Fantasy: God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1513: Detective story

The mineral water sold in Origin Mall has the effect of randomly improving qualifications.

But there is a prerequisite, it must be the first time to be effective.

Of course, the price of up to 10,000 Lingjing is here, and most customers have no chance to experience it.

Ordinary practitioners still occupy the highest proportion of customers.

For them, even if they buy a bottle of Coke worth ten spirit crystals, they have to plan carefully. If it is a last resort, it will never be wasted.

If the mineral water is drunk for the second time, it will be no different from ordinary water. At most, it will taste better and taste clearer.

Apart from that, there are no special effects.

After all, the matter of upgrading qualifications is already special enough, if it can be improved without limit...

That's purely outrageous, and in the end, maybe the saints are all over the place and it's more than just talking.

This group of rich sea monsters are willing to use mineral water as their daily drink. According to their words, this can fully supplement the body's water element.

Therefore, different world views have different perspectives on things.

Fortunately, the rest place is still Luochuan and the others, and they have become accustomed to Elena's behavior.

"I'm talking about the novel written by the boss." Yao Ziyan answered An Weiya's question with a smile.

Suddenly, An Weiya took a sip of the Coke placed here, and emphasized: "Although I have said it before, I still want to say it again. Our dragons are definitely not like in the novel."

"I know." Luo Chuan suddenly thought of something, "By the way, the place where your dragons live is not Tianlan Continent, right?"

"Yes." An Weiya nodded.

"Can we go over and take a look?" Luo Chuan asked.

Thinking about the world in which the dragon lives, he was very curious about it. Judging from Anvia's performance, there is definitely a huge difference between the world in which the dragon lives and the Tianlan Continent.

Just like those cities built by sea monsters living in the depths of the sea, Luochuan even felt that he had come to a world dominated by magic when I first saw it.

An Weiya thought about it seriously: "It's not impossible..."

This time it was Luo Chuan's turn to be surprised. Originally, he thought An Weiya would directly and categorically reject it like the system just now. After all, the dragon girl is always mysterious and doesn't reveal anything when it comes to certain things.

"The world of the dragon race?!" Yao Ziyan and Elena's reactions were similar to those of Luochuan, and it seemed that An Weiya's words also aroused their interest.

"Of course not now." An Weiya continued, "I will invite you to come and see if I have the opportunity in the future."

"From now on..." Luo Chuan rubbed his forehead, he didn't like this word very much, "Then I will wait for you to invite me."

Elena was still about to say something, but An Weiya grabbed her arm and walked to the door: "Hey, what are you doing for me?"

An Weiya ignored Elena's words, and smiled at Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan: "Ahem, what? We have to leave before we have things."

An Weiya said, ignoring Elena's protest, and led her out of the room. From this, it can be concluded that the strength of the sea monster is definitely not comparable to that of the dragon...

"What are you doing? I still have questions to ask the boss?"

"You can ask anytime, don't you have to say it now, don't you think it's a bit inappropriate for us to stay there all the time?"

"Well... it's also..."

The conversation between An Weiya and Elena did not deliberately hide from Luo Chuan and Yao Ziyan, maybe they had deliberately let them hear it, and gradually disappeared as they walked away.

"The two of them are really interesting." Yao Ziyan said with a smile after retracting his gaze.

Luo Chuan said absently.

Xu was because he announced the holiday, Xuefeng Pavilion was much deserted than usual, and he didn't know where all those customers went to play.

The same is true for the hot spring area.

If at this time in the past, there would usually be a few people chatting, playing cards and the like, but now he and Yao Ziyan are two people.

But having said that, I just took a bath...No, the demon purple smoke who has soaked in the hot spring has a gentle feeling on his body compared to normal days.

Of course, this is not to say that Yao Ziyan is usually not gentle, but relatively speaking, no matter when she is the most beautiful in Luochuan's heart.

Luo Chuan was thinking wildly, but he didn't hear Yao Ziyan's words at all.

"Boss." Yao Ziyan hesitated and leaned his body.

Feeling the softness coming from his side, Luo Chuan finally recovered his mind: "Ah, what's the matter?"

"I haven't told me the idea you just mentioned." Yao Ziyan put away the magic phone and made an appearance of listening carefully.

"Oh, this matter." Luo Chuan sat up a little bit, "Herman remember?"

"The boss of Dream Building Firm?" Yao Ziyan had an impression of Herman.

"Yes, it's him." Luo Chuan nodded.

"Well, what then?"

"Herman's profession is a detective, right? My thoughts are related to detectives."

Related to the detective...

There are no books of this type on the magic phone, which is completely blank.

Basically, most types of works are related to cultivation, even the fairy city.

"A novel of detective type?" Yao Ziyan came in interest.

"To put it simply, the protagonist in the book is a detective who uses clues to infer the truth of the matter." Luo Chuan thought for a while and said.

"It sounds interesting, when will the boss write it down?" Yao Ziyan is more concerned about whether he can see this work.

"This is not in a hurry, at least you have to wait until the filming is over." Luo Chuan took out two cups of milk tea from the system space, "After all, it's so busy now, I don't have time."

Yao Ziyan: "..."

She held the milk tea that Luo Chuan handed over, and she was speechless for a while.

How did you say this, boss, without changing your face?

Yao Ziyan sighed in her heart. Fortunately, she had long been used to Luochuan's lazy character.

In addition, I haven't drunk milk tea for a long time, and it tastes as good as always.

Yao Ziyan held the milk tea in both hands, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Luo Chuan drank milk tea and glanced at Yao Ziyan, always feeling like she had seen her appearance somewhere.

He touched his chin and began to think, and Chimera's figure quickly appeared in his mind.

Luo Chuan looked at Yao Ziyan again.


It's really, very similar.

Chimera also shows this expression when he eats delicious food.

So who is the two of them affecting whom?

Luo Chuan was very curious about the answer to this question.

...Who influenced his curiosity?

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