“Critters! It seems that if you don’t teach you some lessons today, you really think that you are invincible in the world! ”

Xiao Ruhai took the lead in reacting, and the long sword behind him was unsheathed, and he immediately shot brazenly!

“Soul Eater Sword!”


The cold wind suddenly burst into flames, only to see Xiao Ruhai sprinkle a gray sword qi, the terrifying True Yuan roared everywhere, and before the sword arrived, the ground was scraped out of countless deep, bottomless cracks by the sword qi, and the sound was extremely frightening!

Ye Ruyuan and Murong Zhengyang, on the other hand, were still suspended in the air for a long time, and did not shoot with Xiao Ruhai!

Because in their opinion, how strong could Ye Mo’s six-year-old child, even if he possessed the Heavenly Martial Realm cultivation? It’s far from worthy of the three of them to join forces to deal with it!

“Old Zu mighty! Take down this little beast! ”

At the same time, with Xiao Ruhai’s brazen attack, the coalition troops in the rear who came to attack the Ye Family one by one were like chicken blood, shouting loudly!

On the city wall, everyone in the Ye family had their hearts raised their throats, staring closely at the battle situation in the field!

“Mole! Must resist, must resist ah! ”

Ye Tianxing clenched his fists even more, his palms soaked in cold sweat, and he silently prayed in his heart!

“Oh, playing with the sword in front of Ben Gongzi?”

Finally, feeling the sharp sword qi coming from his face, Ye Mo raised his head, and the essence in his eyes flashed!

The next moment, I saw him stretch out his hand and let out a soft exhale!

“Here comes the sword!”


On the weapon rack behind him, a long sword made of steel automatically flew up and landed firmly in his palm!

Reaching out to take the long sword, the momentum on Ye Mo’s body completely changed almost in an instant, becoming sharp and unstoppable!

“Old fellow, today Ben Gongzi will let you open your eyes and let you have a good look at what is the real sword technique!”

The words fell, and Ye Mo finally moved!

Only to see his long sword stretched forward impressively, in an extremely simple and pure way, pointing directly at Xiao Ruhai’s throat!

“Seventy-two swords, the sword will kill!”


A sword came out, the heavens and the earth moved, and the terrifying killing machine came to him, making Xiao Ruhai directly get goosebumps!

There is no violent true qi, no sharp wind breaking, and no complicated and cumbersome moves!

However, just as Ye Tianxing and Ye Yu had personally felt, Ye Mo’s sword was the purest killing move in the whole world, and the sword would kill and kill it!

“You… What sword technique are you? ”

Xiao Ruhai’s terrified roar, the originally complete sword move, under the threat of Ye Mo’s terrifying sword, became fragmented, and the sword could not be a move!

“This is… Sword Momentum! ”

Finally, Murong Zhengyang, who was watching the battle, saw the mysteries contained in Ye Mo’s sword and couldn’t help but exhale!

“It’s really a sword power!”

Xiao Ruyuan also recognized the strangeness in Ye Mo’s sword technique, and his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted at Xiao Ruhai in front of him: “Second brother, come back, this boy has understood the sword posture, don’t fight with him!” ”

“What? Sword power? ”

Hearing this frightening name, Xiao Ruhai almost didn’t pee his pants, almost his ass urine flowed and flew back, where did he dare to make a move with Ye Mo?

“Huh? Old fellow, how did you go back again? ”

Seeing that Xiao Ruhai was going faster than he had come, Ye Mo frowned and asked incomprehensibly!

“You… You have actually understood the ‘sword power’! ”

Xiao Ruhai asked in horror, with a ghostly expression on his face!

“What is ‘Sword Posture’?”

Ye Mo was confused, it wasn’t that he was pretending, but that he really didn’t understand!

Xiao Ruhai did not answer, but looked at Xiao Ruyuan and Murong Zhengyang next to him, and the three old ancestors all saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

Ye Mo did not know that the so-called sword momentum was the great power of the sword, the power of heaven and earth!

No matter what kind of blade, after years and years of cultivation, the warrior can merge with it, and between attack and defense, it can resonate with heaven and earth!

This is the power of “potential”, also known as “the prototype of martial arts”!

“Potential” is divided into many kinds, such as mountains have the potential of mountains, wood has the potential of wood, fire has the potential of fire, water has the potential of water, and so on, and so on!

As for Ye Mo’s sword, the terrifying killing machine contained in it is enough to affect people’s mental senses, and it is the purest “killing potential”!

“This boy is only six years old, and he has grasped the power of the sword, and if he cannot subdue it today, he will be in great trouble in the future!”

Xiao Ruyuan’s face was as deep as water, even if he was as strong as him, he did not realize the power of “potential” now!

At this moment, he finally realized how against the heavens Ye Mo’s talent really was!

“That’s right! Let’s not hide it, the three of us will shoot together, and strive to take this boy down in one fell swoop, don’t give him the opportunity to turn over! Murong Zhengyang also followed suit!

After the words fell, the three old ancestors finally stood together for the first time, and the swords came out together!


“These three old guys are actually planning to join forces against the Young Lord, so don’t you want to face it!”

“The young lord is only six years old, and these three old guys are almost five hundred years old combined!”


On the city wall, everyone in the Ye family saw the situation and couldn’t help but scold!

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