Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1840: A serious person who writes a diary

"Yuan Gui, what do you say is the true identity of the **** of death? The boss must have a deeper intention when designing this character, perhaps to pave the way for the next one? It seems that the origin of the **** of death has not been explained from the beginning to the end, even if asked by the month. This question was also vaguely passed by the **** of death. Oh, yes, is there only one **** of death in the world? Is the **** of death a group? Does the **** of death have its own enemies? Everything is balanced, I It feels like there is, maybe their enemy is the legendary angel..."

The movie screening has ended. Yuan Gui and Meng Changkong are walking in the corridor made of light blue crystals, surrounded by bustling people, discussing the story of the movie. Yuan Gui is studying the specific composition of the crystal. As for the dream sky, Still immersed in a state of excitement, unable to extricate himself.

Yuan Gui felt that there was some truth to Meng Zhangkong's words, angels and death, maybe the boss really had such thoughts.

A few minutes later, when they hadn't noticed it, they had already come to the exit of the corridor. Yuan Gui looked back and saw that the light blue crystal stretched to the end of his line of sight, like a dream world in the deep sea. He didn't even notice what the exit was. Appeared at the time.

It seems that it can only be attributed to a certain conceptual level of influence.

I always feel that many tall things in Origin Mall are always used in weird ways...

Walking out of the movie theater, Yuan Gui looked back at this building that was completely out of the mundane category. Every detail of those ever-changing structures contained the universal truth that was enough to make the venerable marvel at them. They were reorganizing all the time, blinking. Time is a brand new form.


Yuan Gui let out a sigh. Before coming, he learned some news related to the movie theater through the magic phone. He clearly remembered the weird look on Wen Tianji's face when he talked about these things, and there was also a faint "I have completely seen it". feel.

Who would have thought that this kind of knowledge far surpassing Tianlan Continent actually formed Lianliankan? This is similar to buying a computer with the highest configuration but only using it to play Tetris. It is even more ridiculous than that. Is this normal people can think of?

It seems that the boss is not a normal person, he is a god-level existence! Yuan Gui quickly convinced himself inwardly.

Leaving the weapon sales space, I came to the familiar main store again, and the appearance of a certain boss salted fish appeared in his sight. Just as Yuan Gui was thinking about whether to go up and say something, Meng Changkong had already walked over quickly. Begin to talk about the thoughts in your mind.

Yuan Gui felt that Meng Changkong would be endless for a while.

Luo Chuan was still in a daze just now, and was a little dazed by Meng Zhangkong's long words. He probably understood the meaning of it. It was nothing more than "When will the later story be updated? I'll urge you to change it". So much is purely his habit of talking.

Luo Chuan's response is also very simple: "I will consider it, not now, I will talk about it later..."

Yuan Gui didn't know what Meng Changkong thought, but judging from his expression, his mood should be very complicated.

Luochuan yawned, took out the magic phone, and opened one of the interfaces. It was his new diary recently, "Who writes a diary for a serious person". That's right, but Luochuan still thinks. Try it, maybe it can play a role in urging yourself.

[The second day of the movie's first screening, the 23rd of the summer month:

I decided to write this diary, also to warn myself not to spend all my time in paddling and fishing, and always remember the busy time in the second half of filming, as well as the fulfilling life of film editing, game production, and writing about Sherlock Holmes...

The 26th of the Moon of Midsummer:

Watching magical phones, writing novels, playing cards, playing mahjong, and wandering around in Saintia at night.

The 27th of the Moon of Midsummer:

Watch magic phones, write novels, play cards, and play mahjong.

The twenty-eighth day of the summer month:

Watching magic phones, writing novels, playing cards, playing mahjong, and there were a few glorious games in the afternoon.

The twenty-ninth day of the summer month:

Luochuan ah Luochuan! How can you be so depraved! Have you forgotten all the plans you made earlier! The Zi said: "My day and my body are three times"...I can't continue like this!

The 30th day of the month of midsummer:

Watch magic phones, write novels, play cards, and play mahjong. 】

Luo Chuan began to write the latest diary.

[Thirty-first day of the month of midsummer:

Look at the magic phone and play cards. 】

Close the page, I am very satisfied, and it is another fulfilling day.

It was almost noon at this time, and the customers in the store were leaving one after another. The demon Ziyan who had been rubbing mahjong for most of the morning finally remembered his identity as a clerk, and sat down in his seat and stretched his waist, revealing her soft lines.

"What are you writing?" Yao Ziyan asked casually.

"Diary." Luo Chuan said.

"Diary..." Yao Ziyan's expression was a bit subtle. She accidentally saw the contents of Luochuan's diary yesterday, and it was really hard to express her opinion.

"By the way, you can arrange the card dubbing of Hearthstone." Luo Chuan still remembers this. If only the characters have lines, it would not be too interesting to play. Before the Hearthstone game with Yao Ziyan He understood this.

"Well, I see." Yao Ziyan nodded, and didn't feel anything wrong with Luochuan's act of pushing the task to himself. "Is there any time requirement? And there are also lines, I remember. Boss, you seem to have only written less than half of the cards, right?"

"Uh, you can figure it out." Luo Chuan felt very relieved of Yao Ziyan, and decided to leave it to her to complete it.

Yao Ziyan couldn't help but glanced at Luochuan. She found that Luochuan seemed to have another tendency to gradually become the original habit. It is necessary for herself to remind: "Luochuan, you didn't say'I am not the me before'. Well, I don’t think it makes much difference."

Luo Chuan's movement of turning on the magic phone was a little stiff. Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have said this sentence a few days ago. Recalling his recent attitude towards life, Luo Chuan coughed softly, with a serious expression: "It's mainly because of the recent facts. Nothing. I will get busy when the game is finished. I haven't forgotten the plan for the tavern in the City of Steel."

Yao Ziyan gave a cry, noncommittal.

Who made you the boss? Everything you say is right.

She is just a small clerk, at most she can give some opinions in private, and the main decision is Luo Chuan.

The short episode is over, Yao Ziyue stays for a meal, Yao Ziyan still has the idea of ​​imparting her cooking skills to Yao Ziyue, but the latter is really not talented, and she still stays in the vegetable washing stage after so long. , Luochuan waited quietly for dinner downstairs.

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