Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1787: Long-lost experience of motion sickness

The breeze is cool, the deep white sky can vaguely see the fuzzy silhouette of the moon, the rising sun is behind the mountains, and there are pedestrians on the streets that are still a little moist, and the mist is rising, very Almost fainted in the air.

These smoking places are basically restaurants and restaurants. Ordinary residents of Jiuyao City can’t make such a big noise when cooking. They usually cook food in the kitchen using heating-type formations, and at the same time gather wind. The formation method will exhaust the oily smoke out of the room. For details, please refer to gas stove and range hood.

After such a process, the water mist produced by cooking has long been invisible-you go to the city in the morning, and ordinary people can see smoke in their homes, either on fire or other emergencies. This book pays attention to the details. You rarely see this in other places.

Luochuan and his party marched from the origin mall to the gate of Jiuyao City. With the experience of the last time, everyone behaved like a car. It would be better if Yao Ziyue and Bai Yu didn't fight because of a bunch of candied gourds. .

Those early risers curiously watched them pass by, inspired by Qichuan’s voice. Now the news program of Jiuyao City has developed more and more mature. Basically every resident knows Luochuan, which is the legendary Origin Mall. If you don’t even know him, the boss of Jiuyao would be considered a waste of living in Jiuyao City for so long.

Passing through the gates under the gaze of a group of city guards, they have already experienced it once before, and they have already taken it off. Holding magical phones, cards, or the breakfast they just bought, the air is full of richness. Food taste.

Xia Yu was filled with emotion.

As the commander of the Guards, although it is not a system, looking at the unreliable behavior of his colleagues in front of him, he began to miss the scene when he was still in the Guards. It was really nostalgic. He was fighting with his men. When the landlord was a general, he was always victorious.

Putting aside the psychological activities of a certain guard army commander for the time being, everyone quickly came to the top of the central teleportation formation. With the last experience, Luochuan calmly began to buff himself, holy blessing, holy light protection, and spiritual holy. Song, the ultimate chant, God’s wish...

A lot of spiritual magic was exerted on him, Luochuan's whole person instantly became dazzling, at first glance he looked like a 999-level propaganda figure in the page game, the brilliant light escaped from his whole body, and it was like a substantial light barrier. Protect him completely.

The sudden change caused everyone to fall into a circle of confusion. They didn't understand what a certain boss was doing.

Yao Ziyan was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a dumbfounded expression. It was obvious that she had guessed why Luochuan did this.

"What is the boss doing?" Bai Yu asked Yao Ziyue in a low voice. The conflict between the two of them due to the candied haws had disappeared, and the only members of the 1.2-meter-two combination chose to follow.

Frost has never been very interested in filming. She was pulled over by Anvia before. Now that the dragon girl is watching the door, Frost will naturally choose to nest in the Origin Mall and use the holographic device. As for the black bird, it is purely because she followed it some time ago. Luochuan Genius Dibao has eaten too much and needs to be digested and absorbed through sleep.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyue shook his head first, and was suddenly shocked after thinking about it, "Yaogu won't have an ambush waiting for us, right?!"

Other members of the crew looked at it.

Qing Yuan touched the demon Ziyan's arm: "I think your sister has a talent for writing novels."

Yao Ziyan rolled her eyes: "She is pure brain pumping, and has nothing to do with talent."

All in all, because the demon Ziyue’s words were amazing, everyone’s attention even shifted from Luo Chuan to her, and a certain boss, who seemed to be wearing a godlike costume, finally concealed the almost bright and blind special effects. He didn't expect to cause such a big movement, it was purely the inspiration from seeing Xu Youwei fighting before and itching to try his abilities.

From the opening of the store to the present, Luochuan has actually encountered only a handful of battles, and he has not even had a few chances to experiment with magic. In order to make himself feel better after the teleportation, he will naturally not miss this opportunity, so he has a brainstorm. All the mental power magic that I knew was applied.

A certain boss now feels good about himself-mainly psychologically.

It was the same teleportation process as last time. The central teleportation array began to operate. A soap bubble-like thing formed around them, and things outside were distorted, just like what you can see from a fast-moving train. All went away at a very fast speed.

In the space channel created by the formation, there will always be some weird scenes, like mirage-like phantoms, brighter than the aurora, just like the light of the universe, and anything that is recognized by common sense is distorted here. , It is usually not a problem to approach without death.

It may be due to the relatively long distance. It took a lot more time to reach Medicine Valley than the last time I went to Lingyun Academy. It was almost half an hour, and then shadowy and phantom-like objects appeared around the "Space Bubble".

As if time were going backwards, the spreading scenes quickly converged from all directions and turned into entities.

The feeling of being down-to-earth came, and the breeze mingled with the breath of special elixir was blowing in, and various sounds of nature came to the ears again, but Luochuan was not in the mood to appreciate the unique scenery of the Medicine Valley at all. Came to a bush somewhere on the side of the road and squatted down.

Several customers, including Bu Lige, Chen Yiyi, and Luo Chuan had similar reactions. Several people squatted in a row and vomited.

"Well, why does the boss have such a big reaction?" Qingyuan is a little suspicious of her eyes. The spatial transmission will cause a physical burden on the user, which is mainly manifested in the loss of sense of space. The specific reaction is vomiting, and the spirit reaches a certain level. The strength can be completely unaffected.

"Maybe the boss wants to experience the feeling of ordinary people's spatial teleportation." Yao Ziyue said casually.

Everyone thought for a while, and suddenly felt that what she said was reasonable. According to a certain boss’s personality and daily behavior, she could indeed do it, plus the dozens of spiritual types of magic that Luochuan had imposed on her body before departure. Ziyue's words became well-founded and convincing.

Now that the truth was discovered, everyone stopped paying attention to the scene in front of them and began to appreciate the scenery of Medicine Valley. Most of them came to Medicine Valley for the first time, a holy place in the minds of countless pharmacists. Extraordinary life outside also has great attraction.

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