“Even the Nine Yang Realm Peak Strongman can trap it?” The crowd was shocked again.

However, Ye Mo did not explain too much, but waved at the crowd.

“Well, it’s not too early, let’s go back and rest!”

When the words fell, he took the lead in turning around and striding towards the direction of the Mountain Gate of the Invincible Battle Sect.

The crowd did not dare to ask more questions when they saw the situation, and they quickly followed.

A night without words.

The next morning, it was just dark.

The land of riots, Haohai City, tens of thousands of miles away from the “Lianyun Mountain Range”!

Haohai City is built near the sea, and behind the city is an endless boundless sea!

And the Wild Shark Gang is the most powerful gang within a radius of Haohai City, there is no one!

The Wild Shark Gang has been entrenched in Haohai City for many years, and its gang has tens of thousands of people, and it acts fiercely and fiercely, making a fortune by robbing passing ships at sea for many years, leaving a prominent reputation in the “Land of Riots”!

At this time, the Wild Shark Gang was located in the headquarters of Haohai City Center.

In a hidden secret room, the pale Lu Fansha was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and behind him there was an old man wearing a red robe and an emaciated figure who held out his palm and pressed it against the back of his heart, to diagnose and treat internal injuries for his continuous transmission of the majestic “Yang Yuan”!

Boom, boom, boom…

The terrifying “Yang Yuan” rose wantonly, soaring the temperature of the small secret chamber, and the heat was so high that it was enough to melt the decaying wood and iron, and even the air began to twist and deform, and green smoke burst out!

Time passed minute by minute, and the temperature in the secret room became higher and higher!

Just behind Lu Fansha, beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the old man, and his breath gradually became disordered, obviously some moments of untenableness!

Suddenly, Lu Fansha drank lightly, suddenly shaking the old man away, and then opened his mouth to inhale, just like a giant whale absorbing water, inhaling all the surrounding yang yuan into the body!

After doing all this, Lu Fansha finally opened his eyes, and his pale face as pale as paper also recovered a little blood!

“Brother Lu, how are you?”

When the old man saw the situation, he could not care about the consumption in his body, and he hurriedly spoke out to ask questions.

“Thank you Brother Du, my injury is almost over!”

Lu Fansha smiled slightly, but it was this smile that seemed to have pulled into his sore spot again, making him can’t help but inhale a cool breath!

“Brother Du, I don’t think you should be strong, your injury this time is really too serious, you must cultivate slowly, in a short period of time, don’t want to do it!” When the old man saw this, he couldn’t help but sigh and shake his head!

At this time, if there were well-informed people in the “Land of Riots” here, they would be able to recognize the origin of this old man at a glance, it was the famous Nine Yang Realm Strongman of the “Land of Riots”, known as the “Blood Claw Eagle King” Du Yan!

Just as Ouyang Xiu had expected, as the leader of the Wild Shark Gang, Lu Fansha had been entrenched in the land of riots for so many years, of course, it was impossible to have no friends!

And this Du Yan was the life-and-death friend he had met when he was young!

At that time, Du Yan was chased and killed by the Sect Gate Master, and he was almost forced to go to heaven without a way and enter the earth without a door!

It was also Lu Fansha who forcibly saved him regardless of life and death, and fled with him to the “Land of Riots”!

Since then, Du Yan and Lü Fansha have married Yi Jinlan, and for so many years the two have been watching out for each other, leaving a popular brotherly story in this ruthless and chaotic “land of riots”!

At this time, Lü Fansha was seriously injured, and the first thing he thought of was naturally his brother Du Yan!

“Brother Du, I understand what you mean, but I can’t wait any longer, the news of Ye Mo’s auction of Dan Yao the night before, at this time, I’m afraid that many people with hearts already know, if we drag on any longer, I’m afraid we can’t even drink the soup, we must make plans as soon as possible!”

Lü Fansha’s face was as heavy as water, although he knew that the injuries in his body had not yet healed, he didn’t want to wait for a moment, because Ye Mo’s elixir was really too useful for him, and even related to his future martial arts future, of course, he was not willing to give up easily!

“But Brother Lü, didn’t you say before that Ouyang Xiu didn’t know what method he used to restrain him after taking Ye Mo’s elixir?” Du Yan asked with a puzzled face.

“Hmm, of course, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to repeat Ouyang Xiu’s foolish mistake, I mean, take advantage of the fact that Ye Mo’s wings are not full, first take him down, as long as I can force out his Dan Fang, from now on, I will ask the entire Zhongwu Domain, who else can stop our brother’s footsteps?” Lu Fansha’s eyes were full of brilliance!


Du Yan thought about it a little, and immediately said, “If what Brother Lü said is not false, then the ‘Nine Turning Yang Yuandan’ really has such an anti-heavenly effect, then even if we take a big risk this time, we must also take the Nadan Fang into our hands!” ”

“Nice! As the so-called wealth and wealth are in danger, our action this time must catch up with everyone, especially Na Yuwenzhi, whose ‘Hon Hai Shang Alliance’ is far from being comparable to ours! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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