
Ye Mo was shocked in his heart, and quickly got up from his seat and strode towards the outside of the palace.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see!”

“Yes, son!”

Ouyang Xiu and Chu Laowei agreed, and quickly followed.

The three of them joined forces and soon came to the outside of the mountain gate at the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, on the towering walls of the Invincible Battle Sect, many people had already gathered.

“The boy is coming, get out of the way!”

In the crowd, Ram Kun, who was one step ahead, saw Ye Mo and shouted at the crowd!

“See Gongzi!”

The crowd saw the situation and spontaneously gave way to him.

Ye Mo nodded, and then stepped on the city wall and looked away!

Only to see that on the plain not far away, countless warriors dressed in blue robes and armed with blades were unfolding their bodies and rushing towards the direction where the Invincible War Sect was located, roughly counting, at least tens of thousands of people, all of them were murderous, and the speed was as fast as lightning!

And the person who was the leader had high cheekbones and a cold face, who was not Lu Fansha?

“Huh? How could it have come so soon? ”

Ye Mo raised an eyebrow, originally he thought that Lü Fansha had been seriously injured by Ouyang Xiu, even if he recovered quickly, without ten days and half a month of cultivation, he would not want to come to his trouble!

But he didn’t expect that it was only two days, and Lü Fansha would lead a team of people and horses to invade in a big way, and it seemed that he couldn’t wait to capture himself!

“Son, it’s the Wild Shark Gang, and judging by the number of people, it should be out of the nest!” Ouyang Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, his pupils narrowed, and he was keenly aware of the old figure wearing a red robe behind Lu Fansha!

“Huh? Is it Du Yan? Even he came? Ouyang Xiu was surprised!

“Who is Du Yan?” Ye Mo asked incomprehensibly.

“Duke Yu, this Du Yan is Lü Fansha’s best friend, known as the ‘Blood Claw Eagle King’ in the land of riots, and is a very difficult character who is cultivated into the Triple Heaven of the Nine Yang Realm!”

Ouyang Xiu’s face was as deep as water, at this moment, there were also injuries in his body that had not healed, if there was only one Lu Fansha, he was confident that he could still handle it!

But if he were to take another Du Yan, he would have to weigh up whether his battle was worth it in the end!

When Ye Mo saw him react like this, how could he not guess what was in his heart? I couldn’t help but grin, “Rest assured, Prince Ben has already said that this time you don’t need to participate in the war, you should just stay by and watch it well!” ”

“This…” Ouyang Xiu heard this, a little incredulous ink glance!

But Ye Mo’s expression changed a little from beginning to end, it was still that cloud light and the wind was light, even if the sky collapsed, he was not moved!

This made Ouyang Xiu feel uneasy!

Did this Ye Mo really have a way to deal with the two Nine Yang Realm Strongmen?

But he only had the Star Meteor Realm to cultivate!

In the face of absolute strength, Ouyang Xiu really couldn’t figure out what other cards Ye Mo had that could make up for such a huge gap in strength!

“Son, what do we do now?”

At this time, Ram Kun and Pang Tu also rushed over one after another, standing behind Ye Mo and asking softly.

“What to do? Wait for them to come, of course! Ye Mohaha laughed and waved his hand without any concern!

One hundred, fifty, thirty…

Seeing that the army of the Wild Shark Gang was getting closer and closer to the mountain gate of the Invincible Battle Sect, on the city wall, a group of Invincible Battle Sect disciples had already begun to tremble with fear, and their faces changed tragically!

“My God, it’s the Wild Shark Gang, that murderous gang of robbers who don’t blink an eye!”

“That leader seems to be the leader of the Wild Shark Gang, Lu Crazy Sha, and I heard that he has the Nine Yang Realm cultivation…”

“What? Nine Yang Realm Cultivation? This…… How can we resist this? ”

“Don’t be afraid, we also have the Nine Yang Realm strong people sitting in the seat, ‘Bloodthirsty Dan God’ Ouyang Xiu is our Great Elder, he will definitely not sit idly by!”

A group of disciples of the Invincible Battle Sect whispered, already treating Ouyang Xiu as the last straw to save their lives!

Fortunately, they didn’t know that Ye Mo didn’t plan to send Ouyang Xiu out of the city to face the battle, if they knew, even if they had the “Star Demon Demon” left by Ye Mo in their bodies, they would be afraid that they would not be able to help but run away… Ye Mo stood on the city wall, watching the army of the Wild Shark Gang getting closer and closer, and after perceiving the cultivation of the other crowd, he couldn’t help but let out a series of sighs in his mouth!

“Sigh, it is worthy of being a big gang with a name and a surname in the ‘Land of Riots’, even if the gang of this ‘Mad Shark Gang’ is the weakest, they all have a heavy heaven in the Star Meteor Realm, and there are several strong figures in the Moon Realm, if they are all pulled under my disciples …”

Thinking of this, Ye Mo couldn’t help but “shock the tiger’s body”!

Because this thought had just flooded in, it was as if it had taken root in his mind, and it lingered no matter what!

“Ye Mo Xiao’er!”

Suddenly, a loud roar came out, but it was Lu Fansha below who saw the leaf ink on the city wall, and the bitterness in his eyes could almost condense water!

“Oh, this is not the famous Lu Gang Lord!”

Ye Mo smiled slightly, grinned, “What, Lord Lü Gang is not good at home to recuperate, do you have to rush to death so impatiently?” Well, since you are in such a hurry to go down and reunite with your son, the prince will send you a kind heart today to give you a ride, so that your family can be reunited as soon as possible! ”



With a loud roar, the entire tens of thousands of people stopped in unison, rolling up the monstrous dust, less than ten miles away from the mountain gate just built by the Invincible Battle Sect!

“Ye Mo, when you saw this seat in person, you even dared to speak wildly, I really don’t know where you come from!”

Lü Fansha stood on the plain and shouted at Ye Mo on the city wall: “I advise you to obediently tie your hands and don’t let me do it, otherwise if I accidentally break your hands and feet, then you will suffer some flesh and skin in vain!” ”

“Oh, if you want to capture Ben Gongzi, you are not qualified enough, Ben Gongzi is standing here now, if you have a kind, then come up and try it!”

Ye Mo was not moved at all, and even ordered Ram Kun to move a chair and sit down with a big swing!

“Find Death!” Lü Fansha saw Ye Mo so arrogantly, and he was even more furious, and he planned to launch an offensive as soon as he stepped on his feet!

“Brother Lu, be careful of deception!”

Suddenly, Du Yan, who was beside him, reached out and stopped him, reminding him in a deep voice! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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