Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1780: Breath from home

Originally, Yao Ziyan was thinking of injecting magic power into the contact device to contact Osiya, but Luo Chuan did not agree, mainly because he felt that people would definitely take a rest at this time, and the jet lag issue is aside for the time being, even if the contact is made again. How? Do you really want to chat casually with Yao Ziyan as he said? God knows that Othia will make up for something weird...

Chimera watched Luochuan and Yao Ziyan disappear again within a few minutes after appearing, shook his head, and continued to sleep curled up. As a beast, he naturally regarded mixed eating and death as his vocation, and the world yelled. , Sakura passed away silently, but it had nothing to do with it.

The deserted and remote streets, where darkness occupies like ink, the lights in the distance are completely blocked, and the night sky is full of stars like a sea of ​​smoke. You can only vaguely see the vague shadows of two moons, one big and one small, and the moonlight is extremely dim here.

In the darkness, the space seemed to be disturbed and rippled like water waves. If a senior mage happened to observe this scene, he would be surprised, because the whole process did not involve any flow of magic, as if the space was distorted by itself. , The probability of this occurrence does not know how many zeros after the decimal point.

Soon, two illusory figures quietly emerged from the ripples of space, and they solidified quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The whole process was like a line draft being colored, but in just a few seconds, Luochuan and Yao Ziyan were sent there. Another civilized area not far from the coffee shop.

Luo Chuan shook his head, the dizziness brought about by the space transmission quickly disappeared, and then he sneezed into a big sneeze. He sniffed and frowned, "What's this smell?"

Yao Ziyan also frowned, trying to distinguish the special substances contained in the air: "According to the message on the magic phone, this is the'magic smoke' generated when the dwarves are forging and mining ore. It is not harmful to health. Cause too much impact, at best it just doesn't smell good."

"Magic smoke and dust?" Luo Chuan muttered, "I think this is the breath of hometown."

He had never thought that he could still feel the "breath of hometown" in another world besides the Celestial Land Continent. Life is really amazing.

"The breath of my hometown?" Yao Ziyan blinked, and did not understand what Luochuan was talking about, so he guessed according to his own understanding, "The world where the boss first lived is also the development of magic like Dwarf City? Forging and mining veins?"

"Um... I remember I told you this before." Luo Chuan felt that from a certain angle, Yao Ziyan's words seemed correct.

"Really, that's what I remembered wrong..."

The smell of'magic smoke and dust' in the air is very strange, just like the weird smell of various exhaust gases, smog, and many chemical exhaust gases. It is not so pungent, and it does make people feel uncomfortable at first glance. , But soon Luochuan didn't feel much.

This phenomenon can almost be classified as the body’s ability to adapt. When in a special environment for a long time, the body will ignore the special features of the environment on its own. It can only be noticed when returning to the normal environment and entering the special environment again. different places.

The location of the teleportation is still a remote area with no human traces. This is to protect the world management of the original inhabitants of this world. If you see two aliens appearing in front of you with a white light, you will not be calm. The system is still very good in this respect. reliable.

Saintia is a city built by humans and belongs to the Kingdom of Rose. Just like the name of this country, the whole country is full of artistic atmosphere, and most of the buildings in the city also have a feeling similar to French Baroque.

Relatively speaking, the city built by this dwarf is a completely different style. There are not many complicated decorations, simple, heavy, and rough, and there is not much simple feeling, which is in line with Luochuan's mind about the city of dwarves. impression.

Of course, it is not the Medieval appearance that most people imagine, but an alternative magic style. Various channels for the transmission of magic power are laid in the air, and you can see all kinds of magic power as energy. Huge machinery, vehicles...

We must know that different civilizations have different technological trees. Just like Tianlan Continent, people even point out space teleportation. Is it lagging behind the earth? It is possible that some civilizations can easily control gravity and gravity, or they are trapped in the atmosphere.

There are so many worlds, it shouldn't be used in other worlds with the inherent world view.

Speaking of a dwarf city, there are not only dwarves. They account for only about half of the proportion. The rest are other races living here, humans, orcs, goblins... and even demons with sharp horns, their number. It's even less.

Maybe it was influenced by the dwarf's living habits. People living here are more or less contaminated with their habits, such as those who like to drink.

Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan walked on the wide pavement made of slabs of stone. What he saw most were the forging shop with hot fire and the tavern with wine barrels stacked by the door. Humans and dwarves crossed their backs and talked and laughed. , There is even a strong alcohol in the air.

"This is a dwarf." Yao Ziyan looked at a dwarf in armor walking by his side and exclaimed.

The opponent's height is only half of hers, her arms are thicker than her waist, the beard is as thick as weeds, and the body is wearing enchanted armor. It seems that all male dwarves have beards, so they can't tell by this. Their age.

Luochuan’s feeling is similar to that of Yao Ziyan. When he was in Oran, he hadn’t encountered the species of dwarf very much. Now seeing dwarves who are similar to wine barrels coming and going around, this feeling is not to mention strange. , It's just like I grew a lot taller inexplicably.

"What are we doing here?" Luo Chuan couldn't help asking. He and Yao Ziyan were walking on the road, but they didn't attract the attention of many people. At most, it was because their two weird costumes liked the two. Now, if you want to come to this city, you should be visited by outsiders frequently.

"I don't know." Yao Ziyan shook his head, then yawned, "I'm a little sleepy, let's go back, boss?"

Luochuan: "..."

So pulling him over is simply wanting to come here for a stroll? Luo Chuan felt that she might not be able to figure out the thoughts of her shop assistants, but she could tell at a glance what she thought, the world is really unfair...

Yao Ziyan looked at Luo Chuan brainstorming there, and couldn't help feeling a little funny, and she got a little closer and took his arm.

Luo Chuan was letting his thoughts fly there, and suddenly he felt a soft touch on his arm. He turned back, Yao Ziyan was looking at him with a smile, and the world seemed to lose its color in those purple glaze eyes. The stars are also bleak... well, it is a bit exaggerated to say that, but Yao Ziyan rarely does such intimacy when he is outside on weekdays. What is going on today?

"The boss hasn't walked here with me for a long time."

"I don't think it's too much...well, well, I will accompany you often in the future."

Luo Chuan quickly changed her mouth after her arm was pinched by the demon Ziyan, because of her posture, it was not easy for her to do so.

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