu Hongyi!

“A person as proud as Ouyang Xiu would willingly join a sectarian force?” Fu Hongyi murmured in his mouth, and then smiled coldly!

“Also, looking at Ouyang Xiu’s face, this palace went to find out who the suzerainty of this invincible battle sect really was, and whether he had given birth to three heads and six arms!”

The words fell, only to see her reach out!

The next moment, the candlelight faded, and the vast palace was suddenly pitch black and silent!


At the southernmost point of the “Land of Riots”, there is a strange mountain known as the “Wujian Peak”

The “Wu Jian Peak” mountain is not only steep and steep, but also accompanied by the fierce wind all year round, and its power is enough to tear flesh and blood and grind bones and bones!

However, such a dangerous place, but there is an endless stream of sword cultivation all year round, come to climb the mountain to practice!

The reason is that there is no other reason, on this “Enlightened Sword Peak”, there is a mysterious and mysterious sword meaning that perennially pervades, and the higher it goes, the more intense the degree of sword meaning, and if ordinary sword cultivation can reach the top of cultivation, it will have unimaginable benefits for its own kendo!

Legend has it that tens of thousands of years ago, at this “peak of enlightenment”, there were two Absolute Sword Cultivators standing at the top level of the time who fought to the death here!

However, no one knows who wins or loses, and no one knows how long the battle lasts, in addition to the magnificent legend of a popular population, there is also the terrifying sword meaning, so that in the countless years of future generations, the small “Wu Jian Feng” has almost become the pilgrimage place in the minds of all the sword cultivators in the entire “Zhongwu Domain”!

On this day, on the mountainside of the “Wu Jian Peak”, the “Blood Claw Eagle King” Du Yan was walking on the winding mountain road with difficulty, surrounded by a majestic Yangyuan shield, trying to resist the countless terrifying winds around him, as well as the ubiquitous sword squeeze!

At this moment, Du Yan had already greeted all the female relatives of Ouyang Xiu’s ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart!

The reason was that without him, Ye Mo had previously issued an order for the two of them to personally go out and distribute invitations!

Of course, Ye Mo’s approach, the two can also understand, after all, the Invincible War Sect is not famous, although Ye Mo is extremely talented, but after all, when he first arrived, he did not have any popularity!

And letting the two Nine Yang Realm strongmen who have been in the “Land of Riots” for many years personally distribute invitations will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

However, Du Yan had calculated everything, and he did not expect that Ouyang Xiu, the “bloodthirsty Dan God” of the hall, had actually started earlier than himself and put himself together on this errand of distributing invitations!

The Land of Riots has four supreme powers, and this is well known.

However, these four supreme beings have different qualities, although they are only handing out an invitation, but whether they can be smoothly sent to their hands is also a technical job!

For example, the “White Bone Old Devil” is arrogant and heartless, this old man is not only moody, but also murderous, and wants to send him an invitation, Du Yan has to weigh whether this old goods will rise on a whim, and cut himself alive…

You know, with the character of that old cargo, this is not impossible!

Fortunately, when Du Yan went to deliver the invitation, just in time for this old goods to be in retreat, he did not risk his life!

But Du Yan didn’t have time to rejoice, and then, he drove tens of thousands of miles in one breath and came to this “Enlightened Sword Peak”, just to be able to see the legendary “Land of Riots” of the four supreme powers, the strongest combat strength, and the most isolated “Sword Maniac” Gu Qianfan glanced at it!

As for Ouyang Xiu, this old man, pretending to be a great elder, had the audacity to take the initiative to send invitations to the “Wild Wave Venerable” Chu Furious Scream and the “Blood Lotus Palace Lord” Fu Hongyi, and directly threw the “White Bone Old Devil” arrogant and “Sword Maniac” Lonely Qianfan to himself…

Of these four supreme powers, although the first two were super cultivators, they were at least a little sane!

As for the remaining two…

Then crazy at all!

Thinking of this, Du Yan was so angry that he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, jumping on his feet and scolding the mother one after another!

“Ouyang Xiu, I grass your grandmother’s legs, you have taken up all the good errands, leaving a mess of bad accounts to be calculated on the old man’s head, and this Liangzi old man has settled for you!!”

Du Yan was breathless, sat on the ground and rested for a long time, and then looked up at the still endless winding mountain road above, as well as the mountain peaks that plunged straight into the clouds, and his face was crying without tears!

The “Sword Madness” is a sword-loving maniac, and has been practicing asceticism at the top of the “Enlightened Sword Peak” for many years, which is known to almost everyone in the “Land of Riots”!

But Du Yan was not a sword cultivator at all, although he also had the Nine Yang Realm cultivation, but when he reached the halfway point of the “Enlightened Sword Peak”, he was almost caught up in the fire by the immense sword around him!

If you go to the top of the mountain…

Gritting his teeth, Du Yan’s heart rose a retreat, it was really this task was too arduous, he simply could not complete!

But just after turning around, Du Yan was a little hesitant.

After all, he had just joined the Sect Gate and was with Ye Mo, if he couldn’t even complete the first task that Ye Mo had assigned, then what would he have to say about gaining the trust of the Gongzi in the future?

You know, Pang Tu is a living example!

Once you are blacklisted by the Gongzi, it is difficult to gain his trust again!

Thinking of this, Du Yan is not advancing, nor is retreating, he can only worry about the pestle in place!

Just at this moment, at the corner of the mountain road ahead, a mighty and mighty figure like a towering sword stepped forward! _

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