Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1900: The nature of the traverser

Although Su Nan didn't quite understand what Luochuan and Yao Ziyan were talking about, she could feel the relationship between the two, harmonious and natural, and she felt a little redundant.

Luochuan didn’t go far, and after speaking with Yao Ziyan, he returned to the original topic again: “The universe is made up of information, and the underlying information structure maintains the normal operation of the universe. In other words, the universe is just It is a collection system condensed by self-consistent information. You can understand it as a complete operating system."

Having said that, Luo Chuan paused for a while, giving the two people time to think.

Yao Ziyan had heard Luo Chuan talk about this before, so it was not difficult to accept it. Su Nan sat there quietly, thinking in his heart.

"So what are you talking about? Does it have anything to do with Su Nan's coming to Tianlan Continent?" Yao Ziyan asked curiously. She didn't think that Luo Chuanxian was okay and said so much only because of the number of words.

Su Nan looked up, waiting for Luo Chuan's answer.

"Of course it's related." Luo Chuan nodded and turned to look at Su Nan, "You...before you came to Tianlan Continent, did you encounter something?"

Luo Chuan is still confused about how he came to Tianlan Continent. The sudden death of sleeping is purely a guess. After all, there must be a reason for it to be reasonable. Luo Chuan has already seen it a long time ago. Can't wear it back again?

And the life here is so good, why do you want to go back?

Luo Chuan's character belongs to the type of easy-going, mixed-eating and waiting for death is the ultimate meaning of life, so he has not entangled in this aspect.

But Su Nan is different from him.

Facing Luochuan's problem, Su Nan lowered his eyebrows and sighed softly: "I encountered some accidents. I should have died at that time."

Su Nan has experienced death many times, and he is no stranger to it. After a period of sleep, he will be resurrected again, which may be decades or hundreds of thousands of years.

"Did you come to Tianlan Continent after death?" Luo Chuan nodded, expressing understanding.

There are many ways to traverse, and traversing after death is also a very common type, like the one that pops up a pop-up window while playing on the computer, and it says "Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to be true or?", and also There are "yes" and "no" options, which are also a way of passing through many times.

"And then?" Yao Ziyan, who loves to listen to stories, is very curious about the next plot.

"Then I became what I am now." Su Nan took a sip of milk tea and said softly, "There has been no change from beginning to end."

Luochuan is actually a little curious about Su Nan's age.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems a bit inappropriate to ask girls about their age. The Yao Ziyan in his family is always a 17-year-old girl, so I just don't ask about it.

"At the time I thought I was back in the past thousands of years ago. Later I realized that I came directly to another world and wanted to steal some money to eat. Then I was caught. The old man who caught me was a general, maybe Seeing that I was lonely and helpless, he brought me home and accepted me as a disciple. The most important thing was that he said to take care of the food. I also learned that there are extraordinary powers in this world. Although it is a general, the master’s house is actually Not too old, just a housekeeper, a maid, and a maid."

Su Nan recalled the event a long time ago, with a soft smile in her eyes.

For her, this should be the most relaxed and carefree time since coming to this world.

"A lot of things happened afterwards." The smile in Su Nan's eyes gradually faded, and once again became the same as when he first saw it, calm and indifferent. "Master said that I would let me see the prosperity of the world on his behalf, so I I went to many places and saw many things. A long, long time has passed without knowing it."

[Wind and Shuang let go, be persistent for whom, for a tenure. After being gentle in the cup, the three-pointed moon set. Hong Chen is embarrassed, good and evil are uncertain? How did Qianqiu fall...

Give me a bad name, live up to the family and the country, the immortal legend. Looking back at that year, the mountains and rivers are still as they were yesterday. Hong Chen is embarrassed, good and evil are uncertain, how to judge merits and demerits...]

Yao Ziyan suddenly remembered the song he heard from Luochuan a few days ago.

Years are long, time flies, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the world is the same as yesterday, but the people and things that were once have become the past. At most, it is a legend that is given to the storyteller to sing. Who can comment on the merits and demerits?

"Don't talk about this." Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan didn't speak, but Su Nan shook his head and brought the topic back to the right track. "Boss, continue with what I just said."

"Oh." Luo Chuan nodded and groaned a little, "Where did you talk?"

Su Nan felt a little funny. Luo Chuan's image in her heart had changed, not as boring as she thought at the beginning.

"The world is made up of information, as well as the way Su Nan came to Tianlan Continent." Yao Ziyan reminded.

"I thought about it." Luo Chuan straightened up a bit, his expression became serious, "I won't explain the concept of soul too much, it's very complicated, and I don't know much about it, but it actually exists, in a sense. Look, it's equivalent to the data stored in the "system" of the universe."

"These systems are all operating independently, but there are certain aspects of influence, which will cause data-level interference and exchange. The former is called information disturbance, and the latter will cause various crossing situations. ."

"There has never been an absolutely safe'system'. It is normal for small bugs such as traversing to appear. For the universe, the error threshold is fully capable of withstanding the occurrence of this situation. Of course, if the number of traversers reaches a certain This level is not enough."

"The traverser is after all external information, which is equivalent to something like a virus to the universe, but in your case, you have lived in this world for so long, and you should have completely become a member of this world. "

Luo Chuan was talking about what he knew, most of which were just heard from the system, and part of it was guessed by himself. If you want to compare with reality, you should be inseparable.

Facing Su Nan, Luochuan's feeling is actually very subtle.

If he doesn't have a system, he can only guard the dilapidated shop in the place where the birds did not shit, live for decades, and then die quietly, there may be opportunities, but the probability should not be high.

As for the origin of the system, Luo Chuan might have been curious when he first started, but now he has already seen it, anyway, sooner or later, he will know what is the use of being anxious, it is enough to live every day now.

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