Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1792: One must hang

The Lord of the End will last forever. He was born with the world and will live forever with the world. Even a goddess cannot completely destroy him. His power will eventually sweep the entire world, and everything will meet the end of the day. Coming to the world, bathed in the glory of the Lord of the End.

The above is the concept that every member of the Holy See must be familiar with. If Luochuan knows it, he will definitely point out the mistakes. There has never been a so-called eternal immortality in the world. The void is vast, and the universe is born at all times. With death, the gods will also fall. The so-called eternal existence is pure nonsense.

But from the perspective of a mortal, billions of years are indeed no different from eternity.

Second, is the Lord of the End really a god? Luo Chuan was skeptical of this. He was also instilled in some strange things by the system on weekdays, including the information of the gods. Having godliness does not mean that he is a god. It also needs some kind of "authority." The Lord is at best a godlike existence.

The crisscrossing cracks resemble hideous wounds on the ground. The semi-molten magma lake is full of smoke, the gurgling water gushes from the depths of the canyon, the clouds are turbulent, and the thunder is endless, rainstorms are brewing, mountains and rivers are overturned, and the entire area The landform is completely earth-shaking.

The destruction caused by the battle of the super-powerful is extremely terrifying. In addition, the black scales and the white spider monsters belong to the kind of mentally problematic guys, and they don’t care how much movement they cause. Some areas in the air are still The abnormal distortion can be clearly seen, and the energy has completely transformed the normality of that part of the space.

Over time, this influence may gradually disappear, but that is already a long, long time later.

The result of the battle was not unexpected. Black Scale won the final victory and converted the ancient creature into a "part" of himself. If he uses his abilities in the future, the shadow condensed by the black mist will also appear as a Nerubian Image.

The black scale is chewing on a limb of the spider demon. The corrosive blood will not affect him. In addition, he was also injured in the battle just now. These creatures that have survived from ancient times to the present have special abilities. There are several hideous wounds on his body, among which the head and chest are the most eye-catching.

The head was shaved off a little and a half, and a hole was broken in the position of the chest. If it were placed on an ordinary creature, the injury of this degree would have been cold enough, but it did not cause much impact on the black scales. It was almost full-bodied. The substantial black mist was surging around the wound, repairing at an extremely fast speed.

The impact of the gifts of the gods is great, and the black scales no longer feel that they belong to the category of normal creatures.

In fact, he didn't want to fight at first.

Hei Lin also knows the words "Zhongyu" and "Origin Mall", and trying to find that place in Zhongyu is completely a needle in a haystack. The Tianlan Continent is really too big, and I don't know when to find it.

Hei Lin thinks that he belongs to the more normal kind among the many high-ranking members of the Holy See, and can use rational thinking to judge the current situation, so it is better to ask the intelligent creatures he meets.

But he didn’t know where he was. He didn’t meet any species that could talk to. Maybe it was because of his brain twitching or other reasons. He directly hit the ground with a black fog bomb, preparing to attack the ancient creatures sleeping here. Ask, and that's it.

Hei Lin is a bit unable to understand, isn't he just asking for directions, as for such a big reaction? It's a pity that you succeeded in killing yourself. In the end, I couldn't ask where the Origin Mall is. It seems that I can only continue to look for it. I hope that the direction I chose is right.

The last thing was sent to the entrance, and he chewed a few times and swallowed his belly. The damaged parts of the body were basically repaired by the black fog. This injury seems to be better than the last time the Lord of the End came through the sacrifice. More serious, but these are two completely different concepts.

Sacrifice requires the original black fog of oneself, the arm is only the carrier, the injury just received is only the damage to the body, the original black fog has not lost much, it is not difficult to recover, this can be regarded as another convenience after receiving the gift of the gods Place.

"Oh, it seems that the movement is quite big."

At this time, Black Scale finally noticed the impact of the battle on the surrounding environment. Of course, he just noticed it. He is a pure villain. Is it necessary to spend time to restore this place?

Although it wasn't as beautiful as the mountains and rivers, at least it was still visible. As for now... it's almost the end of the world, and the violent energy even changed the celestial phenomenon in this area.

The pitch-black clouds are boiling, the black mist lingers in the mid-air, the white liquid turns into lakes, the place where the ground and the "white lake water" touch has completely turned into a crystalline state, and the faint white mist has changed The surface of the lake rises, and when it comes in contact with the black mist, it will make ear-piercing noises.

This is the blood that the white spider demon shed during the battle, which is extremely corrosive and toxic. The blood contained in the huge body is an extremely terrifying amount. This battlefield should take a long, long time to gradually recover.

Hei Lin shook his neck, and he decided to continue to search for Origin Mall. The black mist rose up, and his figure slowly dissipated like an illusion under the black mist.

Perhaps in the future there will be wise races who stumble upon this area and use it as a "battlefield of the gods", holy ground or forbidden ground. There may also be lucky ones who find fragments and fangs left by the white spider demon as their own cards. , Step by step to the pinnacle of the world.

That is another story.

Yaogu, the filming plan is proceeding in an orderly manner under the guidance of Luochuan. Most of the filming has been done before I came here. In addition, the main actors are in good condition, so the progress is also very fast. Judging from the current situation, it is very fast. It can be completely completed.

After the filming is completed, Luochuan may make up on a whim or modify the plot in front. It won't be too troublesome to think about it.

As for the filming set of the movie, any unrelated members have been completely banned from entering a few days ago. In this regard, those in Medicine Valley who have nothing to do and want to watch the excitement complain and complain, and they will not really do anything about it. It was also anticipated.

Of course, if you really want to see the final shooting scene, you can go to the boss in advance to ask for an irrelevant role of the runner, but at the beginning, the quota for the runner has been divided up, so you can only wait until the shooting is completed. Saw the movie.

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