Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1908: A heartbreak

Qing Yuan stared at Yao Ziyan's eyes, those glazed purple eyes were as clear as water, and then Qing Yuan looked at Yao Ziyue's eyes next to him, only the appearance was the same.

Qing Yuan suddenly realized that she couldn't see through the demon purple smoke, her eyes looked like a dazzling starry sky, and her eyes were so gorgeous that she seemed to attract people's minds.

"How did you guess?" Qing Yuan couldn't understand.

"Just guess it." Yao Ziyan smiled.

Qing Yuan rolled her eyes.

Okay, this girl is exactly the same as before, occasionally showing a black belly.

"What the **** is going on?" Qing Yuan wanted to pinch Yao Ziyan's cheek.

Luo Chuan didn't know where he went, so he directly occupied the position of a certain boss. Looking at Yao Ziyan, she wouldn't be polite if she joked again.

"Well, that's a long story." Yao Ziyan took a cup of tea and placed it out of Qingyuan's reach.

Qing Yuan noticed Yao Ziyan's movements and felt a little funny: "As for you, didn't you just drank your tea last time, or let it cool."

Yao Ziyan decided not to care about Qingyuan.

"Oh, sister, hurry up and tell me how you guessed it." If Yao Ziyue would be a crowd of melon-eaters on weekdays, she just wanted to know the reason quickly.

"You all know what the customers call me in private?" Yao Ziyan touched Yao Ziyue's head and asked with a smile.

"God of destiny?" Qing Yuan said uncertainly.

Yao Ziyan is very sensitive to this title. Qing Yuan never mentioned it after saying it once in Xuefeng Pavilion in Qichuan. Now that she heard Yao Ziyan talk about it specifically, it made her a little strange.

After knowing that he was becoming the true **** of destiny, Yao Ziyan had gradually accepted this special name.

"Yes, this is it." Yao Ziyan nodded.

"In other words, sister, you saw the fate of Qingyuan sister, so you said that last night?" Ziyue Holmes blinked and asked uncertainly.

Qing Yuan has a "you are teasing me" expression on her face.

"Almost." Yao Ziyan nodded.

Qing Yuan didn’t know what he had made in his brain, and suddenly reached out and held Yao Ziyan’s cheeks, and after getting closer, he carefully observed: “It doesn’t seem to be a problem, Yao Ziyan, tell me the truth, you really don’t. Are you kidding me?"

Yao Ziyan could feel Qingyuan's breath hitting her face, itching, and couldn't help but pat her restless hands away: "Do you think I'm joking?"

Qing Yuan took another look carefully and nodded confidently: "Like!"

Yao Ziyan didn't want to pay attention to this guy anymore.

"Oh, stop arguing, stop arguing." Yao Ziyue laughed and said, "Sister, continue to say, what is going on."

Yao Ziyan leaned back on the back of the chair and sighed softly: "In fact, this matter has to be talked about more than ten days ago..."

Luochuan went to Sakura Village for a cup of coffee.

Mainly because I haven't drank it for a long time, I suddenly want to taste it, that's it.

There is nothing good to drink. Luochuan feels that it is far inferior to Coke. The scented tea made by Yao Ziyan is much more delicious with coffee. I don't quite understand what the customers who have to drink a cup every day think.

But Luo Chuan would not say anything.

Everyone has their own hobbies, just like some people like sweet tofu brains, and some people like to put peppers and coriander in salty tofu brains, without worrying about others' opinions.

After drinking the coffee, some idle boss turned his attention to the piano under the cherry tree.

After thinking about it, he took out another musical instrument and put it aside.

Qingyin has always been alone in the past. After becoming a customer of Origin Mall, he can be regarded as meeting a few new friends. Basically they will come to the store every day. According to Luochuan, that is the free pianist of Origin Mall. The fact that there is no need for wages is very much in line with the nature of a boss capitalist.

Liu Rumei encountered something and left Jiuyao City a few days ago. Don't forget her identity as the elder of the Yaochi Holy Land.

After breakfast, Liu Ruyu and Qingyin went to Origin Mall as always. Their cultivation is mainly related to the rhythm. Therefore, playing the piano in Origin Mall is equivalent to practicing. It is a matter of killing two birds with one stone. They also know that Luochuan welcomes this. .

Behind the counter, the two Yao Ziyan sisters and Qing Yuan didn't know what they were talking about.

Liu Ruyu glanced curiously, Qingyin had never been interested in these things that had nothing to do with him.

After buying milk tea and popcorn, they came to the wooden door of Sakura Village. The sign of "Don't make a loud noise" is still hanging by the door, and the black handwriting is quite eye-catching.

As soon as the door was opened, a very penetrating sound rang in my ears.

Qing Yuan's footsteps paused slightly, and Liu Ruyu froze there directly. She felt as if countless swords were coming towards her, constantly impacting her mind, and she couldn't keep calm at all.

Under the cherry tree, Luochuan sat there with his back straight.

In front of him, there is an instrument that has never been seen before, and that special music comes from this. It is very special, not the same as the piano, and it has a stimulating feeling.

Liu Ruyu squinted her eyes, and she even heard murderous aura from the music.

The boss' murderousness?

With such a thought popped up in his mind, Liu Ruyu felt a little funny himself, knowing that Luochuan usually looks like salted fish in the eyes of customers, and he rarely pays attention to anything.

The music was so clear and clear that it seemed to be directly immersed in the heart.

After a while, when the song was finished, Luo Chuan gently pressed his hands on the strings of the guzheng, and said softly, "A song is broken, where can I find a friend in the world."

Many customers as listeners are still immersed in the curling piano sound at this time.

Luo Chuan got up and was about to leave. He just got interested suddenly, and he had played, so naturally he wouldn't stay here anymore. It would be nice to have this time to see the magic phone.

"Boss, what instrument is that?" Liu Ruyu subconsciously stopped Luo Chuan.

Qingyin didn't speak, but from the look in her eyes, it was obviously full of interest.

"Guzheng." Luo Chuan replied, "The song just now was called Zhengfeng."

Liu Ruyu narrowed her eyes slightly: "Boss, didn't you say that you only know how to play piano?"

Did I say this?

Luo Chuan thought about it seriously: "I haven't studied much, only a little bit."

In fact, most of the things like musical instruments are common. As long as you are familiar with one of them, you will learn the others more quickly than ordinary people.

"Only a little bit?" Liu Ruyu raised her eyebrows, and she felt as if she had heard these words.

"Use it if you want, I'll go first." Luo Chuan waved his hand. The two seemed to be very interested in Guzheng, and related images appeared in his mind.

In the middle of the moonlight night, two beautiful girls stroking the strings on the roof, the city fell, the fire was soaring, the stars were sparse, and the sound of the killing strings tore the air, becoming the only sound in the world, manifesting as many weapons and ghosts. Shadow, wipe out all enemies that will attack from all directions.

It seems very interesting, I don’t know what it looks like...

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