Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1812: About the connection of two worlds

The aroma of wine in the air is almost full of substance. In such an environment, if the amount of alcohol is not good, it will soon become dizzy. The dwarves’ loud shouts never stop, and they seem to say something. Endless words, noisy the recent big and small things.

"Your two glasses of ale."

The elf waiter put down two glasses of cold ale and left. There is a kind of natural elegance. At first glance, it seems to be incompatible with the noisy environment of the tavern, but if you look closely, you will feel that you have completely integrated into it. The dwarf was talking and laughing.

It really is a magical city.

"Hey, Luo Chuan." Yao Ziyan looked at the elf in the distance, touched Luo Chuan's arm next to him, and lowered his voice, "You said that elf is male or female?"

Luo Chuan was studying the taste of ale. Hearing Yan raised his head subconsciously and looked in the direction of the elf, after a little thought, he gave his own guess: "It should be a man, his chest is so flat."

The elves are very beautiful, but Luo Chuan feels that the division of gender should not depend solely on the face, and the figure is also very important.

Not far away, the pointed ears of the elves who were talking and laughing with a dwarf suddenly trembled. Looking in the direction of Luo Chuan, they seemed to have heard his words.

"Luochuan, he seems to have heard what you said." Yao Ziyan whispered.

There is no need for Yao Ziyan to remind, because the elf has already walked towards them, the expression on his face... how to say it, it looks a bit strange.

Soon, the elf came to the table.

"Uh, what's the matter?" Luo Chuan tried to maintain his indifferent expression. It was indeed embarrassing to discuss others behind his back and be heard.

The beautiful elf took a deep breath, and his smile seemed to be forced out: "This customer, maybe you have misunderstood something, I'm a female."

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan subconsciously glanced at her chest. The elf girl also noticed the eyes of the two, and looked down at her chest, and found that they saw nothing: "..."

The atmosphere is more embarrassing than before.

"Ahem, sorry, sorry." The demon Ziyan responded relatively quickly, making a sounding voice, "The main reason is that you are so beautiful, you can only look at your figure..."

Luo Chuan pulled Yao Ziyan's sleeve, and the elf girl in front was about to cry.

Fortunately, the elf girl was not too angry, she might have been used to this situation a long time ago... Well, this is really a sad story. In the following conversation, Luo Chuan also knew her name-Anno.

As for Luochuan and Yao Ziyan, they introduced themselves as the mage who traveled to the mainland. They happened to come to the City of Steel. They liked it very much. If they have the opportunity, they plan to live here for a long time and want to open a shop.

Annuo vowed to say that if this is the case, she will definitely go over to cheer, and if she gives more money, she will jump over. It seems that this elf girl's character is unexpectedly realistic.

Soon Anno had a task, and after speaking, he became busy again, and easily picked up a wine barrel that was a circle larger than her in one hand, and it seemed that his strength also had a +5 level.

In fact, Luo Chuan didn't lie, he and Yao Ziyan did come here to prepare for the shop.

The location of the store, the flow of customers and the flow of visitors, there are many aspects that need to be considered. Luochuan did not want to use the power of the system. You can see it after looking at the first two times. What geographical location was selected, all are birds. He didn't want to experience the place of **** again.

So coming by yourself is undoubtedly the best choice.

As for coming to this tavern, it is to see what the inside of the tavern in the City of Steel looks like, so as to serve as a reference for the future Hearthstone tavern... well, in fact, the main reason is that Luochuan and Yao Ziyan are curious. So I want to come in and have a look.

The two chose a corner position near the window, which was relatively clean and a little bit cleaner, and they could open the window to breathe the fresh air outside.

The wine glasses used for the ale in the tavern are very large. I think it takes into account the dwarf's drinking volume. The material is some kind of transparent crystal similar to glass, but it should be stronger, otherwise it can't withstand the dwarf's clinking glasses.

When you get close and smell it carefully, there is a very strong aroma of wheat, and you can vaguely distinguish several unfamiliar fruit aromas. The wine is amber, and it looks like the purest amber under the magic light, at least from the outside. It looks good.

Luochuan picked up the cup and took a sip with the mentality of experimentation. The taste is almost the same as the smell. The different tastes are distinct, and you can taste a touch of sweetness. No wonder it is so popular with dwarves. It is also this tavern. The most expensive drink.

"It tastes good."

Yao Ziyan nodded slightly after tasting, and his cheeks were also stained with a faint cherry color. From Luochuan's perspective, the girl holding such a large glass of ale is really a visual shock, but it seems that it is a little difficult to finish drinking. .

Anyway, nothing happened. The two chatted with each other. Occasionally, they drank ale, which seemed to be affected by the two. The original noisy tavern seemed to be quiet a bit, and Anno voted at the two from time to time. Come with a curious look.

"Luochuan, I suddenly thought of one thing."

"whats the matter?"

Luo Chuan was flipping through a book on the window sill. God knows how this thing appeared in the tavern. How do you see the main guest of the tavern. The dwarf is not a person who can quietly read a book. Maybe it is the tavern owner’s brainstorming. Up.

Luo Chuan felt that this should be the only possibility.

The content of the book is mainly historical. It records the big and small things that happened at the beginning of the establishment of the City of Steel. Due to the age too long, there are also many legends whose authenticity needs to be discussed.

"There are elves in both Tianlan Continent and Koruo World. Does this represent a special connection between the two worlds?" Yao Ziyan whispered.

Luo Chuan paused slightly when he flipped through the book.

The elves mentioned in "The Diary of the End Master" written by Soul Lock should be the real news. In other words, there is a race of elves in Tianlan Continent, but it has never appeared in front of the world. In front of them, there are also creatures called elves, and it is hard not to connect the two.

However, Luo Chuan quickly rejected this speculation.

"There is something wrong with your guessing direction."

"Eh, why?"

"You only saw the elves. What about other races, humans needless to say, there are also those monsters, elemental creatures, etc., don't they all have a common place?"

Yao Ziyan thought about it carefully, and could only sigh softly: "Well, that's also... Hey, it doesn't seem to be right!"

"Huh?" Luochuan was puzzled this time.

"The more similar places, doesn't that mean the deeper the connection between the two worlds?" Yao Ziyan found an angle that Luo Chuan hadn't noticed.

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