“Two thousand ‘Star Crystals’, is there any further bidding?”

At this time, Qi Zi on the auction table cried out warmly.

The price of two thousand pieces of “Star Crystal” is already very fair, you know, when he first bought this “Blood Burning Secret Technique”, he only spent only two hundred pieces of “Star Crystal”, and now the price has doubled tenfold in one hand, which shows how terrible the auction profit of “Hon Hai Business Alliance” is!

After shouting twice in the middle of the field, seeing that no one continued to bid, Qi Ziwen picked up a small hammer made of mahogany on the auction table and smashed it down!

“Congratulations to this friend, this ‘Blood Burning Secret’ is yours!” Qi Ziwen hammered the tone.


With a burst of excited laughter, I saw a big man standing up from the scattered seats, couldn’t wait to run to the auction table, and took out two thousand shining star crystals from the “Sumire Bag” in exchange for the “Blood Burning Secret Technique”!

After the secret book arrived, the big man did not stop and ran directly out of the auction hall, not even turning his head!

At the same time, as he left, several other big men in the auction hall stood up and followed closely behind!

As for the purpose of their going out, you can guess without thinking!

This is the “land of riots”, the naked law of the jungle!

After the first item was photographed, Qi Ziwen did not stop and clapped his hands to the backstage again!

“Come on, people, on the second auction item!”

The gold-encrusted tray was once again brought up by the maid, only this time, the red cloth on the tray obviously could not cover the object below, and it was a three-foot long sword with a red blue body!

“The second item is a ‘Haoyue Level’ Shangpin Excalibur, known as ‘Qingxiao’, with a starting price of three hundred ‘Moon Huajing’, and each increase in price must not be less than fifty ‘Yue Hua Jing’!”

Qi Ziwen said as he lifted the red cloth on the tray in its entirety!

The next moment, the whole sword was exposed to the air, like the blade of the water, the shape of the streamline, and the body of the sword was still glowing with a wisp of sharp green qi, which could be seen to be a world-class good sword!

“What? It was actually the ‘Haoyue Level’ Excalibur? ”

“I also use a sword, but unfortunately this ‘Qingxiao’ grade is too high, and I am not qualified to bid!”

“It seems that the masters in the boxes upstairs want to!”

The crowd whispered, but surprisingly, no one dared to be good!

The reason is that without him, this Qingxiao is a treasure of the “Haoyue Level”, and most of the big men sitting on the scattered seats only have the “Star Meteor Realm” cultivation!

With their cultivation behavior, they couldn’t keep this long sword at all, not to mention that with their wealth, they couldn’t come up with so many “Moon Hua Jing”!

This is the survival law of the “Land of Riots”, if you want to live long, you must first have self-knowledge! Sure enough, as all the scattered cultivators in the field fell silent!

Finally, in one of the boxes on the second floor, a voice came out leisurely.

“Three hundred and fifty pieces of ‘Moon Huajing’!”

“The guests of Box Seven have paid three hundred and fifty pieces of ‘Moon Huajing’, is there any higher bid?” Qi Ziwen shouted hurriedly.

“Four hundred pieces of ‘Moon Huajing’!”

Immediately afterward, another voice came from the box on the third floor.

Next, a group of high-rollers in the box have made quotations one after another, but the atmosphere is far from being as hot as before, and it can be seen that the martial practitioners who can sit in the box are mostly strong people who are highly cultivated and well-cultivated!

Ye Mo’s eyes froze slightly, and he glanced at the surrounding box window.

But then, he sensed a strange resistance that blocked his line of sight, making it impossible for him to catch a glimpse of it!

“Huh? Is there a formation guard outside this box? ”

Ye Mo recognized the source of the power blocking his vision almost immediately, wasn’t it exactly the formation?

Of course, with Ye Mo’s formation attainment, he only needed to move his little finger, and he could easily break the formation outside this box, so that the people inside had nothing to hide!

But he didn’t do it, because it wasn’t necessary!

He came this time with a very clear purpose, that is, to make money!

Other than that, he didn’t bother to do anything that had nothing to do with making money!

Just as the auction is in full swing!

Outside the “Destiny City”, a violent figure that seemed to be bathed in the blazing sun took a hundred meters and came to the gate of the auction house in just a few breaths!


When the people who came settled down one step at a time, the ground they stepped on cracked inch by inch, rolling up billowing smoke, and the momentum was monstrous!

“Nine… Nine Elders! ”

Outside the building of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”, several passing Sanxiu just saw the face of the person who had arrived and immediately recognized his identity, it was the Ninth Elder Yuwen Zhi of the “Hon Hai Shang Alliance”!

“See the Nine Elders!”

Several Sanxiu trembled and trembled with fear, and quickly fell to their knees towards Yuwen Zhi! _

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